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Atomic Eagle II: The Price of Freedom - Development

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  • #16
    If you want any help with ToT rules or events, just ask.
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


    • #17
      I probably will, thanks


      • #18
        I have 81 unit slots available. Let's pretend that 5 are used for "special" units.

        The Naval units will be:

        Landing Craft (Non Civ Specific)
        Destroyer (Non Civ Specific)
        Submarine (Non Civ Specific)

        *Must Have units*

        Ground - German:

        German Infantry - Medium Attack / Low Defense

        German SS Trooper - Heavy Attack / Medium Defense

        German Fallshirmjager (Paratroopers) - Medium Attack / Low Defense with Paradrop.

        German Rocketeer - Heavy Attack / Low Defense with "Helo"

        German Undead Infantry - Heavy Attack / High Defense "Combination of Defense" attributes (psych factor)

        German Panzer Grenadier (Mechanized Infantry) - Medium Attack / Medium Defense

        German E-25 (Medium Tank) - Heavy Attack / Medium Defense

        German E-50/75 (Heavy Main Battle Tank) - Heavy Attack / High Defense

        Ground - American:

        American Infantry - Medium Attack / Low Defense

        American Army Rangers/Marines - Heavy Attack / Medium Defense

        American Paratroopers - Medium Attack / Low Defense with Paradrop.

        American Mechanized Infantry - Medium Attack / Medium Defense

        American Sherman - Medium Attack / Low Defense

        American M26 Pershing - Medium Attack / Medium Defense

        American M48 Patton - Heavy Attack / Medium Defense

        American Guerillas - Medium Attack / Low Defense

        Now these outlines are just basic stats. I can see the American tanks being more mobile and having more movement points.

        What other ground units should I include? Canadian units under US command? Mexican guerillas? Artillery? I would like a well rounded combination. I have 57 open slots now.


        • #19


          - Fighters

          P-38 Lightning

          P-51 Mustang

          F-80 Shooting Star

          F-84 Thunderjet/Thunderstreak (Fixed or Swept wings?)?

          F-86 Sabre

          F-89 Scorpion?

          F-94 Starfire?

          - Bombers

          A-1H Skyraider

          B-29 Superfortress

          B-36 Peacemaker


          - Fighters

          Horten Ho 229 (Fighter Variant)

          Me 262?

          Me Libelle

          Me P.1101


          Focke-Wulf Fw Ta 400 Heavy Bomber

          Junkers "Unnamed" Ground Attack Aircraft


          • #20
            I'm not much of a fan of a set of units where there is a lot of near-duplication of A/D's. For example, would American and Canadian infantry have significantly different A/D's except for the Canucks better high sticking and cross-checking abilities? Irregulars (guerrillas) could be interesting if they have enhanced x-country movement and a high D to model their ability to hide and escape from the enemy as the mujahadeen did in Afghanistan.

            Artillery would be critical if there will be a need to deal with city walls.

            BTW, I am probably missing some info because I have not yet tried AE I, but what are the Waffen SS Zombies all about?
            Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

            Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
            Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


            • #21
              Well, the duplication would be very basic as both armies would have troops of near ability. The whole A/D stat thing is just to show similar attributes. The finished units will have the extra abilities added in to make them diversified so it's not so generic.

              As for the Zombies, well, in the first AE, if you found a certain signal flare in the first part of the game you could go on a secret mission. This mission was to hike to Nepal with some ski troopers and ransack a Tibetan Monastery for the secrets that lay within. The Tibetan Monks protected the monastery by sending the living dead after you. These are similar to the real German expeditions to the Far East in the beginning of the real WWII.

              So anyways, you beat the monks and brought back the secrets of the Tibetan Monastery. Halfway through AEI Rommel tells you he's going away on an important mission. This mission, supposedly, was to work on the dark arts that the Tibetan Monks guarded.

              Long story short, Occult driven Zombie Nazis.


              • #22
                How about this. I eliminate the mech infantry for the Americans and bring in a jeep recon.


                • #23
                  Alright, I need Elite Canadian units from WW2, anyone got a name?


                  • #24
                    AFAIK, the only elite Canadian unit in WWII and subsequent years was the 1st Parachute Battalion. It was disbanded after an uproar about some highly questionable behaviour in Somalia.

                    Perhaps you might keep the American mech inf and add a recce unit. By '45, the American army was highly motorized, and independent tank and artillery units were available to support whatever infantry units needed them. To all intents and purposes, infantry could become mechanized infantry as needed.

                    A recce unit would be great. In most instances, with aireal photography and wireless intercepts, commanders should have at least some idea of what they are facing and would not have to blindly attack enemy cities.

                    I don't have a copy of my post (currently in the SL Twilight Zone at Poly) on a simple recce unit based on Nemo's little jeep in Second Front but I do have copies of the altered rules and game files. Let me know if these might be of use. The unit can only identify enemy units (no big deal), investigate cities (big deal) and run like hell (very big deal).
                    Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                    Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                    Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
                      Alright, I need Elite Canadian units from WW2, anyone got a name?

                      The Devil's Brigade

                      Combined U.S.-Canadian Force

                      General Marshall concluded that an elite force recruited in Canada and the United States would be the best military organization for conducting the raids and strikes; he selected an American, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Tryon Frederick, to assemble, organize, train, and command the U.S.-Canadian 1st Special Service Force.

                      Made up of three regiments of two battalions each, the unit became a separate branch of the service, with the crossed arrows of the Indian Scouts, by then inactivated, as its insignia. The men were trained in demolitions, rock-climbing, amphibious assault, and ski techniques, and were given basic airborne instruction.


                      THE BLACK DEVIL BRIGADE:

                      THE BLACK DEVIL BRIGADE: The True Story of America's WWII super-elite First Special Services Force. Prepared by Joseph A. Springer. Formed in Montana by U.S. and Canadian army volunteers, the innocuously named 1st Special Service Force was to have undertaken virtually suicidal deep raids against German-controlled hydroelectric facilities in Norway and the Italian Alps.

                      Its members were the toughest of the tough in both armies-mainly hard-rock miners, skiers, and outdoorsman determined to close with the enemy while the majority of their countrymen waited for the far-off invasion of Europe. This virtually unknown unit, referred to simply as 'The Force' and unofficially as "The Devil's Brigade" had a combined strength of 2,500 men & suffered 2,300+ casualties including over 400 KIA/MIA during non-stop combat from Nov. 1943 - Nov. 1944.

                      Its original mission cancelled at the last minute, the superbly trained Force--as it was known to its members--was rushed to battle in the Aleutian Islands, where it took part in the tragicomic milk-run invasion of Kiska. Next, filled out by a fresh batch of volunteers from Canada and the United States, the Force was rushed to Italy, where it was used as a fire brigade, undertaking impossible missions for the U.S. Fifth Army.

                      It was in the deadly hill masses on the way to Rome that the Force earned its deadly reputation on both sides of the battle line--the can-do deadlock destroyers of the Fifth Army. Committed to the Anzio invasion, the Force carved an even deeper image on the darkest fears of its German adversaries. Incessant night raids were carried into the German rear, where at times dozens of German soldiers were silently slain and left dead for their increasingly fearful countrymen to see. During the long deadlock at Anzio, the Force night raiders were dubbed Schwartzer Teufel--Black Devils--by elite German battle formations as a mark of respect and fear.

                      Shortly after the breakout from Anzio, a dozen hand-picked Forcemen were the first Allied soldiers to enter Rome. The legend grew, but the Force was ground down. Often misused as line infantry, the risk-taking Forcemen suffered disproportionate casualties when closing with the enemy.

                      Following a key role in the invasion of southern France in 1944 and the loss of its nine-times-wounded commander to higher command, the Force eventually was withdrawn from combat and shut down, its Canadian contingent dispersed as combat fillers and its American contingent used as the core of a new standard infantry regiment. But the Force lives on.

                      In Canada, Forcemen and the Force ethos formed the basis of the Canadian Army's elite Special Air Service, and in the United States Army the Force is the direct lineal ancestor of the heralded Special Forces. The stuff of legends-and an overzealous movie-the Force story is even more exciting than the public has realized.
                      Last edited by Leonidas; May 6, 2005, 23:37.


                      • #26
                        @ Agricola: Ok, the mechs can stay. I think a jeep recce would be a great idea, seeing as the battlefield will be quite large. Since it would only be used by the Human player I see no problems with giving it a scaled back diplo role. Quick and spry would be the way to go, with little if any attack points. I've seen Fairline's Jeep and i think it would be a good unit to have.

                        @ Leonidas: That's almost the same wiki entry I found. The Devil's Brigade would be a perfect unit to include. Made up of both U.S. and Candian soliders, I think it will fit in quite well. Do they have an insignia or was it totally black ops?


                        • #27
                          This is a request for Tech. Is there a decent event guide for ToT so I can get the Flag designation and unit pop events to work correctly? I want to also include a dynamic city capture/ unit pop event ladder in the game to depict German reinforcements in response to an American advance. I'll need to know exactly how the flags work and how many techs I might need to use for any sort of nesting for the ladder to work.


                          • #28
                            Wait, I found it.
                            Attached Files


                            • #29
                              I'm going to include 6 "hero" units in the game:

                              The Devil's Brigade
                              Dave Austin
                              Sgt. Rock

                              Reaper's Hand
                              Elsa Von Totenkopf
                              Baron Übel
                              Last edited by Harry Tuttle; May 7, 2005, 01:09.


                              • #30
                                Harry, the word "Todeskopf" does not exist in German. Might you want Totenkopf (skull or death's head) for the fair Elsa?
                                Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                                Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                                Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.

