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Atomic Eagle II: The Price of Freedom - Development

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  • Atomic Eagle II: The Price of Freedom - Development

    Progress Report:

    City Placement - 100%
    City Historical Population Estimate - 100%
    City Improvement Placement - 100%
    Terrain Improvement Placement - 100%
    Historic Rail Line Placement - 100%
    Dynamic Food Routes - 100%
    Unit Placement - 0%
    Unit Creation - 25%
    Tech Tree - 25%
    Events - 0%
    Sounds - 50%
    Icon Art- 50%
    Unit Art - 5%
    Terrain Art - 95%
    City Art - 100%
    Overall Gameplay Values: 50%

    Current Import to ToT: 0%
    Playtest: 0%
    Last edited by Harry Tuttle; May 1, 2005, 20:00.

  • #2
    You got the food supply fixed?

    Great show!


    • #3

      There will be three distinct food producing regions that will be strategically important in the scenario. The region specific triggers will be flagged events that rely on four major cities from each region being captured to work. Once the cities are captured the intermediary cities will be wiped off the map by a change terrain event, effectively cutting the food supply route and plunging the end route cities into a food shortage.


      I finally got off my ass to do the work today.


      • #4
        Will this be like the last one with different phases, or will you be able to play as the Reich or what have you right from the start?


        • #5
          He intends to create a RedFront-esque scen, with the Human Player as the US.
          Indifference is Bliss


          • #6
            There will be no phases in this one. There might be a batch file or two to run, but the gameplay will be like Red Front.

            I may include a few mini-scenarios to play, like I did with the "SS Assault" scenario in the first game, but there will be no weird switchovers or reloading.

            In essence, this will be a strategic slugfest. No bones about it.

            And yes, the game will be designed to be played as the U.S. with the Germans as the main AI civ. You can however choose to play as a few of the other civs if you wish, but only if you are up to a major challenge.


            • #7
              This one is bound to be a winner!

              Do you plan to use the full ToT unit slots?



              • #8
                Yep, every single one. Complete with a few heroic units.


                • #9
                  Glad to see this is up and running again Harry! I'll try to have the title ready for aproval faster than you can say "Uncle Sam Wants You".

                  So you say we can choose to play as afew other civ's eh? Does this mean Canada and Mexico would be playable? That would certainly make for challenge in itself is it was the case.


                  • #10
                    Cool I'll have to think about the playability factor of Canada and Mexico. I don't want any friendly suffocation from unit movement to occur. Maybe I'll have a different ruleset if a player wants to play as the other Civs.


                    • #11
                      I have some canadian specific ww2 units if you want them, Ram tanks and a kangaroo APC, basicly a ram mk1 or ram mk2 with the turret removed,
                      plus many sextons used ram tank chassises as a base,
                      if you do include canada, all you would probably need is the infantry and mabe the kangaroo carrier, other than that us tanks and aircraft would probably work,
                      I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                      Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                      Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                      • #12
                        No pressure to include my home and native land there Harry, I just assumed Canada was one of the civ's you mentioned when you stated that there would be afew other more challenging civ's to choose from, not that the US wouldn't be challenge enough.

                        Truth be told, I'd rather play as the United States in any case as it only stands to reason that since the war will either be won or lost on American soil, both Canadian and Mexican governments would commit they're regular forces and volunteers to fight for America on American soil itself. Also I'd tend to agree Harry that if you make Canada and Mexico too strong as they're own civ's you'd likely get wayward Mexican units marching into Arizona or California and Canadians marching into Upstate New York .

                        Also, though I'm still not up to the level of Curt and Gareth when it comes to unit design, I've learned quite a bit working on Jules Verne and I'd love to help should I ever be needed on this project.


                        • #13
                          Thanks guys I will probably be asking for some help later on when I get the units fleshed out. The Canadians will most likely have some of the better Commonwealth units and the Mexicans will have a guerilla unit that can be gained by events.


                          • #14
                            Where is the war fought, the USA or Europe?


                            • #15
                              North America, more specifically the continental United States.

