The Great Library
Community Threads[list=1][*]Scenario League Wiki [*]Scenario League CivGroup [*]CIV2 News Office Thread[*]The Civ 2 Source Code Petition [/list=1]
Graphics Showcases[list=1][*]Ancient/Pre-Steam Unit Graphics[*]Industrial Unit Graphics[*]WW2 Unit Graphics[*]Modern Unit Graphics[*]SciFi/Fantasy Unit Graphics[*]Non-Unit Graphics Showcase[/list=1]
Old Showcases[list=1][*]Pre-Steam Graphics Showcase[*]Industrial Graphics Showcase[*]WW2-1979 Graphics Showcase[*]Modern Graphics Showcase[*]Speculative Graphics Showcase[*]NonUnit Graphics Showcase[/list=1]
Forum Administrative Threads:[list=1][*]Proper Credit For Graphics [*]An Artists Right to Post His or Her Creation [*]Scenario Design Contest #5 [*]Scenario Design Contest number 5 [*]A little message about CIV2 versions! [*]SL New Look [*]Important Threads Idea [*]Today is the day [*]The Restoration Aftermath [*]Scenario Design Contest 4 [*]Signatures, Stigmasures! [*]Post Counts - - - Some can be restored [*]My Civ2 Site is up! [*]Skill needed. Please apply.... [*]Test of Time Conversion Project update [*]Getting started making a scenario [/list=1]
UnTopped Graphic Threads:[list=1][*]Flag Request Thread [*]Graphics for Freeciv [*]Cities and stuff [*]Alternate graphics for John Ellis' Boneparte [*]Camo with PSP [*]New gfx for Tech's Roman Civil War [*]La Belle Epoque Graphics Update [*]An anthropomorphic population! [*]ToT StarTrek Conversion [/list=1]
Game Mechanic Threads:
Hex and Code Editing Archives[list=1][*]Using CSPL to Create an Event File For ToT [*]You don't need the source code to make Civ2 better... [*]Everything about Hex-Editing III[*]Everything on Hex Editing [*]Everything about Hex-Editing - UPDATED [*]A little tidbit about Hex Editing. [*]New hex-editing discovery [*]About Hex-Editing (Xin Yu?) [/list=1]
Other[list=1][*]Strategic Food Routes: A "How To" [*]New and Innovative Scenario Concepts [*]I knew the AI took liberties, but ... [*]River Movement [*]Impassable Terrain in TOT [*]SpriteGen Questions [*]Help with Civilopedia. [*]question about locking alliances in .scns [*].BAT files in XP Service Pack 2 [*]Adding New Techs to CIV 2 [*]Infinite Turn Waiting Syndrome [*]The Tech Tree Thread (including a Tech Tree Template) [*]Moving Civs to Other Color Groups ... [*]help with 2194 v2, fixing the money bug of first turn [*]Capitalization as Wealth? [*]New and Innovative Scenario Concepts [*]Maximum map size [*]Converting Colors Using PSP 8.0[*]Deciphering Error Messages [*]Quick Question About Defense Strength [*]Quick event question. [*]negotiations [*]Question about the "Blitz" [*]Beginning Scenario-ing [*]Starting a multi-map scenario for ToT [*]Need choice.bat download [*]Has this been done? [*]ToT events editor [*]Can you make alliances with the Barbarians? [*]question on flags in cities.gif [*]Civ2 Zoom Level Problem [*]Reliving lost wonder [*]Demand/Supply denomination [*]Civ2 still surprises me! [*]Uses for the Spaceship [*]Star Wars ideas [*]Preventing City Founding [*]The Graphics Workshop [*]Civilization II SAV/SCN file format [*]Civ2 DLL Editing Guide [*]A Quick Guide to Making Maps [*]Naming Map Regions [*]Tile Metrics: Improving Terrain Graphics and Road Connectivity [*]The truth about civ2 squares [*]Terrain borders [*]Theories about AI and land mass numbering [*]9 tile Planets [*]New Discovery! Extend Game.txt menus! [*]It IS possible for two cities to be next to each other [*]Domain 3 units [*]Something to reveal: text commands [*]Adding Rivers to a Saved Game file [*]Changing the Civ2 starting directory [*]Help with Events inside the SAV [*]need some help [*]Adding new unit levels?[*]Editing terrain and special resources [/list=1]
Freeciv Specific:[list=1][*]Events For Freeciv 2.0 [/list=1]
Scenario Beta & Release Threads:[list=1][*]Blood & Steel Redux [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available Soon [*]New ICON file for Imp1870 [*]The Great War: Highway to Hell v2 Preview & Discussion [*]Rise of the Third Reich [*]"La Belle Epoque" version upgrade (+ unofficial "Blitzkrieg 1936" v3.1 patch) [*]Work on Hun scenario resumed [*]The West Awakens Beta Release [*]ant dev thread/beta release [*]BATTLEFIELD GETTYSBURG - Preview & Creation Discussion [*]Pax California - Science Fiction Fantasy Scenario Development [*]New Sci-Fi Scenario in works [*]Legend of Atlantis Empire [*]"You'll find our answer at the end of an axe!" - Hammer v2.9 is out! [*]Seeking advice for El Aurens v2 [*]Empire of the Rising Sun Almost Done [*]New near future scenario [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available NOW [*]Warlords of China update [*]DICTATOR ToT - DEVELOPMENT THREAD! [*]MALTA! 0.1 BETA available! [*]Playtesting "The River War v4 beta (for ToT)" [*]Mythological Age Scenario [*]Atomic Eagle II: The Price of Freedom - Development [*]Beta testers needed for new MAFIA scenario [*]"Mafia - La Cosa Nostra" - RELEASED [*]Star Wars scenario... no, seriously! [*]POMARJ Development Thread[*]The West Awakens [*]Non-graphics mods for TOT Red Front Redux [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available NOW [*]PANZER BATTLES on the RIVER CHIR! [*]The Red Storm Cometh! [*]Trojan War [*]DISCWORLD Scenario released! [*]My Iraq-A new chapter scenario [*]Red Front for ToT [*]FRESH RELEASE: Blitzkrieg 1942 v.3 [*]The Battle of Waterloo [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen version 2.0 Release [*]The War for DOOM [*]The Seven Years War [*]Playtesting "The River War v4 beta (for ToT)" [*]Under Seige Redux [*]The World of Jules Verne [*]New Lord of the Rings Scenario [*]Lord of the Rings Scenario, 2nd Edition [*]Need Giga-Map of Japan [*]WIP: Some mythical thingy... [*]Sikelias Basileus: Development [*]French Revolution Scenario [*]Gold And Blood [*]Chechnya: The Caucasian Revolt [*]Roman Civil Wars [*]Spanish Civil War v.3 [*]The American Revolution [*]DISCWORLD II for ToT under development [*]Extermination Is Here![/list=1]
Other:[list=1][*]Should VJ finish his European map? [*]What historical period is missing? [*]Your choice of graphics?[*]Looking for a scenario... [*]favorite scenarios? ever [*]holiday [/list=1]
Ancient Archives:[list=1][*]Massive list of antique CIV2 links [*]The Tour Eiffel Site [*]The Cradle of Civilization (ToT)[/list=1]
Non-Forum Graphical Links - Models & Unit Pictures:
Historical/Military Miniatures, Models and Images[list=1][*][*][*][*] [*] [*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] [*] [/list=1]
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Miniatures[list=1][*][*] [*] [*][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][*] [*] [*] [*][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][*] [*][/list=1]
Mixed Miniatures[list=1][*][*][*] [*] [*][*][*][*][/list=1]
3-D Models[list=1][*][*][/list=1]
Aircraft[list=1][*][*][*][*] [*][*][/list=1]
AFVs (mainly WW1/some WW2)[list=1][*] [*][*] [*] [*][/list=1]
Updated by: HT 3-09-06 (Threads up to 12-31-05 - Game Mechanic Subforum threads moved here)
- What is this thread about? - The Great Library is the directory thread for this forum. It contains a listing of all threads (currently from the Great Cataclysm of April 2005 to December 31st 2005) that have been deemed worthy for repeated retrieval.
- Which threads get listed here? - The basis for listing a thread is simple: Did the discussion create something of value? A valuable thread may discuss a new scenario being created, a new game mechanism found, or even something to do with the general community. Threads that don't answer any sort of question or bring up a fact about Civ (basically Civ2 and its immediate derivatives) are usually not chosen.
- I've got an important thread to list! - Post it and the forum moderators will make sure it gets indexed here.
- Why was this thread created? - This thread was created so as to create an easy and simple way of educating the community and to allow for easy searching of information for scenario builders and players.
Community Threads[list=1][*]Scenario League Wiki [*]Scenario League CivGroup [*]CIV2 News Office Thread[*]The Civ 2 Source Code Petition [/list=1]
Graphics Showcases[list=1][*]Ancient/Pre-Steam Unit Graphics[*]Industrial Unit Graphics[*]WW2 Unit Graphics[*]Modern Unit Graphics[*]SciFi/Fantasy Unit Graphics[*]Non-Unit Graphics Showcase[/list=1]
Old Showcases[list=1][*]Pre-Steam Graphics Showcase[*]Industrial Graphics Showcase[*]WW2-1979 Graphics Showcase[*]Modern Graphics Showcase[*]Speculative Graphics Showcase[*]NonUnit Graphics Showcase[/list=1]
Forum Administrative Threads:[list=1][*]Proper Credit For Graphics [*]An Artists Right to Post His or Her Creation [*]Scenario Design Contest #5 [*]Scenario Design Contest number 5 [*]A little message about CIV2 versions! [*]SL New Look [*]Important Threads Idea [*]Today is the day [*]The Restoration Aftermath [*]Scenario Design Contest 4 [*]Signatures, Stigmasures! [*]Post Counts - - - Some can be restored [*]My Civ2 Site is up! [*]Skill needed. Please apply.... [*]Test of Time Conversion Project update [*]Getting started making a scenario [/list=1]
UnTopped Graphic Threads:[list=1][*]Flag Request Thread [*]Graphics for Freeciv [*]Cities and stuff [*]Alternate graphics for John Ellis' Boneparte [*]Camo with PSP [*]New gfx for Tech's Roman Civil War [*]La Belle Epoque Graphics Update [*]An anthropomorphic population! [*]ToT StarTrek Conversion [/list=1]
Game Mechanic Threads:
Hex and Code Editing Archives[list=1][*]Using CSPL to Create an Event File For ToT [*]You don't need the source code to make Civ2 better... [*]Everything about Hex-Editing III[*]Everything on Hex Editing [*]Everything about Hex-Editing - UPDATED [*]A little tidbit about Hex Editing. [*]New hex-editing discovery [*]About Hex-Editing (Xin Yu?) [/list=1]
Other[list=1][*]Strategic Food Routes: A "How To" [*]New and Innovative Scenario Concepts [*]I knew the AI took liberties, but ... [*]River Movement [*]Impassable Terrain in TOT [*]SpriteGen Questions [*]Help with Civilopedia. [*]question about locking alliances in .scns [*].BAT files in XP Service Pack 2 [*]Adding New Techs to CIV 2 [*]Infinite Turn Waiting Syndrome [*]The Tech Tree Thread (including a Tech Tree Template) [*]Moving Civs to Other Color Groups ... [*]help with 2194 v2, fixing the money bug of first turn [*]Capitalization as Wealth? [*]New and Innovative Scenario Concepts [*]Maximum map size [*]Converting Colors Using PSP 8.0[*]Deciphering Error Messages [*]Quick Question About Defense Strength [*]Quick event question. [*]negotiations [*]Question about the "Blitz" [*]Beginning Scenario-ing [*]Starting a multi-map scenario for ToT [*]Need choice.bat download [*]Has this been done? [*]ToT events editor [*]Can you make alliances with the Barbarians? [*]question on flags in cities.gif [*]Civ2 Zoom Level Problem [*]Reliving lost wonder [*]Demand/Supply denomination [*]Civ2 still surprises me! [*]Uses for the Spaceship [*]Star Wars ideas [*]Preventing City Founding [*]The Graphics Workshop [*]Civilization II SAV/SCN file format [*]Civ2 DLL Editing Guide [*]A Quick Guide to Making Maps [*]Naming Map Regions [*]Tile Metrics: Improving Terrain Graphics and Road Connectivity [*]The truth about civ2 squares [*]Terrain borders [*]Theories about AI and land mass numbering [*]9 tile Planets [*]New Discovery! Extend Game.txt menus! [*]It IS possible for two cities to be next to each other [*]Domain 3 units [*]Something to reveal: text commands [*]Adding Rivers to a Saved Game file [*]Changing the Civ2 starting directory [*]Help with Events inside the SAV [*]need some help [*]Adding new unit levels?[*]Editing terrain and special resources [/list=1]
Freeciv Specific:[list=1][*]Events For Freeciv 2.0 [/list=1]
Scenario Beta & Release Threads:[list=1][*]Blood & Steel Redux [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available Soon [*]New ICON file for Imp1870 [*]The Great War: Highway to Hell v2 Preview & Discussion [*]Rise of the Third Reich [*]"La Belle Epoque" version upgrade (+ unofficial "Blitzkrieg 1936" v3.1 patch) [*]Work on Hun scenario resumed [*]The West Awakens Beta Release [*]ant dev thread/beta release [*]BATTLEFIELD GETTYSBURG - Preview & Creation Discussion [*]Pax California - Science Fiction Fantasy Scenario Development [*]New Sci-Fi Scenario in works [*]Legend of Atlantis Empire [*]"You'll find our answer at the end of an axe!" - Hammer v2.9 is out! [*]Seeking advice for El Aurens v2 [*]Empire of the Rising Sun Almost Done [*]New near future scenario [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available NOW [*]Warlords of China update [*]DICTATOR ToT - DEVELOPMENT THREAD! [*]MALTA! 0.1 BETA available! [*]Playtesting "The River War v4 beta (for ToT)" [*]Mythological Age Scenario [*]Atomic Eagle II: The Price of Freedom - Development [*]Beta testers needed for new MAFIA scenario [*]"Mafia - La Cosa Nostra" - RELEASED [*]Star Wars scenario... no, seriously! [*]POMARJ Development Thread[*]The West Awakens [*]Non-graphics mods for TOT Red Front Redux [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen - Available NOW [*]PANZER BATTLES on the RIVER CHIR! [*]The Red Storm Cometh! [*]Trojan War [*]DISCWORLD Scenario released! [*]My Iraq-A new chapter scenario [*]Red Front for ToT [*]FRESH RELEASE: Blitzkrieg 1942 v.3 [*]The Battle of Waterloo [*]Dainichi Sekai Taisen version 2.0 Release [*]The War for DOOM [*]The Seven Years War [*]Playtesting "The River War v4 beta (for ToT)" [*]Under Seige Redux [*]The World of Jules Verne [*]New Lord of the Rings Scenario [*]Lord of the Rings Scenario, 2nd Edition [*]Need Giga-Map of Japan [*]WIP: Some mythical thingy... [*]Sikelias Basileus: Development [*]French Revolution Scenario [*]Gold And Blood [*]Chechnya: The Caucasian Revolt [*]Roman Civil Wars [*]Spanish Civil War v.3 [*]The American Revolution [*]DISCWORLD II for ToT under development [*]Extermination Is Here![/list=1]
Other:[list=1][*]Should VJ finish his European map? [*]What historical period is missing? [*]Your choice of graphics?[*]Looking for a scenario... [*]favorite scenarios? ever [*]holiday [/list=1]
Ancient Archives:[list=1][*]Massive list of antique CIV2 links [*]The Tour Eiffel Site [*]The Cradle of Civilization (ToT)[/list=1]
Non-Forum Graphical Links - Models & Unit Pictures:
Historical/Military Miniatures, Models and Images[list=1][*][*][*][*] [*] [*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] [*] [/list=1]
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Miniatures[list=1][*][*] [*] [*][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][*] [*] [*] [*][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][*] [*][/list=1]
Mixed Miniatures[list=1][*][*][*] [*] [*][*][*][*][/list=1]
3-D Models[list=1][*][*][/list=1]
Aircraft[list=1][*][*][*][*] [*][*][/list=1]
AFVs (mainly WW1/some WW2)[list=1][*] [*][*] [*] [*][/list=1]
Updated by: HT 3-09-06 (Threads up to 12-31-05 - Game Mechanic Subforum threads moved here)