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SciFi/Fantasy Unit Graphics

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  • #31
    Thought Id post my Dalek units here as well.The one on the far left is Davros half humaniod half Dalek former leader and creator of the Daleks he was killed in the last great time war. Next to him is a commander Daleks and next to him are three other Dalek variations and to the right of them are two heavy weapon Daleks which only appeared in a few of the older episodes.
    Attached Files


    • #32
      The funny thing is that I was just thinking to myself how there is a lack of Doctor Who units out there in cyberspace. I mean a good Tom Baker or Christopher Eccleston like Doctor unit, the TARDIS of course along with his enemies the Cybermen, Silurians, and of course the greatest vilan in all the universe.... the Dalek.

      Luckily it seems you have taken care of the Daleks.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Joeb Wan Kenobi
        Thought Id post my Dalek units here as well.The one on the far left is Davros half humaniod half Dalek former leader and creator of the Daleks he was killed in the last great time war. Next to him is a commander Daleks and next to him are three other Dalek variations and to the right of them are two heavy weapon Daleks which only appeared in a few of the older episodes.
        Really good work; although can be improved removing some white pixels along unit border


        • #34
          At the risk of extermination, I might as well reveal my secret Dalek plan!

          To keep the subject on Doctor Who, May I present some unit creations
          built upon the works of from our very own Cybermen, fairline and Catfish!
          Thals, Daleks, Robomen, Human resistors and Various
          Doc Who characters, tweaked for my Summer project!

          I will begin work on this proper at sometime in July!

          More to come!
          Attached Files
          Last edited by curtsibling; June 26, 2005, 14:51.


          • #35
            Dalek on a hovercraft


            It's no more

            There's one on a strange flying craft, however...
            Last edited by N35t0r; June 27, 2005, 12:43.
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #36
              Lord sweet mercifull crap those units are brilliant!! I was already primed for your upcomming project Curt but now this is shaping up to be the hit of the year. I mean, I already knew this was going to be an apocalyptic scenario but to include the Doctor and his regular cast of characters is just.... well..... I don't know what to make of this.
              Last edited by Sarsstock; June 26, 2005, 21:33.


              • #37
                Or am I wrong in assuming that this is the same project as the apocatyptic project you had mentioned earlier. Both I'm sure would make for there own pretty damn good scenario. At the same time if there were thrown together I'm sure the result would be just as spectacular.

                On as side note, I always thought the Dalek would make a good addition to the Vendetta storyline. They would be the perfect ally of the Nazis, both being avid believers in nothing less than there own total superiority. In fact, the Nazis were the insperation for the Dalek were they not?


                • #38

                  Catfish created the Dalek design (well, Davros did really) and that amazing
                  unit was enough to inspire me for a new idea, set in the 'Doctor Who' universe.

                  The modern day, apocatyptic scenario is still on the list of projects but I felt
                  I had to indulge my Sci-Fi feelings and create something a bit mad for once!

                  I am still to decide fully what era of Dalek history this scenario will take place in.
                  It might even be on their world of Skaro. But Daleks are at their best when exterminating!

                  So it may be set as the first Dalek ships land in London in 2150!

                  And a WW2 Dalek invasion...Now there is an idea!



                  • #39
                    Joeb Wan Kenobi has also graciously allowed me use of his wonderful Dalek units too...

                    The Davros model will indeed be most welcome!



                    • #40
                      A Tale . . . . .

                      Many years ago Dr. Who appeared here in the states on some of the local educational channels. This was back in the ancient days . . . . before cable.

                      It always impressed me with its storyline. Excellent plotting, but shoestring-budget special FX.

                      It's funny; American sci-fi flix are ALL special FX and almost NO plotting or storyline. Just explosions and spaceships and rayguns and steroid-pumped "actors."

                      You'd think somewhere, somehow, someone could get it right. After all, with only a few exceptions, literary science fiction is an American/English genre.

                      That theme song was cool.
                      Lost in America.
                      "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                      "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                      "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                      • #41
                        Perhaps i should post these here too, since they are fantasy units

                        Attached Files


                        • #42

                          those are great looking units. you are one of the best talented artists here


                          • #43

                            Nice fantasy units indeed Varwnos.


                            Though I can think of no real value it would serve, will the TARDIS be featured in this "Doctor Who" scenario? Also, upon which actor did you base the Doctor unit on? If its the unit I think it is (third from left on bottom row) then it most definatly isn't made to look like Christopher Eccleston.


                            • #44
                              I am more interested in the girl unit

                              ty for the comments


                              • #45
                                Leila (Layla?) methinks LOL, and that doctor is a spit of Jon Pertwee

                                Fantastic pics

                                Varwnos: Those are great - I particularly like the Centaur.

