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Flag Request Thread

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  • Chris, I have a request. A full sized button for Mexico, with Mexican Flag background, with the Mexican eagle covering the bottom half and overflowing slightly toward the bottom. Pretty please


    • I also have a request. A repost of your blank flags & shields Chris. They are a great help to me when modding.
      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
      It can only be achieved by understanding"


      • I will hook you both up!! Those are some pretty reasonable requests.


        • First off Martin here are the blank versions of each and every flag and shield that I have ever used. As the flags go we have the waving rippled flags, the basic waving flags, the square flags and the shield flags. For the shields we have the classic shield, square shield, rigid shield and my favorite.... the button shield.

          I hope this is helpfull.
          Attached Files


          • Now as for your Mexican flag Harry, do you mean you want the Mexican eagle situated at the bottom so that his feet and tallons are stretching out over the edge of the shield? Do I read you correctly?


            • Yeah, I want it to be nice and recognizable, not unlike the US Marine Corp emblem that's been floating around.


              • Thanks Chris! I also love the button shield, and I've been remaking my lost LotR shields in that style now. They look terrific!
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • Here are two Mexican shields Harry, one featuring the enlarged Mexican eagle as you requested and one with the proportionate eagle. Let me know if you need any Mexican air force or naval flags, and you shall receive.


                  • *edit*
                    Attached Files


                    • Looks pretty good Chris. I'm using the shields for the Mexican Guerillas that will pop up in the game.


                      • I'll try to make a better attempt at the enlarged Mexican shield in the comming days. Truth be told I'm not that happy with how the enlarged eagle looks, its maybe a little too rigid on the edges.

