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Trade crash and late game problems

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  • Trade crash and late game problems

    In the late game, partisans appear at the frontiers of your empire. Their number depends ont the city size.
    I've had up to 128 rebels threatening my frontier cities.

    There are severals ways to fight them: Stealth Fighter
    (try to destroy the rebels on the "hot spot" where they are stacked), bribing or - what I prefer to do -
    building a new city in the wilderness.

    I send a Stealth Fighter and a spy into that city.
    Now the number of appearing partisans will decrease,
    so that they are easier to fight.

    Trade Crash
    At a certain point of the game (if you have a huge empire), trade collapses. Freight payments are about 210 gold, never more.

    I think it depends on the number of your cities and your income.

    But I believe I've found a way to delay this trade crash:
    100% lux, NO capitalization (even with 0 % science I made 1 tech per turn, having more than 200 cities).
    You don't need any taxes. You'll have enough money, even without trading.

    Perhaps science has an influence on the trade crash phenomenon. With 10% science I had
    -1 techs/turn
    Maybe I can delay the trade crash a little bit more by selling off my libraries and universities.

    I think the trade crash phenomenon is one of the last secrets of the game.
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  • #2
    The trade crash sounds like an overflow problem (technically speakng, carry...)
    Indifference is Bliss


    • #3
      Atc CFC, TimTheEnchanter wrote

      For the trade crash, I am guessing you are somewhere in the future tech range.

      There is a point where the research cost of techs (in beakers) reverts back to a very low number. I think it might actually reset to 10 and start going up again. Once this happens, the trade payouts are bounded by the max payout rules. Normally delivery bonuses are capped at 2/3 of the cost of the current tech, but when you are below 300b/tech the max payout is 200 + a random amount less than or equal to 10. Thus your big fat payouts will all pay between 200-210 until you can crank out enough techs to get the tech cost back up. luckily the tech costs are so low, you can probably blow through quite a few each turn. I've never encountered this before (I never play deep into the Future Techs), but that is what I recall reading.

      And Ace wrote

      Tim is correct. Around FT 167 (+/- a few), the beaker requirement resets to 10. If you are getting one tech per turn from science and one per turn from freight deliveries, you will suddenly get 20-30+ techs on one turn. This is quite startling if you don't expect it! Fortunately, in a few turns, the beaker requirement has gone back up so you continue to get the big bonus payouts.

      On a slightly different note, be careful as you approach FT 255. If you research FT 256, the counter will reset to zero and you will have lost all 255 FTs!! If you need/want to continue delivering freight, you can do so, but you must set science to zero and be sure you have no scientists working. (In order to get a tech, you must have at least one beaker from science. You cannot get a tech from freight delivery bonus' only.)
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