In the late game, partisans appear at the frontiers of your empire. Their number depends ont the city size.
I've had up to 128 rebels threatening my frontier cities.
There are severals ways to fight them: Stealth Fighter
(try to destroy the rebels on the "hot spot" where they are stacked), bribing or - what I prefer to do -
building a new city in the wilderness.
I send a Stealth Fighter and a spy into that city.
Now the number of appearing partisans will decrease,
so that they are easier to fight.
Trade Crash
At a certain point of the game (if you have a huge empire), trade collapses. Freight payments are about 210 gold, never more.
I think it depends on the number of your cities and your income.
But I believe I've found a way to delay this trade crash:
100% lux, NO capitalization (even with 0 % science I made 1 tech per turn, having more than 200 cities).
You don't need any taxes. You'll have enough money, even without trading.
Perhaps science has an influence on the trade crash phenomenon. With 10% science I had
-1 techs/turn
Maybe I can delay the trade crash a little bit more by selling off my libraries and universities.
I think the trade crash phenomenon is one of the last secrets of the game.
In the late game, partisans appear at the frontiers of your empire. Their number depends ont the city size.
I've had up to 128 rebels threatening my frontier cities.
There are severals ways to fight them: Stealth Fighter
(try to destroy the rebels on the "hot spot" where they are stacked), bribing or - what I prefer to do -
building a new city in the wilderness.
I send a Stealth Fighter and a spy into that city.
Now the number of appearing partisans will decrease,
so that they are easier to fight.
Trade Crash
At a certain point of the game (if you have a huge empire), trade collapses. Freight payments are about 210 gold, never more.
I think it depends on the number of your cities and your income.
But I believe I've found a way to delay this trade crash:
100% lux, NO capitalization (even with 0 % science I made 1 tech per turn, having more than 200 cities).
You don't need any taxes. You'll have enough money, even without trading.
Perhaps science has an influence on the trade crash phenomenon. With 10% science I had
-1 techs/turn
Maybe I can delay the trade crash a little bit more by selling off my libraries and universities.
I think the trade crash phenomenon is one of the last secrets of the game.