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"Si vis pacem, para bellum" scenario under construction

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  • "Si vis pacem, para bellum" scenario under construction

    "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (If you want peace, get ready for war) is a new scenario for MGE/FW I'm presently trying to make.
    This scenario will depict the situation in the ancient Mediterrean from around 300 BC to 1 AD.
    The huge map streaches from the dense forests of Sarmatia in the north, to the heat of the Sahara in the south, from oriental Bactria in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west.
    I want this to be a scenario of empire building, economical, technological and cultural expansion and not just pure warfare. On the other hand the title says it all: In ancient times having a strong army was inevitable if an empire wanted to survive and prosper. This is why I'm spending a lot of time choosing the proper units and assesing their stats.

    As of now the main civs are:

    The Roman Republic
    The Macedon Kingdom of the Antigonides
    The Egyptian Kingdom of the Lagides
    The Asian Kingdom of the Seleucides
    The Republic of Carthage
    The Greek City States

    I'm still thinking about the 7th civ... As of now the main candidates are:
    The Kingdom of Parthia
    The Epirote Kingdom of the Ajakides
    The Kingdom of Bactria
    The Kingdom of Pontus
    The Kingdom of Armenia

    Presently I'm leaning to the Epirote option. but this is a really hard choice so any advice is welcome and will be taken into consideration.

    I hope that FINALLY this will be one scenario I'll actually finish. I can't promise that it will be ready soon, but for now the future is looking bright. I have the most important parts: a good ida and a good map.

    Any comments, ideas, suggestions for Units, technologies, civs or anything t all is welcome.

  • #2
    Powerful modern wonders could be renamed and added for building for certain civs.

    They could be restricted to certain techs (via the no,no technique)
    and be buildable after great events like 'what-if' victories...

    Just an idea...


    • #3
      Sounds fabulous. Good luck, and remember the old saying of techumsus: "Compleo a venatus , servo is vegrandis". (To complete a scenario, keep it small)
      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


      • #4
        Sounds great.
        I advise Pontus for the seventh civ
        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
        Middle East!


        • #5

          Always good to see new ancient/medieval scenarios.

          Looking forward to it.

          @ "Techumsus" Is it Techumsus Rex?

          Pretty bad when latin jokes appear.
          Lost in America.
          "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
          "or a very good liar." --Stefu
          "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


          • #6
            I'm still thinking, but as far as I see it, the 7th civ is dow to:

            Epirus -
            on the plus side: they had a very good army (phalangistes, Elephants, heavy cavalry) a good leader (Phyrros), they were an important factor in the politics of the western mediterrean and allied with Syracusae they could prove quite a challenge for Carthago or Rome. Plus they fit into my "non-barbarian" cathegory real well as they are Hellenes.
            Now the cons:
            Epirus has Few cities, and the might of Epirus lasted only during the life of Phyrros and declined soon afther he died. Therefore it can be simulated easy without beeing a new civ. A big army under Phyrros might as well be simulated by "Greek City states" units.

            Pontus: Similar as Epirus, various individual units like the Bronze shields or legionaires or the Pontine cavalry. On my map they would have a really usefull placement filling a hole between the major civs. (most of minor asia starts "Greek city").
            The cons are also similar to the ones of Epirus: few cities, short period of importance and relatively easy to simulate with other units (though not as easy as Epirus).

            Parthia: Now here we have a different kettle of fish, Parthia would be the only "Fully Oriental" civ in the scenario and a balance for the Seleucides in the east. Without Parthia I'd have to fill Iran with multiple "Barbarian" cities to counter the Seleucides for the purpose of historical realism. If that would work out than Parthia can might as well go, but if not than Parthia as a civ is a necessity in the east.


            • #7
              Parthia might be fun to play too. Even if it's not favored at start or by the scenario.
              Lost in America.
              "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
              "or a very good liar." --Stefu
              "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


              • #8
                Why not have both Epirus and Parthia and use Barbs for either Greek city states?
                El Aurens v2 Beta!


                • #9
                  Re: "Si vis pacem, para bellum" scenario under construction

                  Originally posted by KASHANKA
                  "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (If you want peace, get ready for war) is a new scenario for MGE/FW I'm presently trying to make.
                  This scenario will depict the situation in the ancient Mediterrean from around 300 BC to 1 AD.
                  Excellent idea!!!

                  Originally posted by KASHANKA
                  The Roman Republic
                  The Macedon Kingdom of the Antigonides
                  The Egyptian Kingdom of the Lagides
                  The Asian Kingdom of the Seleucides
                  The Republic of Carthage
                  The Greek City States
                  I'm still thinking about the 7th civ... The Kingdom of Parthia
                  The Epirote Kingdom of the Ajakides
                  The Kingdom of Bactria
                  The Kingdom of Pontus
                  The Kingdom of Armenia
                  Every consideraton made by everyone is correct and has his own good reasons...
                  I'd humbly suggest to put as 6th the Parthia (even because this nation arrived at AD 1 ...) even if I understand that in 3OO BC it wasn't in the top of powers...
                  For the 7th... a "Independent States" civ, heavily based on Greek (ethnically and/or culturally) states: Siracusae, Epyrus, Achean and Aetholian Leagues, Ponthus (maybe Armenia, too - strictly connected with Ponthus in the long Mithridates age), Rhodos, Pergamus...
                  Barbarians: Celtae-Galli-Galati, Iberi-Celtiberi, Cimbri-Teutoni, Sarmati, Daci-Illyri, Thraci, Pirati Cilici-Cretenses, Numidi-Mauri, Bachtria...

                  Surely I forgot something, but I try to considere a global view of the period and of the lands involved in this amazing struggle...
                  GO KASHANKA!
                  "Dilexi iustitiam, odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio" [PAPA GREGORIUS VII +1085] - ("He amado la justicia, he odiado la iniquidad, por eso muero en exilio") - ("I loved justice, I hated unfairness, that's why I die in exile") - (J'ai aimé la justice, j'ai détesté l'iniquité, c'est pourquoi je meurs en exil") - ("Ich liebte Gerechtigkeit und hasste Ungerechtigkeit, deshalb sterbe ich im Exil")


                  • #10
                    Parthia definitely - their belligerant interaction with the Seleucids and the late Roman Republic are key in this period.

                    If it's any help, here are a set of replacement units for BeBro's classic Rome scenario; I've posted many before but many are 'new' (inclusing Etruscans, Successor Macedonians, Samnites, Parthians etc). If any need clarification as to their identity, give me a shout:

                    PS: Thanks to Boco for salvaging these for me


                    • #11
                      Fairline! Your units are superb! If I knew I'd get such great graphics I would rethink my entire unit choo
                      I bow to your skills man, my puny Samnite, Etruscan and German infantry can go to the rubbish bin now!

                      Thanx a LOT man!

                      Really, I can't express my admiration for those great graphics enough... I'm seeing so many new perspectives here...

                      Someone get me a good map extending from Sicily to India and I'll get you the best Diadochoi scenario ever created!
                      Last edited by KASHANKA; February 28, 2005, 15:54.


                      • #12

                        Once I even considered a Mitridatus scn. I will never do it, but I want to play Pontus in someone's scn.
                        At last there's some new not XX-century scn. Pontus must be in. Pleeeeaaase!
                        I'm your fellowman!
                        "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                        I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                        Middle East!


                        • #13
                          This isn't to be another territorial demand like Upper Silesia, is it?



                          • #14
                            And I'm right as usual!
                            "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                            I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                            Middle East!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KASHANKA
                              Fairline! Your units are superb! If I knew I'd get such great graphics I would rethink my entire unit choo
                              I bow to your skills man, my puny Samnite, Etruscan and German infantry can go to the rubbish bin now!

                              Thanx a LOT man!
                              Pleasure and thanks.

                              Really, I can't express my admiration for those great graphics enough... I'm seeing so many new perspectives here...

                              Someone get me a good map extending from Sicily to India and I'll get you the best Diadochoi scenario ever created!
                              There's only one Diadochoi scenario I know of: Prometeus' Antigonus

                              @Heresson: stop already Pontus was a puny nonentity compared to the rise of Parthia; they did for the Seleucids hopes of dominance in the Middle East.

