Great to see you've decided to continue with this project, Chris. I always thought it was a good one. If I can offer any advice or help, just let me know.
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The World of Jules Verne
Originally posted by varwnos
Well, i can say that his unit is a bit better than mine
although it can be improved in the front! to look more like the paintings of the nautilus
this is the painting i used to base my unit on:
I think I will go back to the drawing board and create a new version based on the canon designs...
Well Curt's thats music to my ears!! I'm already in your debt for just creating the one unit.... which I think is fantastic. However I know what its like to not be satisfied with your own work if you don't think its up to par, so if you want to take another run at it, well I will be even more in your debt sir!!.
More info eh Martin? Well I suppose I can give you the basic concept behind the game. There will two paths the player can participate in during the course of this game..... which will likely be between the years 1861 and 1901.
Path a) will be the path of standard Civ II gameplay. This path will entail conquest, research, war and peace, diplomacy and alliances, trade and the quest for wealth. The playable civ's will be as such:
This path is quite familiar and can indeed leave a smart player in a position of considerable power by the games end.
Path b) however will be slightly different. It will essentially be an interactive story that will begin with the discovery of the legendary source of the Nile in Africa. This discovery will lead the human player on a path of unprecedented adventure that will lead from King Solomon's Mines in Kukuanaland to the entrance to the center of the earth, it will take you from the cliffs of Skull Mountain to the lost temples of Atlantis, you will be propelled from the hidden plateau of the Amazon to Cleopatra's lost city of Bala, and finally to the lunar surface itself.
This will be a path familiar to those who have played HT's "Atomic Eagle: Hand of the Reaper" scenario. Only by embarking on the path of exploration and discovery will certain technologies become available to the human player, technologies that will both benefit and may ultimately save your civilization in the face of an unimaginable terror.
Once the tech tree has been completed I will have more time to create some up to date screenshots and more details will be forthcoming.
Well Harry I had always wanted to make an update of Jules Verne, but it wasn't until I played Atomic Eagle that I realized that kind of game was possible with the Civ II engine. I realized that kind of gameplay would be ideal for a 19th century pulp fiction scenario.
Wow! Thanks for the info. I love both paths, but especially the adventure path. I saw a great documentary about Atlantis yesterday (made for Discovery channel). It made me want to play scenarios about it. Unfortunatly I only know one such scen, and it's about the fall of Atlantis. But including it in your scen will be great (and the other things you will include)."Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding"
As for graphic previews.... I still don't have a whole lot to offer. As of right now these are the Victorian, Imperial and Oriental infantry units that will be used in regular gameplay. One of the issues I'm debating at the moment is how to upgrade the units, whether there will be some sort of "Advanced Infantry" units to be researched down the road or just replace the unit with an upgraded unit when the new unit file itself is loaded in, as was done in Nemo's Red Front.
Sadly I this one is indeed all but dead in the water for now, which isn't to say I'll take another run at in down the road, but Cydonia is where I've made the most progress to date and it's where my focus for now is being directed.
Though I agree there was way too much in the way of interest and contributions to this project to just give it up entirely, so let's just wait and see what the future has in store.
I vaguely remember some screenshots from a few years ago that had been photoshoped to look like old photographs. Were they for this scenario or maybe something Harry was working on? Regardless the concept for the scenario is too damn cool to forget about it completelySea Kings TOT
Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!