Rabbit droppings
OK, it nets out like this -- 17 cities, 8 setts on the board. Two camels in waiting, 6 in production. 2 triremes in production. 1st in land area, pop, and production. Five new techs, but not quite the ones we would have preferred. We do, however, get to choose a new tech next turn...
The log...
1000 BC -- Reset camels to setts, temples to barracks. Rushbuy the odd row.
975 -- Bactra settlers, HG completed. We Love The Shah in cap.
950 -- Tyre disbands, antioch completes barracks.
925 -- Sidon and Susa produce settlers. Retread founded.
900 --
875 -- Samaria barracks, 2 huts spotted.
850 --Ghulaman founded on wheat as northern port. Hut yields a horsie.
825 -- Gordium and SSC complete settlers, Ergili starts one.
800-- discover Mysticism, start on map making.
775 -- Hut = nomads
750 --
725 -- Pasagardae settler, start van. Hut = nomads again! . Zohak founded.
700 -- We're Most Powerful. Istakhr founded.
675 -- Russians start Colossus. Pop = 400K
650 -- Hamadan, Persepolis issue setts. Hut = Feudalism.
625 -- The wine is mined!
600 -- Jinjan founded
575 -- Egypt destroyed by Greeks. Ergili disorder. Barazjian founded.
550 -- Our wise men disconver the art of Map Making and we start a couple boats. Now studying Horseback. Hut = Seafaring.
525 -- Russians complete Colossus. Ergili issues more settlers.
500 -- Pop over 500K. Hut yields Horseback Riding.
Unlucky on the techs, but plenty of cities, much better roads. It might make sense to ignore the LH and go for Magellan. Probably overloaded on setts vs vans, but I admit to playing quickly and without a lot of planning.
Peaster -- I'm a Mac guy, for it's MGE only for me.
OK, it nets out like this -- 17 cities, 8 setts on the board. Two camels in waiting, 6 in production. 2 triremes in production. 1st in land area, pop, and production. Five new techs, but not quite the ones we would have preferred. We do, however, get to choose a new tech next turn...
The log...
1000 BC -- Reset camels to setts, temples to barracks. Rushbuy the odd row.
975 -- Bactra settlers, HG completed. We Love The Shah in cap.
950 -- Tyre disbands, antioch completes barracks.
925 -- Sidon and Susa produce settlers. Retread founded.
900 --
875 -- Samaria barracks, 2 huts spotted.
850 --Ghulaman founded on wheat as northern port. Hut yields a horsie.
825 -- Gordium and SSC complete settlers, Ergili starts one.
800-- discover Mysticism, start on map making.
775 -- Hut = nomads
750 --
725 -- Pasagardae settler, start van. Hut = nomads again! . Zohak founded.
700 -- We're Most Powerful. Istakhr founded.
675 -- Russians start Colossus. Pop = 400K
650 -- Hamadan, Persepolis issue setts. Hut = Feudalism.
625 -- The wine is mined!
600 -- Jinjan founded
575 -- Egypt destroyed by Greeks. Ergili disorder. Barazjian founded.
550 -- Our wise men disconver the art of Map Making and we start a couple boats. Now studying Horseback. Hut = Seafaring.
525 -- Russians complete Colossus. Ergili issues more settlers.
500 -- Pop over 500K. Hut yields Horseback Riding.
Unlucky on the techs, but plenty of cities, much better roads. It might make sense to ignore the LH and go for Magellan. Probably overloaded on setts vs vans, but I admit to playing quickly and without a lot of planning.
Peaster -- I'm a Mac guy, for it's MGE only for me.