helllo! i am a new/novice scenario builder. I am working on a scenario called 'ant'. This post is an official request for help with graphics, either help tracking down previous art or help with original art. This scenario will require new units, city improvements, people, and cities. I think terrain should be fine with art archived on this site.
I have already had a couple of people show some interest!
I am not an artist, but am pretty proud of my first ant:
Here is a unit roster based on current tech tree (subject to further brainstorming/input , absolutely)
ant (warrior)
workers 1 (settler)
workes 2 (engineer)
queen (paradropping settler)
large queen (paradropping engineer)
soldiers 1
soldiers 2
exotic sodiers
trade unit
poison ants
co-ordinated ants
nest police
tiny ants
brood guards
flying ants
underwater ants
killer ants
jurassic ants
mass attack (nuclear)
ant -lion (nearly invisible, move 0, no shield?)
2 units finished, thanks valmont for the first one!
Any and all help, and ideas much appreciated. new scenarios and tools on this site have re-inspired my civ II play.
Yours truly,
PS. I don't speak Japanese, I just live here
I have already had a couple of people show some interest!
I am not an artist, but am pretty proud of my first ant:

Here is a unit roster based on current tech tree (subject to further brainstorming/input , absolutely)
ant (warrior)
workers 1 (settler)
workes 2 (engineer)
queen (paradropping settler)
large queen (paradropping engineer)
soldiers 1
soldiers 2
exotic sodiers
trade unit
poison ants
co-ordinated ants
nest police
tiny ants
brood guards
flying ants
underwater ants
killer ants
jurassic ants
mass attack (nuclear)
ant -lion (nearly invisible, move 0, no shield?)
2 units finished, thanks valmont for the first one!
Any and all help, and ideas much appreciated. new scenarios and tools on this site have re-inspired my civ II play.
Yours truly,
PS. I don't speak Japanese, I just live here
