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Problem with Events

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  • Problem with Events

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I made a file with a single event to test. It is in the same folder as the .scn file. But the game is not loading the events file. I included the debugging command, and the debuggin window does not open as promised.

    I tried making an events file from the FW editor thinking perhaps I made a typo, but that file didn't load either.

    here is the file:




    Even if there is an error in the event command, shouldn't the alleged debug window open and show me that the statement can't be processed? wtf?

    I am running MGE 5.40f on Windows XP. Events seem to work when I play other scenarios.

  • #2
    Hmmmm, when you say "Not loading the event file" do you mean that the event is not occuring?

    Here's a tip:

    1) When you make an event file with the FW editor the game "inserts" the events file in whatever scenario file or save game file you are in. If you change the events file in a text editor outside of the game and then attempt to run the new events file in the game the new events file will not load.

    What you have to do is "clear" the save game or scenario file by dragging the actual save game or scenario file icon onto a file called "delevent". This will "clear" the old event file out of the save or scenario file and allow you to load the new file when you open the game again.

    Delevent sould be in the Civ2 directory. Copy it into your scenario directory and perform the procedure there.

    I hope this helps. I can't see anything really wrong with the command itself. I've also never used the debug command before.


    • #3
      Thanks for the help. I added an event that shows text when the scenario loads, figuring that would tell me if the events are working. Weird. If I had the "music" option checked in the game options, then the text would be displayed, but if I had it unchecked, the text was not displayed. WTF?

      So the events are loading, but the givetech still failed. I nearly lost my mind trying all sorts of variations - changing defender, receiver, name of city in the trigger. I dragged my .scn files onto delevent until my fingers were numb. There are a gazillion scenarios out there, this can't be THAT difficult.

      I'm going to start a new game from scratch and see if that helps. ...Maybe I need a new hobby.


      • #4
        I couldn't begin to guess exactly why, but the game just did not like the city name Garage2. I changed the trigger to unitKilled and the event worked as expected.

        Hm, does the game actually read all the characters in the city name? If all your cities begin with the same sequence of chars (Garage1, Garage2, Garage3...) maybe the game, or whatever part of the game interprets event script, is unable to distinguish between them, and so it does nothing? (The reason I imagine this might be so is that when you look at units in the city window, it only gives the first 3 letters of their home city.)

        Oh well.


        • #5
          Originally posted by valmont
          I couldn't begin to guess exactly why, but the game just did not like the city name Garage2. I changed the trigger to unitKilled and the event worked as expected.
          Are you sure you didn't make any typos then? Maybe you accidentally put a space after "Garage2" or something. Or maybe you got the technology number wrong and they already have the tech... That's all I can think of.

          (The reason I imagine this might be so is that when you look at units in the city window, it only gives the first 3 letters of their home city.)
          Nope, that has nothing to do with it. The 3 letter abbreviation is just for the user's convernience and is never actually used internally to identify a city.
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

