La Fayette, your method will mislead you, because the adjusted strength formula is actually (stronger-plus-[stronger-minus-weaker]) vs weaker. Instead, use FP the same way that Dave used HP, AFTER you determine relative attack vs defense.
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How to calculate defense values?
Originally posted by debeest
I thought you already knew that!
I know the formula, but use it very seldom.
Here is what dave wrote:
"I calculate the unit strength by HP times adjusted attack or defense, which yields 180 for the ironclad and 210 for the phalanx. On average, the ironclad should be able to remove 180/210 of the phalanx's strength, or 8.57 HP."
The first sentence is OK. The second sentence is new to me: it brought me some kind of better understanding of the real meaning of the formula.Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
I also 'think' that a fortified unit gets its bonus (of course walls make no difference)
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