I could do 'Desperate Tactics' and 'Divine Wind' both as event-generated techs directly (thus making 'Tide Turning' somewhat pointless), and use the capture of a Philipino or Mariana city (one for each), granting, as you say, a few free ones of each unit type.
Try looking at it from a player's point of view. How many important techs does he need to research to be able to build significantly better units? How long will it take to research them? Which ones is he likely to research first? Considering cost and performance will he research a new bomber which can be used many times rather than the one-shot Baka?
Also, watch out that some smart-*** player doesn't make it his first priority to attack the continental US. I've played a couple of WWII global scens as Japan. The designers had done such a good job of duplicating US unpreparedness that taking over the US was not much of a challenge. Banzai!