Thanks for graphics, Jimmy, and certainly thanks for the advice, AGRICOLA and typhoon! I see I need to do another retooling of my units set. Oh, well, at least it'll be a hell of a lot better in the end than if I just went with my first ideas. BTW, does someone have a good Japanese Cavalry unit on hand?
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Empire of the Rising Sun
Originally posted by Patine
@Leonidas: I will try to get a big Yamato if I can.
It's the scenario you wanted to download from Civfanatics.
Not sure if it fits with the overall look of the units you want.
But maybe if you post the pic here, one of the brilliant artists here might like to tinker with it and make it look better.
here is a compolation of all the japanese naval units i could find, and a guy on a bicycle, beacause i needed to plug up a hole in the file,I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!
@Erika: Thanks a lot for the ships. It'm going to have to go through them with a fine-toothed comb to decide which ones can be used (looking for two good heavy cruisers, ideally).
@Leonidas: I think it will need major touching up to be used. Is anyone up for that?
i'd suggest the yamato by barthi and skipper, it's superstructure looks huge
I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!
Originally posted by Leonidas
Here is the units.gif from Harlan's WWII Pacific Scenario.
Guess which one is the Yamato
Can this unit be used?
I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!
Well, I have made a few changes to typhoon's units file that he made for me (assuming, at least, Curt lets me use it; Curt, if you'll please clear that up). First, I turned the Ki-84 has gone back to being a J2M Raiden, jimmywax's to be exact, (sorry typhoon, but I like the idea of planes that didn't historically make it like the Raiden or the Nikkojima Kikka being hypothetically available). Second, I moved the P-51 Mustang to the secondary British infantry slot, as I think one British infantry, plus their Gurkhas, Malay Infantry, and Chindit Rebels should cover that player's foot soldier needs; as well, I wanted to keep the B-24 for its role in the early war in the theater. Third, I will replace the Aichi D3A Val with the mine AGRICOLA suggested. Fourth, a bigger Yamato-Class BB will be used. Fifth, I replaced the current Australian P-40 and US M3 Stuart with jimmy's latest versions (above). And finally, the Shintono Chi-Ha will be replaced with Japanese cavalry, leaving the Type 97 as Japan's principal medium tank. What I really need is a good sea mine (the kind dotting the territorial waters of Japan), a B-24, a big Yamato, and a Japanese cavalry, all in the format used in typhoon's update to my units file. If someone could create or modify these for me, I'd be most appreciative. Thanks!
Originally posted by Broken_Erika
I like the excellent job Typhoon has done on the wartime color schemes for US Navy aircraft.
Also, the B-25 is now unmistkably American although I don't believe that wartime markings included anything on the rudders.Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
@ Agricola
I should have cleared this up, sorry. The US Navy planes are all the work of Mr. Curtsibling, the only exception being the F-4U Corsair, which is still technically his work (I just modified his Hellcat a little.)
Work of this standard is only acheivable by a select few, and Curt is one of them.
@ Patine
First, I turned the Ki-84 has gone back to being a J2M Raiden, jimmywax's to be exact, (sorry typhoon, but I like the idea of planes that didn't historically make it like the Raiden or the Nikkojima Kikka being hypothetically available).
You could remove the Ki-21 Sally bomber- but that would leave the Japanese without a tatical bomber. Then there's still the Kikka and the J8M... Tough choice...
Second, I moved the P-51 Mustang to the secondary British infantry slot, as I think one British infantry, plus their Gurkhas, Malay Infantry, and Chindit Rebels should cover that player's foot soldier needs; as well, I wanted to keep the B-24 for its role in the early war in the theater.
Third, I will replace the Aichi D3A Val with the mine AGRICOLA suggested.Divebombing was a pivotal part of Japanese Naval strategy early in the war- Pearl Harbour was such an example. You'll have to keep that for historical accuracy I'm afraid. If not, you'll have to take away the US Avenger in order not to give the US an unfair advantage.
Fourth, a bigger Yamato-Class BB will be used. Fifth, I replaced the current Australian P-40 and US M3 Stuart with jimmy's latest versions (above).
And finally, the Shintono Chi-Ha will be replaced with Japanese cavalry, leaving the Type 97 as Japan's principal medium tank.
Here are the changes I would advise:
- Home Island Garrison and Occupied Area Garrison to be combined into one unit. If not possible, then remove Manchukuo troops/Kwantung Army. This will free up one slot, which can be filled with the cavalry.
- Remove Royal Dutch Marine, leaving a generic Dutch infantry for defence of the East Indies.
- Remove the French Infantry. Your scenario begins in 1941; by now French Indochina is firmly in the hold of the Japanese.
- Remove one of the two Chinese infantry- they're basically the same person in summer/winter uniforms.
-The Pack 75 artillery I'm not so sure. They were used by the USMC on Guadacanal and elsewhere. In the end it boils down to personal choice. If it were me I'd have two artillery units- one for the Japanese and one for the Americans.
- Remove one Spitfire.
- Remove one Merchant ship. Replace with minefield.
This leaves you with 3-4 unit slots. What could you use them for?
- Japanese Bicycle troops or Parachutists?
- Nakajima Kikka and J8M Shishui? The Ki-84 Hayate (regarded as one of the best Japanese fighters of the war, and also a Johnny-come-lately)? Suicide boats or civilians?
- F8 Bearcat, A1 Skyraider, maybe a P80 Shooting Star and other US jets?
- Torpedo bombers like the B5N Kate and the Dauntless?Last edited by typhoon; February 22, 2005, 07:06.
SBD Dauntless was a dive bomber. Avenger was a torpedo plane. So was the Kate.
And I'm sure you meant Ju-87 stuka (not 88).
yeah. I don't have anything better to do tonight.
Lost in America.
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"or a very good liar." --Stefu
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