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Caesar Sxn game - MGE Team Spoiler

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  • #76
    Uhh - I don't seem to be able to open Stu's zip file. Could somebody post a .sav version?

    Butin any case it sounds like this is the version to use - mine is WAY too far from Mike's.



    • #77
      My .sav ...
      Attached Files
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #78
        Caesarea BC300,

        Sitting in a lab, watching a variety of the genus student attempt to write C programs - painful. So I thought an interim report might be in order. The following is from memory, so might not be entirely accurate.

        The Carthaginians, Germans & Mongrels are all toast. The Indians and Greeks essentially respawned in the same place so are at war without a city between them . The French are stuck in a swamp . The poor Zulus are discovering that vet Crooks will make mincemeat of a green Musk every day of the week, the Egyptians are cowering behind the walls of their capital - but the Crooks are coming. that leaves the Chinese about to lose their second city and about to feel the crunch from two fronts. Oh yes, we are now a thriving Fundamentalist regime and about to build either Sun - for the obvious reasons - or Magellan to accelerate the demise of the spawned civs - actually I fancy both

        Peaster - thank you for setting up what has, for me, been a most satisfying experience.

        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #79
          Sounds pretty good so far. I am probably not going to be able to play this week, so don't wait for me.

          PS. Oracle is useful in Fundy.


          • #80
            My log:

            Decide the luxuries are not paying their way - move to a cash economy ...

            0500 = Adjust workers;
            0475 = Take 50g from Zulus for Cease Fire; Musk kills Catapult near Kashgar and becomes vet; Crook finds and empties Mongol city with no name;
            0450 = Mongol Chariot kills a Crook; Chinese Horse loses at Shanghai; Temple at Hispalis, Hastings; Barracks at Zimbabwe; Frigate kills Mongol Legion and Crook locates and empties Aleppo becoming vet; Crook blows away offending Chariot; No Name captured 38g; Bapedi in revolt cost 189g I have 100 - temptation irresistable sell walls in Zimbabwe and Barracks in Samarkand, Buy Bapedi 13g, two Musks and a Settler + Barracks & Marketplace - a bargain;
            0425 = Aleppo seized 38g; b Settler into Caesarea; Crook mistakenly blows away a German Diplo and Phalanx - so sorry - we seem to be at war with Germany;
            0400 = Another German Phalanx bites the dust; three vet Frigates recover from combat and set sail; Vans start arriving at Caesarea;
            0375 = Trondheim located, Archer, Legion & ?Galleon? destroyed, flag down; 50g from Egyptians; Woops, Heliopolis captured, 1g one Crook makes vet; Phalanx killed in Tsingtao; Leipzig captured 6g; Berlin captured 3g; Copper(d), Syracuse-Caesarea (road link), 20g , but I think we get Demo next turn;
            0350 = Democracy->Chivalry; Carthage kills a green Frigate, but succumbs to the second, 13g; Carthaginian civilization destroyed; Greeks spawn at [76,4]; Trondheim falls, 77g; Crook kills second Phalanx in Tsintao, flag down;
            0325 = Temple in Ulundi; Another un-named Mongol city found and emptied;
            0300 = Lady Liberty; Fundamentalism established; Mongol city with no name razed; Mongol civilization destroyed; Indians & Greeks declare war - what a give away; Indians spawn at [74,8]; Hlobane falls 2g at the cost of one green Crook - another becomes vet; Much juggling of workers;
            0275 = Hamburg located; Hamburg razed 6g; German civilization destroyed; French spawn at [13,9]; Enemy city to East of Hlobane flagged by footprint ?Ngome?; Adjust workers, create Eins;
            0250 = Hut [80,24] yields Nomad (Chivalry would have been nice); Xinjian located; Hut [43,33] gives Musk;
            0225 = Bad guys swap lots of tech and make secret alliances against us; Various whitegoods completed; Gold(d), Syracuse-Caearea, 30g; Xinjian captured, 20g; Barb King, 100g; Tsintao finally flag down one vet; Athens razed, 25g; Greek civilization destroyed; English respawn at two sites on same island! Sell Barracks;
            0200 = Palmyra founded; Frigate bombards Thebes, kills Pike & Archer makes vet; Thebes captured, 34g, Walls sold; Egyptian civilization destroyed; Aztecs spawn at [24,12]; Isandhlwana falls, 10g; Ngome located; Tsingtao falls, 22g + Barracks (sold); London located;
            0175 = Sun Tzu's War Academy; Ngome captured 6g; Zulu civilization destroyed; Babylonians at [14,10], under the guns of a Frigate - so sad; Babylonians destroyed; Japanese spawn [31,23];
            0150 = Japanese Settlers destroyed; Japanese civilization destroyed; No respawn; Magellan's Expedition; Canton falls, 50g;
            0125 = not much
            0100 = Delhi located; Aztec settler offed;
            0075 = Indian Settler killed - nice vet; Aztec Settler killed; Aztec civilization destroyed; Spanish respawn in sight; Spanish civilization destroyed; no spawn; Mess about with workers again;
            0050 = Beijing 113g, Pyramids; Chinese civilization destroyed; Persians spawn in sight; Vet Frigate only just kills Persian Settler in forest; Persian civilization destroyed; Americans spawn [14,10] not quite in range; French Settlers killed; French civilization destroyed; No spawn - and then there were three; Delhi captured 10g; Indian civilization destroyed; Sioux spawn [30.24]; English Settler killed;
            0025 = Colossus; Dye(d), Caesarea-London, 148g; Hut [74,22] Nomads; Jerusalem founded;
            0001 = Washington sighted; Sioux Settler offed; Sioux civilization destroyed; Mongols spawn at two sites; Mongol settler done in;

            Ah well -- not quite finished, but down to the wire.

            Not a bad turnset I think;

            17 cities captured ,3 razed and 2 founded;
            Lady Liberty, Sun Tzu, Magellan & Colossus built, Pyramids captured (Oracle nearly finished)
            15 civilizations destroyed:
            Carthaginans, Mongrels, Germans, Greeks, Egyptians, Zulus, Babylonians, Japanese, Aztecs, Spanish, Chinese, Persians, French, Indians & Sioux.
            3 left: English, American & Mongrel

            Cheers, Stu
            Attached Files
            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • #81
              and zipped for our Mac encumbered friends ...
              Attached Files
              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • #82
                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                • #83
                  Great news, friends!

                  Thanks to a bit of help on the Civ2/Mac forum, I have managed to d/l and open SG's 500bc.sav!!!!!!!!!

                  (That's the one we're playing, right?)

                  I'm a bit rusty, having played only 2x1x Rah Rules MP games of late. So while it's doubtful I can top the master, I am hoping to start play tonight...
                  Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                  RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                  • #84
                    Guys, if tonight's the deadline, it's not happenin'. I will barely have time to survey the globe and draw up a plan, much less execute 30 turns at high efficiency.

                    Question, though -- Scouse, you said in one opost that this was a fundy regime, but the sav you posted is a monarchy. What's up with that?

                    Anyway, it seems that Peaster has called for today (yesterday?) to be the deadline day, and I'm just not up to it. I'll probably play it for a bit of fun in the fullness of time...
                    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                    • #85
                      I researched Demo built the Lady and went soft Fundy in 300 ...

                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #86
                        I had to play it out to see how I'd do. Here's my log to 1AD, starting from SG’s 500 BC save:

                        Remaining cities per AI civ, in color order: 3-2-2-4-1-2
                        To be located: Heliopolis, Xinjian, Aleppo, and Trondheim (Mongol) (Trondheim shows up on Find City, even though it’s not a capital, a Wonder city, or a World’s Greatest city)

                        As a result of SG’s highly effective slaughter and exploration process, we’re a bit scattered and don’t have strong forces in place for continued slaughter. We’re not close to most target cities, and few remaining cities are on the coasts where our frigates can get at them.

                        The Zulus are the only AI with gunpowder, and they have no relations with any other AI so won’t be giving it away soon.

                        Reconsidering the value of Statue and fundy: This game doesn’t have a long way to go. Fundy would get us about 105g/turn tithes right now, and save us practically no shields, and stymie our science. Statue would cost us 8 camels. Would those 8 camels serve us better as 8 frigates or crusaders? Maybe. Or would Magellan’s be more useful?

                        Plan: Build Sun Tzu ASAP. Frigate in England takes aboard a passenger and goes north to capture Carthage. Frigate with passenger northwest of Bapedi goes north, hopefully to take Trondheim. Frigates near Zimbabwe head for Germany and then Egypt (take Thebes, find Heliopolis) and then maybe look for Xinjian. Crusaders explore for Aleppo. Leave the inland gunslinger Zulus alone for now. Must destroy the Chinese before they discover steam power.

                        -475 Sink Mongol galleon. Reject their plea for ceasefire. Find Aleppo. Kill catapult. Find mysterious unnamed, unlisted Mongol city at 70,42!! and my crusaders lose against fortified phalanx on grass there!
                        -450 Mongol chariot kills crusader
                        -425 break treaty and kill German diplomat
                        -400 capture mysterious unnamed, unlisted Mongol city at 70,42, take 36g
                        -375 capture Aleppo, 82g
                        -0350 learn democracy; choices include astronomy, bridgebuilding, chivalry, engineering, medicine, physics, theology, and university!! I want them all!! But SG was building all those horses for a reason, so I take chivalry, because the reason must have been cheap upgrades to dragoons. My vet frigate beats a musketeer by a hair and I take Carthage, 18g, and destroy the Carthaginians. Greeks appear with 22 techs, more than any other AI!! Capture barb leader, 100g. Reject Zulu ceasefire. Capture Leipzig, 9g, refuse ceasefire.
                        -0325 Sun Tzu’s War Academy. 3M population. Mongols refuse to pay tribute.
                        -0300 Find Trondheim. Insult Mongols, get war, kill settler, kill chariot, capture Trondheim, 96g, destroy Mongols; Indians appear with 23 techs. Insult Egyptians, get war, kill legion. Give Greeks three techs and trade maps; they have two units up north at 78,8. Give Indians three techs and they trade maps; they have two units right near the Greeks at 74,4. Two musketeers die attacking phalanxes in Berlin. Village at 93,63 yields Palmyra. Bribe Bapedi for 189-13 – size 6 with market, barracks, and two musketeers. Village at 43,33 yields 25g.
                        -0250 Village at 80,24 yields 25g. Find Xinjian, kill phalanx. Kill musketeer, capture Hlobane, 6g.
                        -0225 Find Heliopolis. Kill another phalanx in Xinjian. Capture Berlin, 15g, destroy Germans; French appear with 20 techs.
                        -0200 Capture Heliopolis, 22g. Kill another phalanx in Xinjian.
                        -0175 Kill phalanx, capture Xinjian, 11g. Give French three techs, they trade maps showing Paris. Village at 29,37 yields nomads who build Jerusalem. Bribe Isandhlwana, 265-12, size 4 with two musketeers and a settler. Find Ngome, last remaining Zulu city.
                        -0150 Decide to follow Scouse Git’s path; build Statue of Liberty. Forget to revolt!!! 4M population. Kill musketeer in Ngome. Kill Egyptian settler.
                        -0125 Barbs kill other Greek settler! Capture Ngome, 6g, destroy Zulus; Babylonians appear. Village at 30,20 yields 50g. Find Babylonians at 32,24, destroy both units, and destroy Babylonians; Japanese appear.
                        -0100 Find Delhi, kill musketeer, destroy Indians; Sioux appear and immediately go to war with Japanese, but don’t appear on the F3 diplomacy screen or on Japanese relationships screen or ever again. Village at 24,18 yields crusaders near Paris. Kill French settler.
                        -0050 chivalry; among astronomy, bridgebuilding, engineering, leadership, medicine, physics, theology, and university, I choose leadership next (won’t matter anyway). Village at 47,67 yields Caesarea2. Capture barb chieftain. Find Athens.
                        -0025 Capture Thebes, 78g, destroy Egyptians; Spanish appear and immediately go to war with Japanese. Find Spanish at 14,10 and destroy Spanish civilization; Aztecs appear. Destroy French settler. Revolt, finally.
                        0001 Find Japanese settlers and kill one. Give Aztecs five techs and trade maps; they’re at 9,29, just north of our homeland. Destroy Aztecs. Village at 16,78 yields nomads. Kill Chinese settler and stacked unit.

                        Like Stu, I had tons of fun with this one. I made one incredibly stupid blunder (forgetting to revolt to fundy for six turns after Statue), but actually I don’t think that made much difference. My worst mistake was that I failed to plan logistically in time to be ready for China’s inland walled cities and for Paris with its musketeer fortified on a river, which require either a lot of land units or some dips.

                        I captured twelve cities and destroyed a thirteenth; I found two cities, and nomads built a third. I destroyed nine civilizations: Carthaginians, Mongols, Germans, Zulus, Babylonians, Indians, Egyptians, Spanish, and Aztecs. I learned democracy and chivalry and built Sun Tzu and Statue.

                        There remain three Chinese cities, Paris, Athens, and a Japanese settler. Athens and the settler should die next turn; two Chinese cities should be bribed on the second turn. That will leave only Beijing, with about a dozen mostly vet crusaders in close range, and then likely third-round dark blue and second-and-third-round light blue civs to mop up. I have ships scattered all around the world, especially in the north where the replacements are likely to pop up. Could conquer in 2-4 more turns, with any luck.

                        It’s been a swell game. I certainly have learned from my playing partners – thanks!! I’m impressed that the 2.42 team conquered BC – kudos to them as well. I really enjoyed this best-ball game, and I’m ready for another one.
                        Attached Files


                        • #87
                          I played it out just for fun and eradicated the last six AI civs in 60AD. On to the next one! SG, thanks for the teaching-game idea, and Peaster, thanks for the best-ball idea>

