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Caesar Sxn game - MGE Team Spoiler

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  • #46
    I found this a frustrating turnset. Although there were successes along with the failures, I'll be surprised if mine is the best game. Here's my save and log, and then I'll take a look at Grigor's.


    1950 English chariot wanders; learn trade, choose to research horseback riding next in order to defend ourselves; frigate loads warrior from Caesarea and heads for nothern land; settler heads for unexplored south
    1900 find Mongol frigate
    1850 English demand trade, I give it to them, they refuse to ally; Mongol frigate wanders
    1800 settler from Pisa heads south
    1650 build Lugdunum to use fish and peat
    1600 learn horseback riding, research mapmaking next so we can trade maps
    1500 build Lutetia; island to the north is modest size and uninhabited
    1450 English begin Colossus; population 300K
    1400 Mongols have nearly completed HG, but I buy the last 19 shields; I contact English, refuse to give them magnetism, demand that they leave, they declare war, I kill chariot
    1350 build Hanging Gardens, Mongols switch to Sun Tzu
    1300 Zulus have nearly completed Leo; learn mapmaking, researching writing next
    1250 Zulus complete Leo and switch to Colossus; build Byzantium
    1200 pay Mongols 50g but they won’t trade tech or ally; English demand magnetism but when I refuse, they still make peace; I choose not to trade them magnetism when they offer seafaring; find Zulus, they demand navigation, I refuse, they declare war
    1100 Mongols nearly complete Sun Tzu; population 400K
    Attached Files
    Last edited by debeest; December 28, 2004, 01:22.


    • #47
      Wow! I'm learning from this game. In particular, I'm learning that I need to be more confident. The AI, even with its superior tech and development, is so helpless. I must learn to imitate your aggressiveness.


      • #48
        OK - her'e my offering ...

        1950 = Trade -> Horse; Ravenna trains Settler;
        1750 = Lugdunum
        1600 = Hlobane captured 19g + Gunpowder
        1550 = Horseback Riding -> Writing
        1450 = Horse dies against Barb Archer outside Caesarea
        1400 = Barb Archer immolates against Caesarea - Warrior becomes vet; English refuse to trade tech and don't take kindly to demand for tribute - war - Horse kills Chariot and becomes vet; Horse kills Explorer; Lutetia founded;
        1350 = Rush last few shields of the Flowers to frustrate the Mongrels
        1300 = Hanging Gardens - Mongrels change to Colossus; Barb King - 100g;
        1350 = Swap Gunpowder for Map Making with English
        1300 = Writing -> Literacy
        1200 = Hut 50g;
        1100 = Ulundi, 29g + Masonry captured;
        1000 = Caesarea builds Library and Settler b's in to make size 4

        So I've founded two cities captured two cities acquired six techs -- how does that rate??

        Attached Files
        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #49
          Haven't viewed maps, but based on logs, I really like Grigor's turnset. Aggressive growth, really increased the baseline, and MPE seems really useful in this game.

          Must focus on a good happy WOW (capture or build) to grow, or STWA to conquer.
          Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
          RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


          • #50
            Well, I'm actually sort of relieved to see that Stu's game, while substantially better than mine again, isn't as overwhelmingly superior as Grigor's. I had thought I was getting the hang of this game, but you guys are both schooling me. (Although it's not ONLY because you play better than me. Howcum someone built Sun Tzu in my game, but not in either of yours?)

            Grigor's game illustrates that I was right to consider bypassing HG for MPE. Now why didn't I stick to that idea?

            Strategic thoughts will come later.


            • #51
              I wish somebody had built SunTzu - it's much cheaper to capture than to build

              Stu - I am having trouble openting your zipped save. Could you post an unzipped version? Or perhaps JRabbit can advise me on Mac-related zip openings.

              I really enjoyed dealing with the English chariot, which had a problem-like aspect to it. I immobilized it and killed it with an extra warrior. It took another 600 years to take out the explorer.

              The immediate objective in my save is capturing HG in Karakorum. There is a vet musket in Samarkand, and dollars to doughnuts says the AI will attack unsuccessfully out of Karakorum, perhaps even emptying the city, if you fortify it and stack an extra unit with it.

              On the other hand, the biggest problem in my save is dealing with the Zulu who are trying to retake Ulundi. I haven't found Hlobane yet. Zimbabwe has LW, and there are plenty of warriors to upgrade on the home island.


              • #52
                Debeest, your game is not at all bad. You developed the home island very thoroughly, and have many shields toward caravans. You are on track to, for instance, build 2 more wonders very quickly. Also, your game is at 1100BC instead of 2000, so there are another 2 turns to go.

                Your save could catch up to mine within 5 turns.

                I was fortunate in that my first frigate became a vet after only one minor skirmish against a Mongol warrior.


                • #53
                  Thanks, Grigor, but really you're way ahead of me. MPE has made a huge difference, both in techs and in map-swapping, and I'm not ready to get it really soon. And you've been out seizing cities already, while I explored northward instead and didn't find anyone even though I could see there was land. Maybe the exploration factor was luck, and the frigate going vet was luck, and certainly it was a fluke if your first warrior killed the English chariot -- but those things don't make the real difference. You did very very well.

                  I had no trouble with Stu's zipped save. I notice that sometimes Apolyton zips/saves have an extra .php on the filename, and I take that off before I work with it. Maybe that's it?


                  • #54
                    debeest - I took no chances with the English chariot: I moved two warriors out from Caesarea and one from the river town southwest. Three warriors against a chariot is not luck any more.


                    • #55
                      OK, I finally unloaded Stu's game. It is good, with a really strong shield production (caravan-building) in the home empire.

                      I like mine better.

                      If Karakorum can be captured without destroying HG, we should be better off. The assault against Zimbabwe (LW) needs to be carefully prepared.


                      • #56
                        Grigor, I just meant that if your first warrior succeeded in killing the chariot, that was a fluke -- the chances of winning are only 29%, IIRC. But actually, I'm not so sure that even your three warriors gave you any reason for confidence. Let's say the first one loses, as it usually would. Say the chariot goes vet. Suddenly those other warriors face extremely high odds (strength 1:1.5, which means round-by-round probabilities of 1:2, except that the ratio is even worse -- 7:17 -- because ties go to the defense). If your first warrior had lost and the chariot had gone vet, the other two warriors' chances weren't good.

                        But that was a tiny factor in the clear superiority of your game.

                        I pretty much agree with your analysis for the next turnset. We'll have no important Wonders available to build any time soon, whereas LW and HG will be available -- so let's go get 'em. HG first, because the Mongols have guns and can put up a good fight. I'd stop building galleons and just build gunboats -- they can carry two units each, which is more than enough. I'd switch some of the warriors and elephants to frigates, too. Let's use our superiority while we've got it.

                        Can anybody tell me why Trondheim shows up in the Find City screen and reveals its location, even though we've never mapped it?


                        • #57
                          Are you guys hard at work on the next turnset, starting from Grigor's 1000 BC save? I haven't started yet, but are we agreed that his is best?


                          • #58
                            I'm buried under marking - unlikely to get to it this week.

                            Grigor's achievements clearly surpass mine, but he has a serious enemy at his gate and he might be overextended ...

                            I will however, bow to the majority decision - Grigor's it is.

                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #59
                              reminder - each turnset is 20 turns, so your next one goes to 500bc, I believe.


                              • #60

                                The 2.42 team has posted their 1000bc saves, so they have almost caught up with team MGE. Your 500bc saves will be due in a week. Notice Elephant's proposal about summaries in the main thread, and let me know if anyone objects.

