Here's another exerpt:
"One bright spot in the first few months of the war was that it seemed that the Nazis had no sustainable atomic production line in place to counter the American stockpile. While the destruction and looting of Oak Ridge had been a major setback to American atomic bomb production it had not halted it. The laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico was still working on perfecting the bomb and ways of producing it, becoming more efficient as weeks passed. Experiments on producing a "hydrogen" bomb were underway. Though the atomic bomb program had not produced a bomb in time for the war with Japan it was hoped that it could now stop the Nazis dead in their tracks. Security surrounding the laboratory at Los Alamos had been increased. It was even boasted by Oppenheimer himself that "it would take an army" to breach the base's defenses..."
"One bright spot in the first few months of the war was that it seemed that the Nazis had no sustainable atomic production line in place to counter the American stockpile. While the destruction and looting of Oak Ridge had been a major setback to American atomic bomb production it had not halted it. The laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico was still working on perfecting the bomb and ways of producing it, becoming more efficient as weeks passed. Experiments on producing a "hydrogen" bomb were underway. Though the atomic bomb program had not produced a bomb in time for the war with Japan it was hoped that it could now stop the Nazis dead in their tracks. Security surrounding the laboratory at Los Alamos had been increased. It was even boasted by Oppenheimer himself that "it would take an army" to breach the base's defenses..."