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A War to end all Wars

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  • A War to end all Wars

    Well, listen up, fellers!

    This is my latest project, a project made to take a breath from stunning Panzer assaults and Heavy Bomber raids!


    You all know the story of the Great War and this here is now version 3.0 (BETA) of it. I am basically finished with it, I only need to look through various *.txt files.

    Changes from previous versions:

    * Now the map focuses only on Europe.

    * Tech tree and unit concept redesigned.

    * Added the possibility to change the outcome of the Great War by moving the starting date to August 1914.

    * Major graphical overhaul. Thanks go to Nemo (Yes, this will be the renaissance of his graphical artwork, see below), Fairline (who else?) and Curt Sibling!

    * New map (Never seen before in a scenario I can assure you).

    * And many more things ...!

    Expect a BETA release tonight (CET)!
    Attached Files

  • #2

    I have always thought that WW1 is a great war for a civ2 scenerio-and we will never really have enough.
    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


    • #3
      This one shows great promise!

      We have been starved of a classic Jim Panse scenario for too long!


      • #4
        Steph this one looks great, I'll have that finished title for ya sooner than later.


        • #5
          Ok, here you go. Attached you´ll find the first BETA release.

          I am finished with everything save the pedia and the sound files, but do not worry, those features will be included in the final release!

          Please report ANYTHING that might improve that one

          Please follow this here LINK to get the files!

          (I am sorry for this inconvenience but at Apolyton there is only half a MB attachment space )


          • #6
            You can always get it up to the upload and link it to here.

            In any case, I'll download and take a look


            Typo found: On the readme, at the end, you mention that your "Nichname" is jim panse
            Last edited by N35t0r; October 29, 2004, 20:15.
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #7
              Wow. Interesting map.

              Indifference is Bliss


              • #8
                Originally posted by N35t0r
                You can always get it up to the upload and link it to here.

                In any case, I'll download and take a look


                Typo found: On the readme, at the end, you mention that your "Nichname" is jim panse
                Man, I never thought of the upload function here. Stupid me


                • #9
                  I really like the scenario itself (graphics, events) but the map is very-very strange... Why is it rotated?
                  Anyway great work
                  Flying is man's second biggest experience. lLanding is the first.


                  • #10
                    Bloody good scenario!
                    I love the refreshingly mad camera angle!

                    Just a few points:

                    *Darken the terrain with richer colours - Makes the cities and troops stand out better.
                    *Give all cavalry and artillery units higher attack - They are nearly useless as they are.
                    *Have some 2nd Reich units unable to deploy on the first turn -
                    Hit the space bar and send most of the German city units to wait next turn.

                    I can tweak around with the terrain, if thou wishes!

                    But awesome work as it stands!
                    Some edits and this will be a killer one for sure!



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Balazs
                      I really like the scenario itself (graphics, events) but the map is very-very strange... Why is it rotated?
                      Anyway great work
                      Yeah, I forgot to ask. Why?!
                      "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                      • #12
                        Initial Impressions

                        World War one is a great subject for Civ2 and this scenario is a very refreshing simulation of that conflict. After looking at this briefly, some things came to mind;

                        The MAP; Innovative, detailed, and very large. Mapmaking is my own worst weakness and has repeatedly deflected me from scenario projects, so I'm always delighted to see a good map. The novel orientation is good, but if one is going to use this approach, then why include so much of the world that wasn't involved in the conflict? The allocation of terrain helps to channel the efforts of the combatants, but there is so much useless terrain/area on the map. If one is going to use an unusual map orientation, then why not use it to exclude useless areas of the world and narrow the focus of the scenario to the theatre of war? The question that comes to mind is, why was this orientation used? There might be a good reason. The terrain graphics were well-chosen and present a nice consistency and texture.

                        The UNITS; Very nice unit set. I especially liked the multiple-figure infantry graphics. There are a number of Fairline units here, and that kind of quality goes far toward making a scenario enjoyable. The variety of infantry unit types is demonstrative of considerable research/knowledge of the period/conflict, but I feel that this approach is a trade-off. It seems as if the air units', and, to a lesser extent, the naval units' variations were limited due to the allocation of infantry units to many of the slots. The naval graphics are exemplary, but a little too similar in appearance. While this may (or may not) be accurate, some graphic differentiation might make the ships easier to identify. IMO, the "Ship of Line" should be renamed "Predreadnought." There are a number of units that can attack aircraft. Did you intend for so many units to actually have this capability? If you're going to create a German language version of the scenario, then do so. If not, please spell it U-BOAT.

                        The ICONS; Superb. This is a great icon set, one of the best I've ever seen, though it might be helpful to change the pedia.txt on some of the improvements and wonders. The People graphics are great.

                        The TECH TREE; Very well done. It captures the very limited military/mobilization technology race that occurred during the conflict. Almost everything makes sense and adds historical flourishes. What is the French "Oriental Army" tech? What are the Austrian "Honved" troops?

                        Needless nitpicking; Why are Britain and France two different powers? Was there ever a chance that the two would part company? Stackable sea terrain sounds good, except that ground units that are aboard ships get left on sentry in the middle of the ocean when the carrying ships are sunk. Otherwise, the selection of stackable terrain is good. I like the little haystacks, but dislike the little cows. I liked the capitalization of the national capitals. It's a nice touch, obvious, and I should have thought of it, lol. I don't like the little smiley-face-things that indicate urban unrest. They do stand out, but so do other graphics that are more in harmony with a scenario like this one. The city placement was good overall, but there are a few that are mysterious. Shouldn't Gibraltar be on a mountain square? In a map of this scale, it'd be a nice touch. I like the little telephone/telegraph poles that are with the railroad graphic, but dislike the little houses with the red roof-- It's distracting. The orientation of Italy and Sicily in this map reminds me of an old medieval map I've seen. Nothing good or bad about that, just an observation. The flags are good, but too static. The trenches terrain is a great idea and works well, but why not alter the underlying terrain to more of a dark, no-man's-land look, rather than the pastoral green of a grassland square?

                        Overall, a very good scenario with great graphics in every category and a novel approach to the conflict.

                        Lost in America.
                        "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                        "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                        "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                        • #13
                          I think German/Austrian units should be named how they really were. (Calling Strumtruppen "Stormtroops" would be ridiculous)
                          I say U-boot should be U-boot.
                          "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                          • #14
                            After some play . . . .

                            The details of this map are subtle. I like it more the more I play on it. Excellent work. After playing all the sides for a few turns each and looking over some of the events, here are some more comments;

                            It needs a sound file.

                            On turn 1, the French go broke and sell off two improvements in two different cities. Was this intended?

                            Also on turn 1, a British city on the upper nile starves and loses a population point. Was this intended?

                            The Cavalry units are a nice historical touch, but outside of the Palestine theatre of war (and perhaps in the Ukraine), cavalry just didn't play that big a part in the war. Even so, the verisimilitude is high. I found myself doing precisely what the historical commanders did with cavalry--left it behind the front in order to exploit breakthroughs . . . which never occurred.

                            The events are superb. In the simplest way, the difficult diplomatic situations of the war are dealt with in a realistic way and at the same time avoid the "inevitability factor" of arranging that a given belligerent power enter the war on a specified turn according to historical dates. Instead, the situation is created whereby the Turks WILL enter the war on the side of the central powers, but the allies will not be able to predict when. The same holds true for Italy entering on the allied side and the central powers being uncertain of the timing. I do have a question about the Greek entry-event. You have the Triggerattacker being the receiver of the new Greek units. Is this what you intended?
                            Lost in America.
                            "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                            "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                            "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                            • #15
                              Thank you all for the initial feedback, I will now present some of the answers for you

                              Typo found: On the readme, at the end, you mention that your "Nichname" is jim panse
                              Thank you for that one, I already changed it

                              Just a few points:

                              *Darken the terrain with richer colours - Makes the cities and troops stand out better.
                              *Give all cavalry and artillery units higher attack - They are nearly useless as they are.
                              *Have some 2nd Reich units unable to deploy on the first turn -
                              Hit the space bar and send most of the German city units to wait next turn.

                              I can tweak around with the terrain, if thou wishes!
                              Well Curt, I if you want to take a go at those terrains, please do so. I´d be delighted to see what you could to with them

                              I already increased the artillery attack value. Only the cavalry units will remain as weak as they are.

                              @ Exile: Thank you very much for this more than awesome feedback! If there were more superheros like you out there

                              About the MAP, this one is some kind of 'test run' for further use of that map. Anyway, I understand your point about the inclusion of all those territories no-one needed in World War One. Well, Rotating the map 45° brought that with it Sorry but I have no better explanation.

                              About the UNITS, I have changed your suggestions about the names of the German sub and the Ship of Line I think I shall stick to this set of units chosen since there were not too many differences between those ship types in WW1.

                              The ICONS and the PEOPLE are the rightful property of His Imperail Majesty Curt Sibling

                              About the TECH TREE, it took me long enough to accomplish it in a at least acceptable way. Civ 2 is not very good when it comes to realism but I think the tech tree is not the worst.

                              Some techs, however, seem to have no real sense but those techs trigger military operations in remote areas like Mesopotamia or the famous Gallipoli expedition.

                              Ah, almost forgot one thing: The Oriental Army tech ... well, please try it out as France (or try Google typing Oriental Army WW1 or something like that. You should be able to find out about that tech )

                              The ENGLAND & FRANCE thing. Well, It should be quiet difficult for France to withstand Germany alone. I fear, however, that this feature will only be of real sense in a MP/PBEM game.

                              About the TERRAIN thing. I am not really content with the trenches terrain. I am glad you like that feature and I do think it is not the worst idea in that scenario. I will change it definitely, though.

                              It needs a sound file.
                              I am working on that. I also posted in the BETA release post that two things would be still missing - the Pedia.txt and the Sounds

                              On turn 1, the French go broke and sell off two improvements in two different cities. Was this intended?
                              Nope. I have to fine-adjust that.

                              Also on turn 1, a British city on the upper nile starves and loses a population point. Was this intended?
                              Same as the last point. Look above.

                              About the EVENTS, yes, I intended to make the Greeks enter the war on the side of the triggerattacker. Greece had a relative of Wilhelm II as king and was supposed to be on the German side of the fray ...

                              Ok, that´s it for now, more soon

