Demanding Tribute
One of the important aspects of diplomacy is getting tribute from the AI. Over the time I have done some research on this topic and I think there is enough interesting information to share.
1. Prerequisites for demanding Tribute:
a) Relative Military Strength
The decisive factor for tributes is what I call Relative Military Strength (RMS). It is the result of 2 factors:
- Military strength of human player: sum of the attack values of all units on the AI´s home continent
in relation to
- Military strength of AI: number of units with an attack value on the AI´s home continent
RMS = Military strength of human player /Military strength of AI
The AI will give in to your demand, if your military strength is higher than the AI´s (RMS > 1 or 100%). If the military strength of the human player is equal or lower than the AI´s, the AI will demand tribute first and reject the human players demands.
The AI offers tribute for peace, if the military strength of the human player is 2 (200%) or higher (for modifications see the table under determinig tributes).
Note: Sea units are counted if they are in a harbour on the same continent. Air units don´t have to be in a city but on the same continent. RMS is calculated at the beginning of the turn. Events during the tum (e.g. units land on AI continent, units lost) will will be taken into account next turn.
b) Government
There is no tribute option under Republic and Democracy for the human player. Tribute can be demanded under all other forms of government (including anarchy).
The AI demands tribute under all forms of government
c) Treasury/Techs
Gold as a tribute is given only when the AI treasury has a minimum of 50g, otherwise you will always receive a tech (if available). The AI demands tribute only if the human players treasury has a minimum of 50g.
d) 8 Turn Cycle
The AI will pay tribute only if a minimum of 8 turns passed since peace was concluded.
e) War and Alliances
Obviously no tribute is given in a state of war. It may be offered for truce, though. In an alliance no tribute can be demanded. Instead gifts can be asked for.
2. Determining Tributes
Tributes are calculated. There is no random factor.
Multiplier: the multiplier for demanded tributes is 50g, for tributes offered for peace 100g.
Maximum tribute: of the AI treasury only full multipliers are considered, example: AI treasury 230g, multiplier 50g = max. tribute 200g
For practical purposes the following table might be helpful. It also shows the pattern. Values are: Human players military strength/ AI military strength.
Entries in order: RMS in %, values, offered for peace, paid when demanded
100 1:1 none none
100 2:2 none none
100 3:3 none none
100 6:6 none none
120 6:5 none 100
133 4:3 none 100
140 7:5 none 100
140 14:10 none 100
140 42:30 none 100
150 3:2 none 100
150 9:6 none 100
150 15:10 none 100
150 30:15 none 100
160 8:5 none 100
160 16:10 none 100
160 24:15 100 150
166 5:3 none 100
175 7:4 none 100
175 14:8 100 150
180 9:5 100 150
190 19:10 100 150
200 2:1 none 100
200 4:2 none 100
200 6:3 100 150
200 8:4 100 150
200 10:5 100 150
200 14:7 100 150
200 16:8 100 150
200 18:9 100 150
200 20:10 100 150
200 22:11 100 150
200 26:13 100 150
200 30:15 100 150
200 40:20 100 150
220 11:5 100 150
220 22:10 200 200
233 7:3 100 150
233 14:6 200 200
240 12:5 200 200
250 5:2 100 150
250 10:4 200 200
250 15:6 200 200
250 20:8 200 200
275 11:4 200 200
300 3:1 100 150
300 6:2 200 200
300 9:3 200 200
300 12:4 200 200
300 15:5 300 250
300 21:7 300 250
320 16:5 300 250
333 10:3 300 250
333 20:6 300 250
366 11:3 300 250
366 22:6 400 300
400 4:1 200 200
400 8:2 300 250
400 12:3 400 300
400 16:4 400 300
400 20:5 400 300
420 21:5 500 350
460 23:5 500 350
480 24:5 600 400
500 5:1 300 250
500 10:2 400 300
500 15:3 500 350
500 20:4 600 400
500 25:5 600 400
500 30:6 600 400
533 16:3 600 400
600 6:1 400 300
600 12:2 600 400
600 18:3 700 450
600 24:4 700 450
700 7:1 500 350
700 14:2 700 450
700 21:3 800 500
700 28:4 900 550
all values tested in 2.42 in BC years with a sufficient AI treasury.
- There is also a 16 turn cycle: the AI will pay 50% less tribute between turn 8 and turn 15 since peace was concluded.
- Until 3400 BC demanded tributes are 50% lower.
- Truce (peace rejected): - 50%
- Great Wall and United Nations: no tribute offered for peace, no gold on demanded tributes (tech as tribute is still possible)
3. Factors without Influence:
- Power Rating
- Attitude (other than causing war); attitude is influenced by RMS, though.
- Units on sea or on other continents
- Number of cities
4. Practical Use:
A few examples:
It is relatively easy for the human player to get a higher RMS as the AI units are just counted by numbers. An extreme example: 2 warriors and one horse (sum of attack values = 4) are rated higher than 3 AI musketeers (number of units = 3) and tribute will be paid. If the AI is not willing to pay, you simply have to build a few more units and try again.
To get tributes from an AI on a different continent you can ship some units with a good attack factor there.
If your sea units (with an attack factor i.e. a trireme) are idle, they should wait in a harbour to improve your RMS.
It is also possible to get information about the approximate number of units the AI has from the tribute that has been received (or rejected). Example: tribute given is 200g, human military strenght is 15: the AI won´t have more than 6 military units on this continent.
If the AI offers peace it is safe to assume that the human player is stronger. If you expect to be at least 2 times stronger it is best to reject peace and then take the tribute offered for peace. You can demand tribute again the same turn you conclude peace (while the diplomatic screen is still open) and the AI will pay a full tribute again (assuming the treasury is not empty, yet). The 8 turn cycle (where no tributes are paid) begins in the next turn.
One of the important aspects of diplomacy is getting tribute from the AI. Over the time I have done some research on this topic and I think there is enough interesting information to share.
1. Prerequisites for demanding Tribute:
a) Relative Military Strength
The decisive factor for tributes is what I call Relative Military Strength (RMS). It is the result of 2 factors:
- Military strength of human player: sum of the attack values of all units on the AI´s home continent
in relation to
- Military strength of AI: number of units with an attack value on the AI´s home continent
RMS = Military strength of human player /Military strength of AI
The AI will give in to your demand, if your military strength is higher than the AI´s (RMS > 1 or 100%). If the military strength of the human player is equal or lower than the AI´s, the AI will demand tribute first and reject the human players demands.
The AI offers tribute for peace, if the military strength of the human player is 2 (200%) or higher (for modifications see the table under determinig tributes).
Note: Sea units are counted if they are in a harbour on the same continent. Air units don´t have to be in a city but on the same continent. RMS is calculated at the beginning of the turn. Events during the tum (e.g. units land on AI continent, units lost) will will be taken into account next turn.
b) Government
There is no tribute option under Republic and Democracy for the human player. Tribute can be demanded under all other forms of government (including anarchy).
The AI demands tribute under all forms of government
c) Treasury/Techs
Gold as a tribute is given only when the AI treasury has a minimum of 50g, otherwise you will always receive a tech (if available). The AI demands tribute only if the human players treasury has a minimum of 50g.
d) 8 Turn Cycle
The AI will pay tribute only if a minimum of 8 turns passed since peace was concluded.
e) War and Alliances
Obviously no tribute is given in a state of war. It may be offered for truce, though. In an alliance no tribute can be demanded. Instead gifts can be asked for.
2. Determining Tributes
Tributes are calculated. There is no random factor.
Multiplier: the multiplier for demanded tributes is 50g, for tributes offered for peace 100g.
Maximum tribute: of the AI treasury only full multipliers are considered, example: AI treasury 230g, multiplier 50g = max. tribute 200g
For practical purposes the following table might be helpful. It also shows the pattern. Values are: Human players military strength/ AI military strength.
Entries in order: RMS in %, values, offered for peace, paid when demanded
100 1:1 none none
100 2:2 none none
100 3:3 none none
100 6:6 none none
120 6:5 none 100
133 4:3 none 100
140 7:5 none 100
140 14:10 none 100
140 42:30 none 100
150 3:2 none 100
150 9:6 none 100
150 15:10 none 100
150 30:15 none 100
160 8:5 none 100
160 16:10 none 100
160 24:15 100 150
166 5:3 none 100
175 7:4 none 100
175 14:8 100 150
180 9:5 100 150
190 19:10 100 150
200 2:1 none 100
200 4:2 none 100
200 6:3 100 150
200 8:4 100 150
200 10:5 100 150
200 14:7 100 150
200 16:8 100 150
200 18:9 100 150
200 20:10 100 150
200 22:11 100 150
200 26:13 100 150
200 30:15 100 150
200 40:20 100 150
220 11:5 100 150
220 22:10 200 200
233 7:3 100 150
233 14:6 200 200
240 12:5 200 200
250 5:2 100 150
250 10:4 200 200
250 15:6 200 200
250 20:8 200 200
275 11:4 200 200
300 3:1 100 150
300 6:2 200 200
300 9:3 200 200
300 12:4 200 200
300 15:5 300 250
300 21:7 300 250
320 16:5 300 250
333 10:3 300 250
333 20:6 300 250
366 11:3 300 250
366 22:6 400 300
400 4:1 200 200
400 8:2 300 250
400 12:3 400 300
400 16:4 400 300
400 20:5 400 300
420 21:5 500 350
460 23:5 500 350
480 24:5 600 400
500 5:1 300 250
500 10:2 400 300
500 15:3 500 350
500 20:4 600 400
500 25:5 600 400
500 30:6 600 400
533 16:3 600 400
600 6:1 400 300
600 12:2 600 400
600 18:3 700 450
600 24:4 700 450
700 7:1 500 350
700 14:2 700 450
700 21:3 800 500
700 28:4 900 550
all values tested in 2.42 in BC years with a sufficient AI treasury.
- There is also a 16 turn cycle: the AI will pay 50% less tribute between turn 8 and turn 15 since peace was concluded.
- Until 3400 BC demanded tributes are 50% lower.
- Truce (peace rejected): - 50%
- Great Wall and United Nations: no tribute offered for peace, no gold on demanded tributes (tech as tribute is still possible)
3. Factors without Influence:
- Power Rating
- Attitude (other than causing war); attitude is influenced by RMS, though.
- Units on sea or on other continents
- Number of cities
4. Practical Use:
A few examples:
It is relatively easy for the human player to get a higher RMS as the AI units are just counted by numbers. An extreme example: 2 warriors and one horse (sum of attack values = 4) are rated higher than 3 AI musketeers (number of units = 3) and tribute will be paid. If the AI is not willing to pay, you simply have to build a few more units and try again.
To get tributes from an AI on a different continent you can ship some units with a good attack factor there.
If your sea units (with an attack factor i.e. a trireme) are idle, they should wait in a harbour to improve your RMS.
It is also possible to get information about the approximate number of units the AI has from the tribute that has been received (or rejected). Example: tribute given is 200g, human military strenght is 15: the AI won´t have more than 6 military units on this continent.
If the AI offers peace it is safe to assume that the human player is stronger. If you expect to be at least 2 times stronger it is best to reject peace and then take the tribute offered for peace. You can demand tribute again the same turn you conclude peace (while the diplomatic screen is still open) and the AI will pay a full tribute again (assuming the treasury is not empty, yet). The 8 turn cycle (where no tributes are paid) begins in the next turn.