Originally posted by solo
Compared to building a barracks, warriors are a real bargain, since they have several uses for expediting early expansion, although fighting may not be one of them.
Building lots of them is the quickest way to become supreme, the rating allowing the most respect and tribute.
If they all hang around long enough for Leonardo's, they even become useful for waging war, eventually justifying the curious name chosen for them by the game's designers.
Compared to building a barracks, warriors are a real bargain, since they have several uses for expediting early expansion, although fighting may not be one of them.
Building lots of them is the quickest way to become supreme, the rating allowing the most respect and tribute.
If they all hang around long enough for Leonardo's, they even become useful for waging war, eventually justifying the curious name chosen for them by the game's designers.
A mildly useful trick with Warriors is to build a lot of them just before getting Gunpowder (with Leo), and then disband the resulting Musketeers for the shields. 5 net shields/unit isn't much, but it helps.
Shark Fin - what size maps do you play on? On small maps, early conquest of the AI is possible, but you probably won't want to waste time building barracks - you'll want to be tipping huts and gathering units ASAP. On a big map, where you don't meet the AI for a while, your only enemies are barbarians, and nonvet Horsemen and Diplomats do just fine against those.