This thread is result of reading a thread at OT about HoF in which someone stated that smaller communities should organise to force their candidates.
I propose that we chose 3 guys on which we vote.
For example,
next month, we can vote for
Alex Mor
And each month, we vote them in the same order.
When one of them becomes a member of HoF, we elect our new candidate.
Of course, it will take time...
Perhaps we can merge with some other community in our voting efforts; then, we would take 1 guy from each community.
(I am not sure about joining forces with Spaniards, however.).
There are a lot of people that deserve to be there,
but, after a lot of doubt, I decided my propositions are:
Stefan - one of the most polite and pleasant members of our
community. Author of many quality scenarios.
Harlan - I am not a fan of His scenarios. Jesus Balsinde is the
master of mine. Still, He is a civ2 legend somehow, He has
chances to gain popularity, so I chose Him.
Mercator - there are several people that contributed to Civ2 in
similar way. The reason why I chose Him, though, aside
personal sympathy, is that He is still active here. And we
want to keep it all alive.
You can laugh at this, but I think it is very important. We can not let people forget civ2, and this may be a reason to refresh their memory or tell people, that this site is not only Civ3, Ctp and plans of Civ4.
I opened my laptop, and then came the dog bugging me for a walk. So I went. When I returned, there was this funny smell...
It turned out that when I opened my laptop, it reached the lamp, which was very hot already... No injury to the computer itself, but it looks ugly
Damn, dumb me.
I propose that we chose 3 guys on which we vote.
For example,
next month, we can vote for
Alex Mor
And each month, we vote them in the same order.
When one of them becomes a member of HoF, we elect our new candidate.
Of course, it will take time...
Perhaps we can merge with some other community in our voting efforts; then, we would take 1 guy from each community.
(I am not sure about joining forces with Spaniards, however.).
There are a lot of people that deserve to be there,
but, after a lot of doubt, I decided my propositions are:
Stefan - one of the most polite and pleasant members of our
community. Author of many quality scenarios.
Harlan - I am not a fan of His scenarios. Jesus Balsinde is the
master of mine. Still, He is a civ2 legend somehow, He has
chances to gain popularity, so I chose Him.
Mercator - there are several people that contributed to Civ2 in
similar way. The reason why I chose Him, though, aside
personal sympathy, is that He is still active here. And we
want to keep it all alive.
You can laugh at this, but I think it is very important. We can not let people forget civ2, and this may be a reason to refresh their memory or tell people, that this site is not only Civ3, Ctp and plans of Civ4.
I opened my laptop, and then came the dog bugging me for a walk. So I went. When I returned, there was this funny smell...
It turned out that when I opened my laptop, it reached the lamp, which was very hot already... No injury to the computer itself, but it looks ugly
Damn, dumb me.