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Scandinavian diplomacy (2001-20011) improvement

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  • #16
    You could post the wonders list, as well as city improvements and units list so that we can suggest changes.

    Oh, and what map is being used? because you probably can use the desert terrain to do something else, such as urban? (my suggestion: 3 shi, 3 trade, can be 'mined' (factories) for an extra 3 shields), and provides a defense bonus.

    Have artillery an infantry units ignore city walls (the latter are much better at fighting urban, so it would be a good way to reflect it...
    Indifference is Bliss


    • #17
      No wonders are built and the city improvements are just the same as in normal civII games.

      If they ignore city walls won't that even fasten the battle?
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      • #18
        I don't know about the map, after all I'm just improving that thing. I can send you the scen if you want to have a look.
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        • #19
          What a pity I've lost the creator's e-mail, I'm sure John Law would love to take part in this
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          • #20
            Originally posted by SetuSinger
            No wonders are built and the city improvements are just the same as in normal civII games.

            If they ignore city walls won't that even fasten the battle?
            Up the defenses for all the units, and this will slow battle as you would need infantry and arty to assault cities (rather than the fast moving tanks, which makes sense).

            You can also remove / limit RR's.

            I'd also suggest renaming city improvements (Temple, MarketPlace?)
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #21
              I made specially strong-defending and low building cost infantry units for danes and estonians to make it a bit harder to annect them.

              Yes, I'll change the improvements, until now my only plan for this is to remove the SAMs (Airdefense will be done by units).

              Can anyone tell me the standard jetfighters used by the swedish, norwegian, russian and finnish airforce?
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              Solidarität mit Island!

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              • #22
                That 20011 is a typo, by the way. It should be 2011.

                Oh, and I think I do have an e-mail address of a certain John Law. He e-mailed me some maps a long time ago (and I never replied ). I'll look it up.
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #23
                  I can only answer for Norway with certainty. We use the F-16.

                  Sweden uses the Saab 37 Viggen I think. It's still in service as their standard one I think, but since 1990 they stopped producing the Viggen and started building the Grippen. I'm not sure there's any civ-graphics for them though...

                  And Finland I think uses the BAe Hawk Mk 51 as their standard.

                  The Russians have many, but I think the SU-27 Flanker is the most commonly used.
                  Find my civ2 scenarios here

                  Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                  • #24
                    Tanelorn's cool Jas 39 Gripen...It might be of use?
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Nice one!
                      Find my civ2 scenarios here

                      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                      • #26
                        Here are some swedish unitss by tanelorn and other assorted authors
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Thank you all!

                          I hope I'll get to work on this tomorrow. Today I have to recover from yesternight...
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                          Solidarität mit Island!

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                          • #28
                            Some corrected Norwegians
                            Attached Files
                            Find my civ2 scenarios here

                            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                            • #29
                              Hm, I just don't get much farer with this. I'd need someone to take over the cities, delete the improvements given to much and perhaps change them. Will someone take over this not so nice job?
                              Alles ist möglich! Nichts wird uns aufhalten!
                              Solidarität mit Island!

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                              • #30
                                Can't you just use CivCity to do it ?(hint hint hint )
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