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Mystery Crash Investigation Needed!

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  • Mystery Crash Investigation Needed!

    I have a problem -

    And one with CIV2 as well!

    While playtesting my Kingdoms of Steel scenario, which is turning out to be quite a fun empire builder;

    I notice that the game always crashes on the discovery of Invention...Although I cannot see why...

    Mine eyes are reeling with staring at the rules file too much.

    Perhaps a text-hero with a fresh outlook can uncover something I am missing here?

    Any help would be hugely appreciated!

    The person who helps me sovle this riddle will be given the island of Malta as a reward.

    Just go there and claim your prize!

    Advanced Wizardry, 5,-1, Rad, ToG, 0, 4 ; AFl 0
    Alphabet, 5, 1, nil, nil, 0, 3 ; Alp
    Munition Armour, 3,-2, Stl, Rob, 3, 0 ; Amp
    Astronomy, 4, 1, Mys, Mat, 1, 3 ; Ast
    Theory of Magicka, 4,-1, ToG, Phy, 2, 3 ; Ato
    Municipality, 6,-1, Cor, Stl, 3, 1 ; Aut 5
    Banking, 4, 1, Tra, Cmp, 1, 1 ; Ban
    Bridge Building, 4, 0, Mas, Cst, 1, 4 ; Bri
    Chain Armour, 6,-1, CA, nil, 1, 0 ; Bro
    Ceremonial Burial, 5, 0, X2, nil, 1, 2 ; Cer
    Chemistry, 5,-1, Med, Pla, 2, 3 ; Che 10
    Chivalry, 4,-2, Feu, Hor, 1, 0 ; Chi
    King's Laws, 4, 1, Cmp, Mon, 1, 3 ; CoL
    Armour Crafting, 5,-1, War, nil, 2, 0 ; CA
    Paddle Steamers, 5,-1, SE, Met, 3, 3 ; Cmb
    Agrarianism, 5, 0, Ind, Phi, 2, 2 ; Cmn 15
    Law and Customs, 4, 1, Wri, nil, 1, 2 ; Cmp
    Advanced Gunpower, 7,-1, Met, MP, 3, 0 ; Csc
    Large Buildings, 4, 0, Mas, Cur, 1, 4 ; Cst
    Trading Companies, 4, 0, Ind, Eco, 3, 1 ; Cor
    Currency, 4, 1, Bro, nil, 1, 1 ; Cur 20
    Democracy, 5, 1, Ind, Rep, 3, 2 ; Dem
    Economics, 4, 1, Uni, Ban, 2, 1 ; Eco
    Lightning Control, 4, 0, Rad, Mag, 0, 4 ; E1
    Civic Bureacracy, 4, 1, Aut, Uni, 3, 1 ; E2
    Engineering, 4, 0, Whe, Cst, 2, 4 ; Eng 25
    Alchemy, 3, 1, Che, Uni, 2, 3 ; Env
    Espionage, 2,-1, Eco, Ldr, 3, 2 ; Esp
    Land Engineering, 5, 0, Eco, Eng, 2, 4 ; Exp
    Feudalism, 4,-1, Mon, Tra, 1, 4 ; Feu
    Battle Wizardry, 4,-1, Rad, Chi, 0, 4 ; Fli 30
    Theocracy, 3,-2, The, Feu, 1, 2 ; Fun
    Aetherius Fusion, 6,-1, NP, nil, 0, 4 ; FP
    Armoured Horsemen, 5,-1, Stl, Hor, 1, 0 ; Gen
    Peasant Militia, 4, 1, Feu, War, 1, 0 ; Gue
    Gunpowder, 8,-2, Inv, Mag, 3, 0 ; Gun 35
    Horseback Riding, 4,-1, X6, nil, 0, 0 ; Hor
    Industry, 6, 0, Min, Ban, 3, 3 ; Ind
    Invention, 6, 0, Uni, Rob, 3, 4 ; Inv
    Lamellar Armour, 5,-1, Bro, War, 2, 0 ; Iro
    High Chivalry, 6,-1, Tac, The, 1, 0 ; Lab 40
    Asari Horse Riding, 0, 0, no, no, 0, 0 ; Las
    Knightly Orders, 4,-1, Chi, CoL, 1, 0 ; Ldr
    Literacy, 5, 2, Wri, CoL, 1, 3 ; Lit
    Machine Tools, 5, 1, Rob, Inv, 2, 4 ; Too
    Heavy Frigates, 4,-1, Nav, Gun, 1, 3 ; Mag 45
    Map Making, 6,-1, Alp, nil, 0, 3 ; Map
    Brick Construction, 4, 1, Pot, nil, 1, 4 ; Mas
    Replaceable Parts, 5, 1, Too, Stl, 3, 3 ; MP
    Mathematics, 4,-1, Alp, Mas, 1, 3 ; Mat
    Medicine, 4, 0, Phy, Tra, 2, 3 ; Med 50
    Metallurgy, 6,-2, Gun, Uni, 2, 3 ; Met
    Magick Engine, 4, 1, Too, E1, 3, 3 ; Min
    Pistoliers, 7,-1, Gun, Gen, 3, 0 ; Mob
    Monarchy, 5, 1, Cmp, PT, 1, 2 ; Mon
    Monotheism, 5, 1, Phi, PT, 1, 2 ; MT 55
    Mysticism, 4, 0, Cer, nil, 0, 2 ; Mys
    Navigation, 6,-1, Sea, Ast, 1, 1 ; Nav
    Otherworldly Power, 6,-1, Sth, Min, 0, 4 ; NF
    Magicka Maelstrom, 6,-1, NF, nil, 0, 4 ; NP
    Philosophy, 6, 1, Mys, Lit, 1, 2 ; Phi 60
    Physics, 4,-1, Nav, Lit, 1, 3 ; Phy
    Scholastic Study, 4, 1, Lit, Mys, 1, 3 ; Pla
    Imperial Legions, 0, 0, no, no, 1, 0 ; Plu
    Ritualism, 4, 0, Cer, Hor, 0, 2 ; PT
    Pottery, 4, 1, nil, nil, 0, 1 ; Pot 65
    Wizardry, 5,-1, U2, Cmp, 0, 4 ; Rad
    Iron Roads, 6, 0, Ind, Bri, 3, 4 ; RR
    Doomsday Weapon, 8,-1, FP, NP, 0, 4 ; Rec
    Magick Potions, 4, 0, Env, Uni, 0, 4 ; Ref
    Improved Farming, 3, 1, Feu, San, 1, 4 ; Rfg 70
    The Republic, 5, 1, Ldr, Eco, 3, 2 ; Rep
    Mechanics, 5, 1, Eng, Mat, 2, 4 ; Rob
    Advanced Siegecraft,6,-2, Met, Tac, 3, 0 ; Roc
    Sanitation, 4, 2, Med, Eng, 2, 4 ; San
    Seafaring, 4, 1, Map, Pot, 1, 4 ; Sea 75
    Weapon Enchantment, 4,-1, Fli, CA, 0, 4 ; SFl
    Etymologicalism, 4, 1, Sup, AFl, 0, 4 ; Sth
    Steam Frigates, 4,-1, Inv, X7, 3, 3 ; SE
    Steel Plate Armour, 4,-1, Iro, Eng, 1, 0 ; Stl
    Temporal Phylogeny, 4, 1, Uni, Rad, 0, 4 ; Sup 80
    Knightly Tactics, 5,-1, Ldr, Stl, 1, 0 ; Tac
    Theology, 3, 2, MT, Feu, 1, 2 ; The
    Arcanum Theory, 4, 0, Ast, Uni, 2, 3 ; ToG
    Trade, 4, 2, Cur, CoL, 0, 1 ; Tra
    University, 5, 1, Pla, Phi, 1, 3 ; Uni 85
    Warrior Code, 4,-1, nil, nil, 0, 0 ; War
    Wheeled Carts, 4,-1, X6, nil, 1, 4 ; Whe
    Writing, 4, 2, Alp, nil, 0, 3 ; Wri
    Magicka Research, 1, 0, Rad, nil, 0, 4 ; ...
    Study of Magick, 3, 0, X4, Lit, 0, 4 ; U1 90
    Magick Colleges, 3, 0, U1, Tra, 0, 4 ; U2 91
    Warrior Cults, 0, 0, no, no, 0, 0 ; U3 92
    Advanced Archery, 4,-1, Mat, War, 0, 0 ; X1 93
    Paganism, 3, 0, nil, nil, 0, 2 ; X2 94
    Shamanism, 3, 0, X2, nil, 0, 2 ; X3 95
    Primitive Magick, 3, 0, X3, Wri, 0, 4 ; X4 96
    Animal Speech, 3, 0, Rad, X6, 0, 4 ; X5 97
    Domestication, 3, 0, nil, nil, 1, 4 ; X6 98
    Large Ship Hulls, 4,-1, Mag, Met, 1, 3 ; X7 99

    And the file in text format:
    Attached Files

  • #2

    If I'm reading this correctly, Gunpowder (Gun) and Heavy Frigates (Mag) each require the other as a Preq. Gun also requires Inv. So maybe when Inv is discovered, Civ2.exe reads the illegal loop and crashes.

    So if that's right, drop Mag from the Gun line or Gun from the Mag line and you should be okay.
    El Aurens v2 Beta!


    • #3
      That's interesting. I thought Civ2 would crash on start-up when it encountered a loop (I guess not).

      But that's an interesting way of finding out how Civ2 reads the tech tree.
      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


      • #4
        I'm sure it was just a planned test that Curt forgot about. I do those at work all the time.
        El Aurens v2 Beta!


        • #5
          Yes Merc, sometimes the game will load up and run . . . until it must encounter the loop head on.

          I've loaded up several times and hit the cheat button, started looking at the techs, and realized a loop had been created. But its usually caught in time.

          Curt, did that solve the problem?
          Lost in America.
          "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
          "or a very good liar." --Stefu
          "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


          • #6
            Thanks guys!

            Gonna test it now,

            I substituted Alchemy for Magnetism for the Gunpowder preqs - (makes more sense anyway)

            The problem must have formed when I was meddling with techs to create a naval research path.

            I let youse know if it works!



            • #7
              Seems to work now!

              Do many of you use the tech tree display feature in the CIVpedia?

              It's bladdy useful!
              I am going to make screenies of each major tech in the scen and keep em' for reference!

