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New Blockbuster Coming Soon ...

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  • New Blockbuster Coming Soon ...

    Ok, since this is a scenario creation forum I would like to post some information on my latest project: OKTYABR

    Game concept:

    * Oktyabr will be an alternate World War III scenario with multiple game files.

    * Oktyabr will feature also lots of fancy Cold War era units.

    * Oktyabr will start in Spring 1971 and will become an all-over total war scenario.

    Background Story:

    1963 U.S. President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Tx.

    In the years following his unlucky presidency the Vietnam War rages on with ever growing Soviet and Chinese support. Over the years the U.S. Army is not able to secure a decisive victory over Ho Chi Minh while the casualties increase and unhappiness in the U.S. is growing.

    1967 In the 6 Days War Israel is able to defend itself against its Arab neighbours with immediate and unrestricted U.S. aid.

    1968 While unrests and strikes among the students and workers of Europe erupt a civil war breaks out in Brazil on May Day. Communist peasants from the plantations supported by most of the Natives support a certain Lazaro Maximó. The U.S. decides it cannot tolerate such an augmentation of communist influence in its backyard and starts to send military aid to the legal Brazilian government. The main problem with this support is the financing of it: CIA officials buy raw goods from Cuba to keep Castro out of Brazil to finance the weapons delivered to the White Brazilians.

    The U.S. is deeply shocked by all the events of this year: In Vietnam the war is getting worser each day after the Vietkong launched the Tet Offensive, all over the America itself hundreds of thousands demostrate against the war and then this civil war in the backyard of the U.S. ...

    1969 Only two days after the Saturn V Shock (The Apollo XI mission failed spectacular: The Saturn V rocket exploded during its last tests and the crew would not get any chance to fly to the moon any time soon) this Cuba-Brazil Affair shocks the U.S. publicity. The newly elected Nixon administration is under heavy fire from this day on. Further aid to the white Brazilians becomes impossible and the communists insurgents gain more and more grounds.

    But this was not the final thrust upon the U.S.: On Revolution Day the U.S.S.R. presents its Kosmonauts on the moon saluting to the Red Banner of the Revolution. Only a couple of hours after those stunning pictures were broadcasted Lazaro Maximó parades through Brasilia proclaiming the United Socialist States of America. The U.S. are deeply shocked and begin to withdraw their troops from Vietnam during Winter.

    1970 And if it had not been enough for the U.S., on May Day a communist revolution breaks out in Seoul, Korea, and sweeps the U.S.-backed government away and Kim il-Sung is able to proclaim the re-unification of Korea after, 'decades of unjust oppression by those capitalist swines'.

    Whereever the U.S. looks, its post-WW2 system is crumbling. Only in Japan and Israel the American cause is not lost - yet. As an - maybe the only possible answer - Nixon urges Japan and Taiwan to become one nation again in order to defend itself against the growing threat of a Chinese invasion and S.E.A.T.O. becomes dissoluted since most of its member states do not believe in America any longer. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa join in together with N.A.T.O. to form some kind of global defense union against the Red Wrath.

    But this year hold another surprise for the world: On Revolution Day 1970 Sergey Uljanov, an orthodox lunatic seizes power in the Soviet Union and on 3 November, while the West is still wondering what to do with Uljanov, unifies Berlin - under Soviet rule. Uljanov on the other hand delivers loads of tons of conventional weapons to the United Arab Republic to make sure the next war of the Arabs against Israel will be the last one. When Western intelligence learns about these weapons Israel is allowed to join N.A.T.O.

    During Winter Uljanov is able to build-up his forces in the German Democratic Republic while the U.S. debates with Gromyko at the U.N. and tries to rebuild its military after the defeat in Vietnam.

    1971 The negotiations between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. are ending in spring. A sad and tired U.S. President Nixon declares that America seems to make every effort to defend its own freedom at home and liberty abroad again.

    Two days later, on May Day 1971, the Soviet Army crosses the German-German borders. The Third World War has begun.

    The Civilizations:

    U.S.S.R. - The Soviets think their day has come at last. It is their task to finish off their enemies in Europe before America can possibly commit all its weight to the fight.

    Western Federacy/N.A.T.O. - The West Europeans are eager to not become ruled by Moscow. It all depends on to how much lands the West can hold on to until America comes to help again against oppression and tyranny.

    PR China - The major enemy of the U.S. in Asia. It is not yet clear whether China is able to invade U.S. soil or not ...

    U.S.A./American Empire - With Communism rising all over the planet America and Canada agreed on forming a union with each other in order to increase defense chances against their common foe. America is still licking its wounds when it became clear that the Soviets are about unleashing hell against its European and Asian allies. Will the Hort of Liberty by able to mobilise its power in time?

    India - The worlds largest democracy faces China on its Easternmost borders. Can democracy be saved when th Red onslaught comes?

    U.S.S.A. - America's most dangerous enemy. Lazaro Maximó is about to united South America under his rule ...

    The title Chris (sarsstock) was so kind to do for me PSP n00b I consider it VERY funky
    Attached Files

  • #2
    And the units file. I think I am finished with it.

    Credits to Cap' Nemo, Fairline, Pablostuka, Curt, Tanelorn and many, many others.

    You notice many (more or less) generic units for more than one civ ... blame the multi-national export-orientated military-industrial complexes of either side for that
    Attached Files


    • #3
      The units look very nice indeed!

      I love the vulcan bomber on the last row!


      • #4
        Thank you my dear sir. As I stated, credits go to other people.

        Btw, need anything else for your 'No World Order' scenario?


        • #5
          Realy cool background story, I just love those alternet historys where the comunists are winning ground in the cold war and you need to stop them (that is the point, right?).
          "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
          - Queen Kristina


          • #6
            I just love the idea of a world where Brazil is a superpower that has a chance to defeat the western powers.

            Well done Steph, well done.


            • #7
              Sounds intriguing!

              When is it due for release?
              Find my civ2 scenarios here

              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


              • #8
                Looks good, jim, although in your description, "gets worser" is somewhat redundant. "Worsens" would probably be better


                • #9
                  @ Eivind: Since I am leaving for Finland tomorrow morning (CET) and won´t be back before 19 August I aim to release a puny BETA around 20 August

                  @ Ryan: Thank you for this advice. Since my mother tongue is German I am glad about every nuisance of English I learn D


                  • #10
                    I just noticed that because I didn't think "worser" was a word...I looked it up, and I was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't be giving people advice.


                    • #11

                      Your advice is sound - 99.9% of the time!


                      • #12
                        @ curt: Sounds are completed (Though I mostly edited them from your Soviet Steel II and Vendetta II scens )


                        • #13
                          Looks pretty good JP
                          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                          • #14
                            Ok, back from Finland (though I am leaving again on Sunday for another week) I am going to leave some information here.

                            I had to change some more parts of the basic game ideas, now I will merge the Cold War Crisis idea with this one. I am sure it will be better on Harry Tuttle´s Atomic Eagle map since the main action is in Europe (and so I can include the Arabs as well ...)

                            Stay tuned


                            • #15
                              Need cities? Let me know, I'm kinda bored these two weeks before classes start.
                              Visit First Cultural Industries
                              There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                              Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd

