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Two new glitches

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  • Two new glitches

    I'm finishing a game (which I'll tell you about soon) and I noticed two things odd.

    1) I'm in celebrating fundy, and I've got so much cash that I decided to switch from taxes to 70% science. I noticed that my cities weren't generating as much science as I thought they should, so I fiddled around and determined that any science over 50% was ignored. This is in addition to the fact that all fundy science is cut in half. For example, under other governments, a city generating 40 trade at 70% science would produce 28 beakers. Under fundy it should produce half of that, or 14. But the actual production was 40 x 50% x 50%, or just 10 beakers. As far as I can tell, the manual and the Civilopedia do not mention this 50% cap; they just say that you can set tax/sci/lux to 80%, which is true. I don't play in fundy very often, and I've never noticed this. Does everyone else already know about it?

    2) There's a glitch that I have noticed before, but not in a long time. When I save a game at the end of a turn and then reload the game, sometimes I find that after processing the cities, it's still the same date as it had been, and I can move a number of my units (often with only a fraction of their normal movement points), but usually only a modest fraction of my units. Then I get another full city-processing phase before the game sets to a full turn the next year. I always wonder if I'm imagining it, but it usually happens in streaks -- several times within a short period of a single game -- and this time I've been logging carefully and I'm quite confident it's happening. Does anybody else have this experience?

  • #2
    Re: Two new glitches

    Originally posted by debeest
    I'm finishing a game (which I'll tell you about soon) and I noticed two things odd.

    1) Does everyone else already know about it?

    2) Does anybody else have this experience?
    1) Yes, I do.
    I thought it was common knowledge. The solution is to use 'trade for science' (get your beakers from bonuses on delivery).

    2) No, I never noticed that.
    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


    • #3

      1) Under Fundy, 80% is the max setting AND science is capped at 50%. No benifit derives from science settings above 50. If discoveries are turns = 6 at 50%, it will still read 6 at 80%; no benifit. Because you can set tax or lux at 80, you also CAN set science at 80. But it means nothing.

      That's why folk speak of operating Fundy with celebrations and deliveries. The celebrations give Rep/Dem trade arrows and, unlike the slider settings, you get the full beaker effect from deliveries. Deliveries are not penalized like the slider.

      2) I have seen this happen but can not determine what causes it. The times I remember it are when starting a SXN game turnset. It doesn't happen often and never several times in a row.

      so long and thanks for all the fish


      • #4
        I also have seen #2 occasionally, but do not understand what causes it either.


        • #5
          #2, I saw this a few times, but only in the MGE version. Could never duplicate this or discover a possible cause, though I remember that "zoom" to city after a build was usually involved during the turns when this happened.


          • #6
            On #1...
            both the science cap and the pecentage loss can be adjusted in rules.txt independantly, in lines 46 and 42 respectivly, but be carefull if you make any changes and ALWAYS save a backup first

            on #2...
            Ive never seen this, but i have ToT
            Petition to RELEASE THE CIV II CODE here


            • #7
              Well, Bloody Monk answered #1.
              I used to see #2 RARELY when playing solo.
              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

