Crafty move, SG. That's why we pay you the big bucks. (I agree with the Bloody one that we'd be better off with zoo cities, but Sparrowhawk does make an excellent point, so long as we can assure no industrialization.)
No announcement yet.
Romp -- an Early Conquest Succession Game
Interesting four days for me but I survived and I am very surprised to see this one still waiting. Folk must be very distracted. I will play the next round, though it might not be a quick turnaround. Will finish in a few days surely. With only a turnset and a half to go before restarts end, this one should be over soon enough.
Lots to canvas before I start. It looks like we can get Democracy (thanks to Stu) and SoL and switch to Fundy. There is no discernable shipchain and we may need a few more ships, but this looks to be pretty much a shooting gallery. More later....
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
I was planning to play a few turns at a time in order to finish in 3-4 days. But, I just couldn't stop; the "just one more turn" bug took over. So, I've finished the 10 turns, and things worked out very well indeed. Unfortunately, I overdid things energy-wise and need to crash. Log, save, etc, to follow when I come up from this avalanche, hopefully tomorrow.
It's a zoo world now!!
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
Take your time Monk - I don't see people falling over themselves queueing to play ...
Stu"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
(I had written most of this before playing. Rather than compiling a proper log, I have edited this piece to reflect what transpired. This was easier to do than typing up the log. I hope everyone will accept this form.)
Goals for the turnset will include finding and making one-city Zoo enclaves of each AI and completing requirements for Fundy Gov't (a celebrating Fundy, of course).
The save provided by Stu leaves things in excellent shape and it is a wonderful example of the effect of a Monarchy in celebration. For those who may wonder what benifit comes from a celebrating Monarchy, I suggest they take a close look at the 1200a save. A little experimenting will show that the extra arrows from celebration increases the tax haul by ~ 50%, quite a nice per-turn benifit.
By getting Banking (our current research choice) from the Egyptians, Stu has made the path open to get Democracy next and then build the Stone Lady, allowing us to switch to Fundy. This is too juicy to leave on the table!! Since science is currently set at zero, it will be necessary to make one Einstein. Otherwise, we will not be offered a new research choice. As the cash piles up from a celebrating Fundy, temples and other valuables will be purchased.
Democracy was discovered at the end of the 1260 turn; SoL was finished at the end of the next turn; and the switch was made to Fundy in 1320. By 1340, celebrations were going and the tax take increased to +661g per turn.
I do not chose to risk destroying the remaining AI cities because the restarts may not be so easy to find and get to before 1500, when the restarts end. Therefore, I will attempt to set things up so that the next player can end the game at the halfway mark of the turnset in 1500. The Barb city, Rome, will be captured as -Jrabbit has indicated a win is delayed if Barb cities are left standing. This was accomplished in 1340. The AI zoos will be encircled by attack units and dips awaiting "D-Day." The AI cities were taken or destroyed until each had one left. Were it not for the restarts "problem" the world could have been ours by 1360. Now it is just a matter of waiting.
Finally, the value of a celebrating Fundy is striking. At 1400a, our Civ is bringing in a net of 883g per turn.
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
So, who wants to finish this one?? Step right up!!
Everyone except the last four are eligible.
Those are:
--duke of york
--Bloody Monk
Perhaps Old n Slow, who gave the start and rules for this one, would like to play the last turn?? Someone have at it....
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
Thanks for the kind words, Monk.
And thanks too for the fine endgame - I would probably be chasing Settlers into the 17th Century - no patience you see
It's annual leave time (yippee!!) so I shall be out of the loop until mid August -- enjoy....
Stu"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
[SIZE=1] Originally posted by Bloody Monk [/SIZEthe extra arrows from celebration increases the tax haul by ~ 50%, quite a nice per-turn benifit.
Romp -- the end
A quick glance at the map -- nice work all -- purple mountains’ majesties from sea to shining sea. Half of the ai’s villages are empty. Sixty four pikes, forty six crusaders and an assorted cast of eager support.(Barb makes our very wounded archer a vet.)
1420: Smack a few guys in the small towns just for exercise. Note the production, and move a few units resisting the impulse to just {click}, {click}, {click}. but do a lot of that anyway.
1440: Land and buy the treed Japanese Archer, just for completeness sake.
1460: Note that we are relatively rich, so we buy the shields for a wonder in Slim Buttes. Swat Corinth back to size 1.
1480: Slim Buttes opens Shakespeare’s Theatre. Decide against popping any huts -- the off chance that barbs may appear may be the only danger to upsetting the fine plan already in place. Similarly we decide to stay in the current government to avoid sullying our sterling ATROCIOUS reputation.
1500: Rather than risking the question of exact dates, we wait for yet another turn. (score check = 924)
1510: Buy Canton for 28; gain 37/ China gone.
Take Cardiff; gain all of 7 coins/ Celts gone.
Buy Corinth for 59, gain 69/ Greeks gone
Buy Kiev for 126, gain 140/ Japanese gone
Buy Elephatine for 55, gain only 29/ Egypt is gone
Buy Jorvik for 56, gain 51/ Vikings are gone.
We end with a rating of 290, score of 2232, and the title of…Magnificent.
Truly apt and merited by the participants. Thank you all.Attached FilesThose with lower expectations face fewer disappointments