I understand that batchfiles can "swap" files at specified time intervals within a scenario.
Which types of files can it swap?
For example;
1.) Can it switch "day" to "night" terrains every six turns throughout a scenario? Or "winter" &" "summer" terrains every 30 turns? Will units on these terrains be affected?
2.) Can it switch out the UNITS.gif & RULES.txt files simultaneously so that unit types are redefined? Units can become weaker/stonger/faster/etc. during the course of a scenario?
3.) If I use a batchfile in this way, to create "eras," am I required to write a new EVENTS.txt for each era?
4.) Can I change cosmic principles with this too?
Which types of files can it swap?
For example;
1.) Can it switch "day" to "night" terrains every six turns throughout a scenario? Or "winter" &" "summer" terrains every 30 turns? Will units on these terrains be affected?
2.) Can it switch out the UNITS.gif & RULES.txt files simultaneously so that unit types are redefined? Units can become weaker/stonger/faster/etc. during the course of a scenario?
3.) If I use a batchfile in this way, to create "eras," am I required to write a new EVENTS.txt for each era?
4.) Can I change cosmic principles with this too?