Just thought of 2 cool ideas.
A majority of terrain squares will be made up of buildings to represent the town. I want the town to grow, but I don't want the players to have the capacity to change terrain. Plus if I limited "buildings" to just terrain improvements then the list of possible combinations would be limited, and we can't have that.
So the plan: terrain improvements will be "overlays", as in they will look like signs that say "hotel" and "brothel" and maybe have some people milling around underneath. The improvements will only be buildable on certain terrain squares, that is, only on the the terrain squares that represent buildings.
Now, if I gave each player engineers who could terraform a square into a "building" then a player might feel inclined to build "satellite towns" or just build up their area till it was one urban mess. This would not be to realistic for the game. So I thought of another way for the town to grow.
Event driven growth. Every few turns, on the outskirts of town, the terrain that represents the road is extended and a few more buildings are built. This will represent the astounding growth of the town as new arrivals start constructing shops, restaurants, banks, etc... This way, the players will have to "go where the money is" and fight over new parts of the town.
And yeah, I want the roads in the town to be terrain so players can't build graphics of roads through actual buildings. The terrain improvement "roads" can instead be something like "light posts". Light posts in the town will help light the alley ways and create paths for the gold-dust heavy thrill seekers so that they may make their way to your saloons for some drinking, gambling, and womanly comfort.
A majority of terrain squares will be made up of buildings to represent the town. I want the town to grow, but I don't want the players to have the capacity to change terrain. Plus if I limited "buildings" to just terrain improvements then the list of possible combinations would be limited, and we can't have that.
So the plan: terrain improvements will be "overlays", as in they will look like signs that say "hotel" and "brothel" and maybe have some people milling around underneath. The improvements will only be buildable on certain terrain squares, that is, only on the the terrain squares that represent buildings.
Now, if I gave each player engineers who could terraform a square into a "building" then a player might feel inclined to build "satellite towns" or just build up their area till it was one urban mess. This would not be to realistic for the game. So I thought of another way for the town to grow.
Event driven growth. Every few turns, on the outskirts of town, the terrain that represents the road is extended and a few more buildings are built. This will represent the astounding growth of the town as new arrivals start constructing shops, restaurants, banks, etc... This way, the players will have to "go where the money is" and fight over new parts of the town.
And yeah, I want the roads in the town to be terrain so players can't build graphics of roads through actual buildings. The terrain improvement "roads" can instead be something like "light posts". Light posts in the town will help light the alley ways and create paths for the gold-dust heavy thrill seekers so that they may make their way to your saloons for some drinking, gambling, and womanly comfort.