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"Special" Civilizations

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  • "Special" Civilizations

    By special, I mean "Slow Learners".

    I played a warlord game and pretty much kept up with TRW (The Real World) as far as getting my tech at the right times. Now, I've gone to prince and suddenly, everything is lagging. I think I'm playing a comperable game, but suddenly, its 400AD and we're still working out Iron Working and such. Disapointing!

    So, in the Rules.txt, I found one line that reads...

    10 ; Tech paradigm (higher # slows research)

    Is this like some of the other values, where it moves as the game is set to a harder level? Is it that the higher the level, the slower the tech?

    Further, what actually DOES it mean to play a higher level? What things change? Is the computer more aggressive? Does it play a meaner game? Does it cheat more?

    Still looking for answers. But thanks for the info I've gotten so far - I'm really enjoying my games now.


  • #2
    I don't think the tech paradigm changes for the difficulty levels. I think the main reason for the slow-down is the increased happiness problems.

    I'm not entirely sure about the differences between difficulty levels, except one thing. The AI is pretty much even with you at King level. At King level, for instance, the city production is the same as yours.

    You might be better off asking this in the strategy forum (most of it is the same for other versions of civ2 anyway).

    You might also want to check out the "Great Library". It's a collection of all sorts of civ2 info (sometimes even down to the mathematical formulas behind the game). A link is in the strategy forum.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      Many thanks - I'll check it out!



      • #4
        Originally posted by Bluevoss
        Many thanks - I'll check it out!

        BV, the happiness problem will effect you and the AI equally - its does mean a different game as you go up levels - strategies change, you have to me more careful about building big cities early, use more happiness improvements, etc.

        Not sure about the tech paradigm - whatever changes also effects you and AI equally.

        Big difference is production. At all levels below King, you get a "discount" on production. (relatively small at Prince) At King you and the AI are equal - a "fair game". At emperor the AI gets a (10%?) discount, and at Deity the AI gets a larger bonus.
        "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

