I agree, get the rules straight. I'd agree with no pre-arranged alliances; but during game tech trading, trade agreements and war alliances should be allowed. Well war alliances if there are four players or more.
No announcement yet.
weekday games
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Hey, welcome back maestro Markus!
This is shaping up as a grand group indeed.
This week USA Thurs night suits me far better than USA Weds night BTW.(Most other weeks I can do either of these USA nights...)"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
ok lets get the ball rolling.
ll make some proposals and lets see if everyone agrees.
Lets start next wednesday at 8pm est i think that is 5pm for war and 11am for the aussies thurs morning. (Please confirm your own times). I could play for 4 hours.
RAH's rules except:
1x1x deity
Oracle un-modified
any player can call for one restart on or prior to 3500bc (Since this is going to be a long game lets make sure everyone has at least a livable start)
50x70 map
wet cool small archs 3 billion random
no cooperation between players
those are my suggestions. If anyone would like to suggest something different post it here and lets try and get it decided by wednesday.
OK how about all of the above except:
start thurs nite at 8pm
and by no cooperation i meant - it is illegal to contact another player in any way shape or form using the diplomatic screen
if a couple people in king chat think that player A is getting to strong and maybe we need to take him out or whatever - that is ok -
anyways - those are my thoughts - lets try and get this settled in the next couple days
BTW does anyoen have cable to host - im dialup
RAH's rules except:
1x1x deity - SUGGEST Emp (I prefer deity but Emp does even out the Happy Wonders problem)
Oracle un-modified - SUGGEST extended (Inever build it but again it balances the Happy thingo)
any player can call for one restart on or prior to 3500bc - I don't need this but I'll go along with it... zzzzzzzzzzzz
50x70 map - OK, maybe a little bigger if we have 5+
wet cool small archs 3 billion random - SUGGEST, to save restarts I'd rather another party line up a 'random' map that works
no cooperation between players - SUGGEST no ceding of anything, no alliances, no coop whatsoever, no maxing cities, no tech trading, no GL, no GW
But I'm easy..."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
To simply things maybe we should start just using GMT for the time. That relates to 0100 20.02 for this game.
If someone wants to organise a map go ahead.
I'd vote for tech trading to be allowed. Such diplomatic action can be important. But I'll accept the result of a vote on it.
To make it really interesting who'd be willing to play one wonder only? And no restriction on which wonder that is.
I have cable and can host. So how many confirmed players do we have?<>---Cyber-Spyder---<>
weaving webs within the web...
Originally posted by deity
RAH's rules except:
1x1x deity - SUGGEST Emp (I prefer deity but Emp does even out the Happy Wonders problem)I never thought I would hear that. I'm OK with either but prefer Deity
Oracle un-modified - SUGGEST extended (Inever build it but again it balances the Happy thingo)
any player can call for one restart on or prior to 3500bc - I don't need this but I'll go along with it... zzzzzzzzzzzz
50x70 map - OK, maybe a little bigger if we have 5+
wet cool small archs 3 billion random - SUGGEST, to save restarts I'd rather another party line up a 'random' map that works
no cooperation between players - SUGGEST no ceding of anything, no alliances, no coop whatsoever, no maxing cities, no tech trading, no GL, no GW
For Example:
Would I be required to attack all foriegn caravans.
Can I say on king chat or ICQ that I just got attacked by someone else or would that be considered giving information to other players.
And probably 100+ other things that could come up
Why no GL or GW?
Cyber suggested 1 wonder per player (I'm assuming manhatten and apollo wouldnt count). I'd prefer all wonders but am open to a 1 wonder game or maybe even a no wonder game.
Once again i will state Thursday is the best day for me, especially in this first week.
I agree, with no hutfinder...but am easy on this.
how many are playing? we haven't confirmed more than 5 yet?
no premade maps, even from a trusted source. Thats what the restarts are for isn't it? One or the other IMO
No coop is lame, but so is being someones trading partner for the sake WIN WIN WIN. Is this going to be like a diplo game or more like an arena game? Once this is understood, we can then make changes to the diplomatic status questions.
changing oracle for balance is easy rules.txt and changing the tech which kills it to like Railroad IIC
i dont' like wonder limits, don't really like banning wonders in games of 4 or more. There is strategy to all the wonders to some degree.
No manhattan is the popular one to wipe out, we should vote on that one, also, is it a space race only? or who has the best civ rating? highest on the PG....
bloodlust?Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!
No hut finder.
The 1 wonder idea was just thrown up, 2 people already said they didn't like it so it's out.
So the biggest issue left to sort out is the diplomatic nature of the game. I've never played a full on diplo game, so I'd be willing to give that a try.<>---Cyber-Spyder---<>
weaving webs within the web...
OK it looks like its getting close here:
I think we have all agreed on the following (if not let me know):
RAH's Rules except:
1x1x deity
Any player can call for 1 restart prior to or on 3500bc
No hut finder or outside program
4 players = 50 x 70 map 5+ players = 60 x 80 map (length x width)
wet cool small arch 3 bil random
(per RAH's Rules we will extend the Oracle to industrialization. hosts responsibility to setup the game appropriately)
(per RAH's rules spacec race or conquest are valid winning conditions i.e. THIS IS NOT A DIPLO GAME)
Undecided Items: (please vote by gmt 05:00 thurs)
a) all wonders are OK
b) all wonders but GL and GW
c) 1 wonder per person
d) no wonders
e) something else (please explain)
2)Interaction between players
a) no cooperation between players - need to define
b) no use of diplomacy screen everything else OK - eliminates all trading and gifting and ceding but allows players to make unenforcible agreements
c) no diplomacy screen and no foriegn caravans (this stops the game from turning into multiple trade alliances)
d) everything goes
e) RAH's Rules
f) something else (please explain)
Starting Time GMT 0100 friday (8pm est - 5pm pst -11am aussie time (I think))
Cyber has volunteered to host - must reset oracle and should have a no tech start waiting at GMT 0100 friday
Who's playing (below is who I think is playing please confirm)
Deity Dude
I think thats everything. If I missed something let me know.
The undecided terms we will decide via vote. In the event of a tied or minority vote, a revote between the top two options will take place. You must vote to confirm you are playing.
1. - Wonders. C
2. - Interaction. B
I know how to extend Oracle, but how do I set up a no tech start? The only way I can see is to start a multiplayer game with myself + X AI's - this means players can only choose from available civs, not make their choice from the full list or customise. Is this the way or is there a better method?
And can everyone ICQ me at least 10 mins before start time.<>---Cyber-Spyder---<>
weaving webs within the web...