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Changing Default Sounds

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  • Changing Default Sounds

    Can I change the default sounds?

    I know that I can replace the individual .wav files with new ones, which is fine for sounds that are only used in one particular situation.

    But what I would like to do is have individual sounds for some of the city improvements (such as a toilet flushing for the sewer system) instead of the generic "applause" which applies to several improvements. Just changing the "applause" file won't do it - I need to get at the bit of the program that associates events with sounds.

    Can it be done?

  • #2

    But, for the Sewer System, maybe it's possible to swap the functionality of that with the Aquaduct. That is, change them so you'd need a sewer system to get past 8 and an aquaduct to get past 12. Since the aquaduct does have a unique sound, you could change that to the toilet.

    Of course, that way, you can't get a unique sound for the aquaduct anymore. If you were just giving one example, but want unique sounds for all or most improvements, you're screwed.

    However, if you have Test of Time, you should be able to achieve this by turning off the regular sounds and adding unique production completion sounds by events. You could do that using the CityProduction trigger, and PlayWaveFile action.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      OK, thanks, I'll give up trying! (The sewer system / toilet sound was indeed just an example rather than a specific objective).

