I'm also inclined to say that if a full day goes by from the posting of a save, and no one has staked a claim yet, we should allow a restricted player to step in, to keep it moving. What do people think?
No announcement yet.
Free-for-all Succession Game
*SCG walks in off of the streets of Apolytonia, checks to see if he has a pulse, and goes "kewl! a succession game!" and takes a stab (ouch, ack, blood loss - loosing my pulse....)
first glance: 63 cities, Fundy, netting 1100 gp per turn, will take some time to get electronics
celts: 3 cities, no capital, no gold - in range - crushable
persians: 9 cities, lots of gold so not going to be cheap to bribe
babs: 4 cities and low on gold, but far away
germans: 5 cities, some gold, but again out of immediate reach
carts: 12 cities, lots of gold, large cities, though reachable
Suefolk: 10 cities, no gold, in reach but at peace, potential expansion area
14 spies, 6 in production - could use more
19 engineers, 3 in production - could use more (love my army corp of engineers for combat railroads)
4 artilery, 1 cannon, 6 dragoons, 16 cavalry and 20 more being built- guess we know where the military strength is
13 transports, but 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer, 1 caraval and 1 galleon - a naval power we are not, but good start for quick deliveries
7 freight, 16 in production, no available wonders, electronics on the horizon so hoover dam is potential soon
freight are wine, wine, salt, copper, dye (middle of nowhere), coal, and silver
we have 4 cities that supply gold, 3 of them switched to freight
8 cities supplying gems
5 cities supplying spices
4 cities supplying silver
2 cities supplying silk
5 cities supplying wine
goal: increase production of spies, engineers and freights. eliminate Celts
decision: rearrange a number of cities to produce more profitable freights, strategicly located spies, and a couple more engineers.
deliver wine 2whales->North Zoom (d, 72 gp) - not exactly what i was looking for... must be this darn fundy... try moving a few more freights and transports around, show my rust in moving unitswell, gonna give it a try
1832: free range musket fends off Celt elephant
germans discover Iron Working
not much else by the enemy...
we now have 22 engineers, 10 in production, 18 spies, 16 freight and 21 in production including 3 gold freights
gold (d, 170) Canal Zone to Wounded Knee - a little better...
DD takes out cart caravel, another DD takes out persian cannon, lose 1 artillery to a fortified musket artillery becomes vet over a transport, capture arbella (260 gp), Copper to Wounded Knee (72 gp), hut (50 GP), stumble on several bab units... realize several of my new freights are stranded... Dye (d, 82) Central City to Wood Lake...
gems (d, 462) The Institute to Susanaturally the institute would come through in a pinch
, Silver (d, 170) Sweetwater to Antioch - looks like we should get electronics this turn
take down city walls in Susa and get vet out of it, but escapes to Ciudad Gonzales? arbella is much closer and on the same continent
now i really need to get a transport over there as a freight is idling there too... 4 muskets in susa, susa falls to cavalry charge, 189 gold.
target Suefolk - buy Dead Buffalo (rebate of 26 gp), purchace Wood Lake (24 gp rebate), Gold (d, 66) to Slim butes, purchace slim buttes, purchace Cedar Creek, sell cathedral from slim buttes, sell aquaduct in dead buffalo, tickle a few things
1834: persians take down damaged DD with ironclad, sioux demand units be withdrawn - we withdraw 8 units, Electronics and the slew of upgrades begindebate over Theology vs Miniaturization... decide like the off shore platforms vs the 140 gp/turn js bachs would bring, finish stock exchange
purchace Killdeer (lose spy), purchace Tara (lose spy), hut (Way Out There), lose 1 spy, 2nd gets city walls at Persepolis - capture oracle! all temple tithes go uppurchace Illauntanig (46 gp rebate, carts left with 1 city) nearly loose cruiser attacking tarsus musket
, lose rest of spies on persian continent but get down city walls in antioch, recruit more spies from homeland, eventually bring down walls in tarsus, capture tarsus, explore with spy, find samaria and purchace. persians down to 3 cities. Carts now only foreign power with more than 5 cities. hut (100 gp), pick off weak cart units with DDs, various tickling
1836: celts lose a legion to our musket, purchace bab camel (210 gp), convince Celtic empire to disband for 114 gp with a 75 gp rebatepurchace Bactra at below cost! again discover lack of spies and again look to recruit from the homeland. seem to be a bit short on engineers as well...
well, its well past my bedtimeand only about 2 1/2 turns played so far - can try to finish tomorrow but will post what i have for now in case someone wants desperately to play before that
Attached FilesLast edited by SCG; February 19, 2004, 12:02.Insert witty phrase here
Why did you buy the bab camel?
I can understand it if it was in the way of your units moving towards one of their cities, and a spy had told you that you only had enough units to defeat the defenders so needed to get the camel out of the way without using an attack, but if it was in the middle of nowhere then leave it be! What are the chances of your netting 210g from delivery of this 'van? It wasn't uranium, I'm guessing.
Nice to see you revived, SCG!
The camel bribe was an odd choice, I agree, but a trifle in comparison to the overall performance of the SCG war machine!
My questions are regarding the acquisition of the Sioux cities. Did we retain our previously Spotless reputation? Are we at war with them?
And your log has a slight type -- it was the Celts, not the Carths, who expired before your beautiful tyranny.
Huge progress in 2+ turns!Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
Very nice beginning, SCG. Go ahead and finish, heh.
Fundy deliveries will always suck until someone takes the time to get celebrations going, and everyone else keeps them going. Celebrating Fundy gets the same trade as Dem/Rep w/o the Senate. A fact of some consequence drummed into me by SG(2), of blessed memory.
Monkso long and thanks for all the fish
Originally posted by duke o' york
Why did you buy the bab camel?
I can understand it if it was in the way of your units moving towards one of their cities, and a spy had told you that you only had enough units to defeat the defenders so needed to get the camel out of the way without using an attack, but if it was in the middle of nowhere then leave it be! What are the chances of your netting 210g from delivery of this 'van? It wasn't uranium, I'm guessing.
as a side note - since it was a NON caravan, i moved it into the city and made it home in the event we do decide to deliver it rather than use for a wonder somewhere (and NON caravans/freights are the only units i ever home) - it was after all captured in the space adjacent to the last celtic city. anyway - 210 gold is only 10 gp more than the rush cost of 50 wonder shields and that did weigh into my decision.Insert witty phrase here
Originally posted by -Jrabbit
Nice to see you revived, SCG!
My questions are regarding the acquisition of the Sioux cities. Did we retain our previously Spotless reputation? Are we at war with them?
And your log has a slight type -- it was the Celts, not the Carths, who expired before your beautiful tyranny.
Huge progress in 2+ turns!and good to be back and playing again
reputation is still spotless, sioux cities were very cheap so subverted them, and they haven't decided to go to war with us yet - will see now that i have placed several engineers working on the S&C railroad adjacent to sue cities
i've been diverting the eastern Suefolk attack force to speed the advance on the persian front - troops will be easily returned home as i have been working on the railroad and have transports ready for a mass exodus from arbella to more fish and railroaded back to the front (either carth or suefolk as both are on the S&C). still trying to decide how to get troops to the babs and germans - likely will try and move the celtic front forces via road and transport, but transportation is lacking atm.Insert witty phrase here
I haven't looked at the save, but the log shows, well, huge progress in 2+ turns, as Jrabbit said.
We don't need to get 210 gp when we deliver the Bab camel, we only need 105 gp (+105 science) to cover the cost, and that's a tad more than the value as Wonder fodder.
Aside from a few logistical errors, which tend to happen when taking over from someone else, this looks like it was a very efficient couple of turns.
One suggestion: If we're going to build and deliver lots of freights and vans, let's start celebrating so that they'll really pay off. To start celebrating may require about 60-70% luxuries for a turn, but after that it should only take about 30% for most cities, and the increased trade should more than cover that cost.
3 down 3 to go
part 2:
spice (d,186) Cardiff to little big horn, Spice (d,216) Tintigal to wounded knee, gold (d, 182) Central City to Wounded Knee. celebration idea acknowledged and engaged. luxuries set at 50%, netting about 800 gp for this round, further deliveries postponed. 70 cities set to celebrate. reconsider some of the builds. decide against purchace of Big Mound, also reconsider use of beads and salt freights originally earmarked for river blockage. decide against further shopping for Sue (she agreed when told about the wonderous riches that awaited those who were patient)rush many freights, select other items. ponder extra canals realize really really need more engineers... look over transports, try to better align... press enter
1840: carts develop economics, parties cover the world over as the empire celebratesarty: science nearly doubled, income up 50% over pre-celebration levels.
purchace sardis, persians down to 1 city, may be down on the pole near the explorer... gems (d,246) Susa to Three Forks, Beads (xd, 206) The Institute to Rusicade. Dye (d, 62) West Canal to Three Forks, various tickling
1842: sneak attack by Suefolk - 6 engineers lost, babs and germans sign Berlin Pact
germans industrialize, persians kill explorer on pole, tyre almost certainly on pole - transport deployed to take spy south, rest of attack force evacuated towards sioux, hut (Down Under), gems (d,204) Caernarfon to Big Mound, realize too many spies are advancing towards babs/german, recall spies preparing for cart offensive, find point of rocks, hope have enough to get down walls in little big horn, change several freights to spies, look over little big horn, pikeman strongest defender? may try and save spies for other cities - have a hoard of vet cavalry at the doors - no losses as the defenders valiantly fall over and die
- convince other 4 suefolk encampments to disband for total net cost of just under 1k gp. 2 engineers short of completing the S&C
Silk (d, 726) East Pheastant to Leptis Parva, Coal (d, 305) SantaAna North to Girba, gold (d, 906) Caerphilly to Girba, Wine (d, 850) North Zoom to Carthage - me thinks we have enough to discover miniaturization
well, again its getting late, and i'm essentially 5 turns in - we have a ton of gold to spend, quite a few freights left to move, a few cavalry to advance, and plenty of options of what to rush - we are a bit short on spies atm, so may want to change a few more freights towards those, as well as engineers or transports. we have a ton of cities celebrating at 30% lux, and is bringing in far more gold and science than we were at 0% lux. the transport SE of Bactra is carrying a spy intent on taking down tyre (presumably next to the dragoon to the south) we have a bit of a mess in the former Celtic front - not enough engineers, roads or transports - we really could use a canal city NE of Caerphilly and SE of Merthyr, but really need infrastructure as well or it may be a while before we get to the Babs and Germans. One more railroad link, and maybe another transport or 2 (and perhaps a port city on the southern coast of the former Sue front would go a long way to a) creating an almost unspendable amount of cash and b) wiping out the Carts. also, another round of upgrades to our military should occur this round. anyway. i had funAttached FilesInsert witty phrase here
with so many citys of our own and seeing the ai has so few why we still bothering with trade and stuff and not building an army to go crush them??
or we jsut draggging this game out ??GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Excellent celebration machine, SCG! I consider myself schooled.
Not eligible -- SCG, -Jrabbit, Grigor, Old n Slow.
Who wants next?Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms