Our Civ2 Demo Game Group is seeking a game map. It should be a easy one to make. Normal large map, normal terrains at expected places this time. The difference is that we want to start of a 5 tile island with no land closer than 7 tiles and some point exactly that. The rest of the world can be a bit further away. I don’t mean we want to be at the exact center of a pond 7 tiles radius. The island we are on should have fair but not poor or great resources. The land of the island should have some grass, some plain, some hill. The sea in reach should have a whale. We nothing to work with.
The settings should be average, barbs active, 7 total civs, not bloodlust.
Our game is to start from one island location, live with 1 city until about 1040 AD, not use Diplomats or Ironclads, and allow ourselves bloodlust or space landing.
I think the map we want would be easy to make. Use island or continent, set an island of 5 tiles in a space irregularly surrounded by ocean and set us on the island with the other civs any way you choose.
I could do that myself, but I want to play in the game.
Can someone do this to help us out?
The settings should be average, barbs active, 7 total civs, not bloodlust.
Our game is to start from one island location, live with 1 city until about 1040 AD, not use Diplomats or Ironclads, and allow ourselves bloodlust or space landing.
I think the map we want would be easy to make. Use island or continent, set an island of 5 tiles in a space irregularly surrounded by ocean and set us on the island with the other civs any way you choose.
I could do that myself, but I want to play in the game.
Can someone do this to help us out?