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History of the World 4.0 - The Saga Continues

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  • As the misisng priests have not returned Egpyt is forced to withdraw from southern allaince
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • Azande follow a false god. A pagan, tribal god.

      Those of the proud tradition of Christianity, Razlam, and Judaism must unite against the pagans who disgrace God's creation by leaving it behind.
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • Originally posted by OzzyKP
        Azande follow a false god. A pagan, tribal god.

        Those of the proud tradition of Christianity, Razlam, and Judaism must unite against the pagans who disgrace God's creation by leaving it behind.
        The god they follow cannot even control a small storm cloud over the southern states !!!!!!
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • Tartar Terrorist control

          In a swift move, theEgyptian army was sent into Tartardom to remove once and for all the threat of Tartar terorists.

          The Egyptians sent their obsolete military battalions over the mountains and marched into the Forts of the Terrorists. Little reistance was met at first as the first few provinces well and the local citizens welcomed the Egyptians with open hands. However the further the Egyptians marched the stronger the opposition.

          With China attacking to the East and Serbs from the West, soon all the retreating enemy units of the Tartars were gathered in the deserts of Asia and met the advancing forces of the Egyptians.

          There was losses on both sides as Armour units of the Tartars fired upon the Cavalry of the Egyptians. With the Regular army of the Tartars entering the fray, the Egyptian , militaray commander moved up the Armoured Battalions and soon had cut off the Tartar supply from the East , thereby protecting the Chinese who were struggling to make headway northwards through the jungles. Egyptian engineers hleped in the battle by constructing Railways from Egypt right through cntral asia.

          The greed of other nations soon rose and the SErbs made demands which were beyond the Tartar split up agreement. Tensions raised rapidly , but fortunatly the USB leader applioed massiv epressure to the Serbs and they soon saw the sense of forging an agreement rather than escalating war.

          With theTartar capital surrounded the Tartars sent a diplomat to the Egyptian commander begging for mercy. Being a merciful leader , he accepted the cease fire and sent word to THE FORUM stating that it now appeared the terrorists were on the run.

          The final letter of demand to the Tartars was sent, stating any movement of Tartar units towards Egyptian territory again would see resumtion of hostilities and further loss of terrotiry for the Tartars.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • New Map

            The map attached shows Egyptian Territory gain and the new Tartar kingdom to hte north. Serbia and China are yet to agree to ceasation of war and so therefore the map still shows their planned conquests in north.
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • Despite claims of greed by other nations the follwoing statistics reveal that the Egpytians still have the smallest territory in the world. Smaller still than that of Tartar remaining land.

              Also interesting is the lack of pollution in all of Egypt. We call on all nations to match this, and post their own polution statistics.
              Attached Files
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • and again more evidence tha tEgypt is not the threat that others think. See how far behind Egypt is on power graph. Four nations already off scale.
                Attached Files
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • Azande situation

                  Despite many diplomatic approaches, the Azande held firm to their stement that they knew nothing of the missing Egyptian priests. Emporer Ali henceforth cancelled the alliance with the Azande. He stated that he was proud of the past allaince and how it had saved Egpyt from disaster in the great war versus the Serbs and Tartars. But he continued to state that world situation had changed and it was noe necessary to seek new allies to protect Egypt from further wars.
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • To the President of USB

                    Deepest Regards to George Bush , president of USB.

                    Congratulations on succesfully getting a mandate for further sessions as President, the people of the USB obviously hold you in high regard.

                    The people of Egypt and especially myself, do wish to draw closer to your nation and open our borders for trade and tourismn for all USB citizens.

                    You will have noticed many changes in Greater Egypt lately with the removal of all Terroists from within our borders and now with Tartardom under control , we bleiv ethe world can turn to more urgent matters.

                    High on our agenda is the latest breakdown with the Azande. Whislt we have peacefully negotiated the removal of Azande forces from the Suez, we are still concerd of their great numbers of forces to our south. We call on you to honor our agreement of you gifitng troops to us to protect our southern borders. Whilst we appreicate your concerns for your own national safety, we must once again reitterate, that as we are the closest civilisation to the Azande, we are indeed in the greatest danger if any change in situation should occur.

                    The sending of troops to us would allow me to placate my peoples fears and historic distrust of the English. Then I would be able to sign into place an allaince of the Northen Empires to hold true world peace.

                    Without this treaty in place we would be forced to seek for aliances elsewhere, which of course would throw world balance of power in other directions.

                    We await your prompt response to this letter

                    Emporer Muhummed Ali
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • To leader of the Free people of India

                      Greetings our long time ally of old.

                      For some strange reason the communication betwen our two nations has ceased. We Formed an allaince when it appeared India was doomed for conquest from the north. As it happened it was Egypt that got attacked and despite no Indian troop coming to our aid we were fortunate and held of the Tartars.

                      We have openly traded with you and despite this not one Indian Curry has arrived to help our people.

                      During our latest battle with the terrorits to the north the Indians demanded territory be given to the them, and yes not one Indian soldeir volunteered to join the fray nor was any offer made for trade.

                      Despite all this we have held true to our allaince.

                      But this cannot continue.

                      The Egyptian people have become fearful of what a silent "friend" is planning. We must resume open discussions to further our friendship. Without this we must deem this friendship to be at an end.

                      To placate our people we will match your military buildup on our borders with similar numbers. This of course will lead to tension in the area, but we can not allow military presence on our borders without a matching component.

                      We wish no ill of the Indians but we do beleive we are owed for saving Indians bacon when they were compeltely defenceless in times past. Some payment of some form must be made.

                      We await yoyr reply.

                      Emporer Muhummed Ali .
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • Report from General Mao

                        Lord General Dangime,

                        I send word of the northern front. Our armored divisioned has repeled 2 attacks near Eastness. One west of the city itself involved Tartar forces with a mixture of poorly maintained artillery being scatted by our armor. Another consisted on an foiled armor assault attempted from the highlands east of Eastness.

                        A large scale armored offensive has been launched in the forested lands to our north. Progress has been slow due to the terrain but there has been no losses. A tartar silk trading post along the boarder was burned to the ground. The garrision of the location gave up with out much of a fight, and were disarmed, and ordered to disperse. Their officers have been held for interogation.

                        Our forces have begun to surround the next settlement. Their forces seem unwilling to surrender. I will send word of any results.


                        • Report from Admiral Yamamoto


                          As ordered our fleet has begun periodic sweeps of our territorial waters for any possible enemy vessals within them. I personally ordered our lighter battlecruisers and destroyers to take up this task, and they immediately began their patrols around Japan, the Phillipeans, Java, and Indo-China.

                          On of our vessals, the NCN Xiaodananhai came under assault from Tartar submarines off the coast of Japan. Reports from the battle are scattered, however the assault on the battlecruiser seemed to begin without warning. The captain took evasive action and avoided all but one of a spread of torpedos launched at the ship. The vessal began taking on water. The captain was able to location the enemy submarines and launch explosive counter measures to their supposed depth. At this time, a second wave of torpedos, from the opposite side of the ship became apparent. With the ship listing, the captain was unable to manuever as well and took 2 torpedos. The engine was hit and the ship stalled.

                          At this time the captain reportedly ordered most of the crew to abandon ship. He and a few of his officers remained on the ship. Some of the crew state they were ordered to drag out their bedding onto the deck and light it ablaze by soaking in Kerocene before abandoning the vessal.

                          The crew from the lifeboats watched the Xiaodananhai burn. 3 submarines bearing Tartarese standards surfaced, and demanded surrender, and that they had 30 seconds before they began to finish the ship off with the deck guns. It was at this time reportedly, that the captain and some of the officers, disguised within the burning gun turrets, fired one of the batteries of the dual mounted 8 inch guns at the enemy submarine closest to the ship. Its conning tower was ripped in half and the shells exploded causing a huge flash in the night. The other 2 vessals began to fire on the ships with their deck guns. The life vessals pulled away as ordered however gun flashes and continued fighting could be seen and heard as the small ships pulled away.

                          When the NCN Destroyer Gaonihai finally reported to the scene, the devestation was complete. She picked up 4 life vessals containing the Chinese crew and scattered Tartarese that remained in the waters. One partially floating Tartarese submarine was boarded, searched, then scuttled.

                          A squadron of dreadnoughts escourted by destroyers has been ordered to assault the coastal cities of the Tartarese Far East to respond to this assault on our navy. We are also ready to lauch amphious assaults on those cities as soon as naval superiority is established.

                          I take full responcibility for the actions of our navy in these matters.


                          • Seems the greater part of the Tartar army is in the east near china, the Egyptians did what they could and cut of West Tartar from East by taking RavingEdge, Now the main highway East is protected , we hope our chinese friends will find life easier.

                            Any further support needed they can call on us
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • stats from session 12 and 13. Awaiting posting of last session save before posting 14th and doing graphs. Please verify the players are correct for these two. My memory can often be hazy.

                              TWELFTH SESSION 1510 AD

                              Serbs (Ljube) 27 Cities 38 Units
                              Egyptians (Raz) 35 Cities 71 Units
                              Tartars (AI) 25 Cities 43 Units
                              Azande (Deity) 27 Cities 124 Units
                              China (Frank) 24 Cities 62 Units
                              English (Ozzy) 30 Cities 72 Units
                              India (Berzerker) 34 Cities 44 Units

                              THIRTEENTH SESSION 1600 AD

                              Serbs (Ljube) 28 Cities 44 Units
                              Egyptians (Dylan) 36 Cities 78 Units
                              Tartars (AI) 23 Cities 47 Units
                              Azande (Deity) 29 Cities 128 Units
                              China (Frank) 25 Cities 68 Units
                              English (Ozzy) 31 Cities 101 Units
                              India (Berzerker) 34 Cities 48 Units
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • An open letter to all nations:

                                I propose the beginning of the greatest construction projects the world has ever seen. I propose uniting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans near the USB port of Drakeland. I further propose connecting the Mediteranian and Red Seas with a canal built east of the Forum.

                                Britain volunteers to undertake the construction of the Drake Canal. Can our Egyptian allies be counted on to construct the eastern equivalent?
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

