Ultimatum to China and USB from Lizard
Regretfully this pre-emptive action was necessary, given the Chinese impending threat in the Pacific. Azande intelligence is clear about this and all perpetrators of war will be vanquished unless these points are agreed.
1. Troop numbers must be kept under 100 with only around 10% attackers (advise is to disband any old units and have a crack force of 100 top units)
2. Science Rates and the building of improvements and Wonders (save Manhattans) must increase; for Azande scientists are receiving a strange signal on their SETI apparatus in Upper Azande – TAKE NOTE
3. No nations can be attacked and all normal civilian activities must resume – the weapons race must end! No retaliation on Azande.
4. In return all cities taken will be returned except a few key points for peace-keeping purposes
5. AND all cities undefended will not be taken so as to preserve the lives of civilians and their infrastructure.
This world stands upon a precipice. In addition Lizard asks all nations to adhere to these points for the sake of our world.
A posted agreement is required before the Azande call a halt to their advance…
Regretfully this pre-emptive action was necessary, given the Chinese impending threat in the Pacific. Azande intelligence is clear about this and all perpetrators of war will be vanquished unless these points are agreed.
1. Troop numbers must be kept under 100 with only around 10% attackers (advise is to disband any old units and have a crack force of 100 top units)
2. Science Rates and the building of improvements and Wonders (save Manhattans) must increase; for Azande scientists are receiving a strange signal on their SETI apparatus in Upper Azande – TAKE NOTE
3. No nations can be attacked and all normal civilian activities must resume – the weapons race must end! No retaliation on Azande.
4. In return all cities taken will be returned except a few key points for peace-keeping purposes
5. AND all cities undefended will not be taken so as to preserve the lives of civilians and their infrastructure.
This world stands upon a precipice. In addition Lizard asks all nations to adhere to these points for the sake of our world.
A posted agreement is required before the Azande call a halt to their advance…