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Why bribe? Just defend like a diplomat!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    Noone has yet directly answered my question

    I recall holding the one city with a number > 1 of camels - yes, I am confident that a camel will hold against infinite barbs - but as I read the above it is felt that only the last camel will do so - this conflicts with my memory ...

    No one?? What, am I chopped liver??

    Well, OK. It is not completely clear from what I wrote that I meant a herd of camels will hold your One City w/o losing a whisker; or one camel will do as well. Or any other unit or group of units, no matter how outgunned, will work. Bottom line: the Barbs can do nothing; they just die.

    Of course this assumes that for purposes of this test a freight = a camel, because in the diplo save, camels have been superceeded.

    If you agree with the assumption, load the diplo save and test to your heart's content.

    Your memory is fine.

    so long and thanks for all the fish

