For some reason, when I try to convert Koybashi's Alpha Quadrant scenario, civconverter crashes after copying Advice.txt. I tried removing various files that could be messing it up, but to no avail. I tried running the scenario directly with and without the other files, but either way it causes ToT to crash. Does anyone know what might be the problem?
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Civconverter woes
The most common cause of the CivConverter not converting is the existence of 3VP cities in the original scenario. Since ToT only supports 1VP cities, it won't convert.
dont know what ht eproblem is, but i recall converting it. (unfortunately i later deleted it) Keep bugging me here and i might just go and convert it again and send it."A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
Sorry to bump the thread again.
I'm hoping to civconvert a few scenarios from the internet. One scen is WinterFritz's "All Under Heaven". I'm having difficulties converting it. After I open up the DOS console and type in the commands for CivConverter (including the full path name), it says there is an error in the scenario.
Can I email the .scn file to somebody for them to convert it for me?"lol internet" ~ AAHZ
Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
One scen is WinterFritz's "All Under Heaven". I'm having difficulties converting it. After I open up the DOS console and type in the commands for CivConverter (including the full path name), it says there is an error in the scenario.I've uploaded it here. Fixes are listed in the RAR file. Edit: Updated link.
Originally posted by techumseh
The most common cause of the CivConverter not converting is the existence of 3VP cities in the original scenario. Since ToT only supports 1VP cities, it won't convert.Last edited by Catfish; December 18, 2007, 06:19.
did we ever find anybody interested in hosting converted files?
And has anyone ever figured out a way to fix the graphics in Hartels scens, which come out almost unplayably awful when converted?"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
I'm willing to host selected scenarios converted to ToT. I'm only interested in first rate scenarios though.
Does All Under Heaven count?
I'm playing it right now and it's pretty good fun. The units all work well and the tech tree has been ripped up and revamped. It's not a complete overhaul (the way Sword of Shannara was) but it's good to play and also is one of the very, very few Civ 2 scenarios set in China's history when it wasn't being Nanjing-raped, Opium-drugged, or nuclear-wastelanded into nonexistence.
I could recommend it and can probably provide a few files if necessary."lol internet" ~ AAHZ
Originally posted by techumseh
I'm willing to host selected scenarios converted to ToT. I'm only interested in first rate scenarios though."A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber