The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Progressive Games de Civilization 3:
En el 1º Progressive Game de Civ3 participaron 11 y acabaron 8.
En el 2º Progressive Game de Civ3 participaron 15 y acabaron 9.
En el 3º Progressive Game de Civ3 participaron 14 y acabaron 9.
En el 4º Progressive Game de C3PTW participaron 16 y acabaron 6.
En el 5º Progressive Game de C3PTW participaron 24 y acabaron 20.
En el 6º Progressive Game de C3PTW participaron 24 y acabaron 21.
En el 7º Progressive Game de C3C participaron 14 y acabaron 11.
En el 8º Progressive Game de C3C participaron 26 (11 en Emperor y 15 en Monarch) y acabaron 18 (8 en Emperor y 10 en Monarch).
En el 9º Progressive Game de C3C participaron 19 (8 en Emperor y 11 en Monarch) y acabaron 11 (6 en Emperor y 5 en Monarch).
En el 10º Progressive Game de C3C participaron 27 (9 en Emperor, 11 en Monarch y 7 en Regent) y acabaron 20 (7 en Emperor, 8 en Monarch y 5 en Regent).
Progressive Games de Civilization 4:
En el 1º Progressive Game de Civ4 participaron 23 y acabaron 10.
En el 2º Progressive Game de Civ4 participaron 19 y acabaron 12.
En el 3º Progressive Game de Civ4 participaron 23 y acabaron 17.
En el 4º Progressive Game de Civ4 participaron 21 y acabaron 13.
En el 5º Progressive Game de C4W participaron 16 y acabaron 11.
En el 6º Progressive Game de C4W participaron 15 y acabaron 8.
En el 7º Progressive Game de C4W participaron 15 y acabaron 8.
En el 8º Progressive Game de C4W participaron 18 y acabaron 14.
En el 9º Progressive Game de C4BTS ya vamos 22 participantes...
Civ4 Progressive Games ID: 0006 LA PAREJITA DE GOLPE - Premio Mejor Blog de Sevilla 2014.
Bueno, bueno, ya hemos sobrepasado la mayor participación de los PG de Civ4 : ya estamos en 24 jugadores. Bravo !
En cuanto al patch, comprendo la impaciencia de algunos, pero si queremos ser justos con las puntuaciones, no podemos permitir que unos jueguen la partida con una versión y otros con otra, por la razón que el nuevo patch va a modificar de forma importante no sólo ciertos comportamientos de la IA, sino la manera de calcular los costes de las corporaciones.
Por lo tanto, insisto en que nos ciñamos a los turnos de fin de ronda y que paremos de jugar en ese momento hasta el plazo correspondiente.
Para los que leeis el ingles, aqui va una lista de algunos de los cambios esperados en el nuevo patch. Vereis que son importantes y que realmente no sería equilibrado que algunos terminasen el juego con ellos y otros no :
* Fixing a possible infinite loop problem with unit movement.
* Poison Water and Foment Unhappiness missions now have the same effect, duration and cost on all game speeds, to mirror the official patch.
* AI now more likely to promote siege units with Accuracy to better handle the changes to bombardment in BtS
* AI understanding of what is an "early Wonder" now correct for non-Normal game speeds.
* AI civs that are close to reaching a Domination victory recognize that and are more likely to declare war, in particular with Aggressive AI.
* "Dead unitgroup walking" crash fix as per Dale
* No-conscript colony crash fix as per Gyathaar
* Another colony crash fix as per myself
* Fixed the bug allowing Forts in foreign territory, which would result in Forts overrunning useful rival improvements.
* AIs close to domination population will have a high priority for health buildings in cities that are unhealthy.
* AIs close to domination population will put a high priority on researching Genetics and will like other health techs better.
* The AI will be less reluctant to raze cities that have its state religion if it doesn't have the shrine for that religion.
* Corporation maintenance is now exempt from inflation, so the costs don't blow up so much.
* Added possible workaround for a crash bug.
* Fixed an infinite loop problem with city attackers (thanks Gyathaar)
* Blockade code rewritten so that blockading is now much faster, as per Gyathaar
* Fixed Quick-speed crash (whoops)
* Auto-explore change per Bhruic.
* Auto-explorers will heal when wounded.
* Advanced start population selling fixed per Gyathaar
* Fixed the AP-conversion hammer bug
* AI will use espionage to destroy non-resource terrain improvements - such as Towns.
* AI may destroy improvements through espionage just because it hates you, with no war plan
* Increased likelihood of the AI stealing techs - hopefully it will do so now
* Fixed AI airstrike bug
* AI now only capitulates to the team which has done them a majority of the damage.
* On non-aggressive AI, the AI's are more aggressive early in the game.
* AI trains more units early in the game.
* AI SHOULD do a better job of bribing other AI's (this may or may not work)
* The cost to Bribe AI's into war now uses a new algorithm, it better reflects the impact of the bribe (ie a large AI charges a lot more to be ordered around). Generally bribing will be more expensive, especially cases where it used to be excessively cheap.
* AI's tell you to sod off if you try to bribe them onto a victim with an intact nuclear arsenal.
* AI brags about it's nukes more.
* Always Peace now suppresses AI militarism (with some barb awareness).
* AI spends less on Espionage.
* AI trains spies with lower priority.
* AI better aware of Free Market / Environmentalism corporation impact.
* Exploring units should now heal.
* Possibly fixed exploring "YoYo" issue.
* Fixed a puppet strings exploit related to naval invasions.
* Fixed some issues which hampered or stalled AI early game expansion.
* Tweaks to Governor, particularly "Emphasize Food"
* Fixed an undefended cities issues.
* Destroying Towns through espionage will turn them into Villages, etc.
* Slight tweak to the AI selection of HQ city when founding a corp
* Splitting off a colony no longer tends to create the same civilization
* Governor fills the food bar better.
* Governor should work hamlets over cottages.
* AI offers larger bribes to other AI's, and doesn't care how much it "overpays" to bring another party into war.
* The vassalizing thing should work now.
* Fixed bug where defensive units idle.
* Hamlets WILL be preferred over cottages.
* Fixed independence-loving colonies
* AI will prefer to run Foment Unhappiness in cities that have been hit with Poison Water and vice-versa
* Fixed possible negative inflation situation (thanks Esper23)
* AI prefers to poison water supply of cities with a low food bar to ensure population loss.
* Fixed bug causing the new capitulation behavior to malfunction.
* Fixed bug causing units to sit around outside cities.
* AI now knows how to use Steal Tech and Incite Revolt
* AI's may choose to not be espionage "petty terrorist" and instead only use large espionage missions (like steal tech and sabotage project).
* AI uses spies more smartly (camps them in cities to get the discount)
* AI values espionage buildings more
* Another couple of minor changes to governors
The info for the new patch has been released. Rumored to be coming out next week, here is the list of fixes:
Cristo Redentor allows 1 turn between civics changes, not zero turns.
Attack Sub: 30 strength, 7 moves, 180 cost
Destroyers also upgrade to Missile Cruisers
Customs House and Feitoria give +100% Foreign trade route income
Reduced inflation and better normalized it with game speed
Inflation no longer increases after the game time limit has been reached
Adjusted corporation maintenance for inflation
Corporation Headquarters give 4 gold per corporation city to balance corporation immunity to inflation
Spies downgrade towns, hamlets, and villages instead of completely destroying them
Military Science moved to Renaissance
Can't vote on a winner if one team already has all the votes necessary to win
Updated Apostolic Palace civilopedia text to show that all members receive the religious building production bonus, unless they defy a resolution.
Revised liberation formula
- Fixes exploit of infinite unit generation through city liberation
Liberation no longer provides free units to non-vassals
Cities no longer auto-liberate on conquest except from a vassal to a master
Colonies no longer can be the same civ as an existing one
Colony gets all of prior owner's culture on the entire continent
Can no longer make a colony on a continent with an existing colony. Liberate cities instead.
Great Works brings city out of revolt, as before BTS
Unlimited Corporation Executives now allowed
Invisible units no longer get bumped when an enemy occupies the same tile.
Can no longer build forts in rival territory
Can no longer blockade from within your own cultural borders
Spread culture espionage mission increases your culture by 5% of the total culture in the city
Vassals can no longer use spies against their master (active missions)
Espionage Poison Water and Unhappiness amounts no longer incorrectly scale with game speed
Added minimal conscription ability to all gunpowder and melee units that didn't previously have it
- Prevents situation where you can't draft when you can build SAM Infantry but not Infantry
Rival spies no longer count as friendly units for nuke attacks
Blockading consumes all remaining movement
Blockade is canceled when unit does something other than blockade
Blitz promotion available to ships
Frigate, Ship of the Line, and East Indiaman bombardment ignores walls and Castles
Colony maintenance capped at twice the distance maintenence
All teams get espionage points against a newly formed Colony.
Fighters no longer get experience points for shooting down units that cannot defend (paratroopers)
Paratroopers have 25% evasion chance
Fixed bug causing AI units to sit around outside cities.
AI now knows how to use Steal Tech and Incite Revolt
AI's may choose to concentrate on large espionage missions (like steal tech and sabotage project)
AI uses spies more smartly (camps them in cities to get the discount)
AI values espionage buildings more
Barbarian uprising events spawn more aggressive barbarians
Fixed issue with AI war planning
Capitulation to a team that has not had the most success in a war is less likely
AI espionage tweak
AI more likely to promote siege units with Accuracy
AI has a better understanding of when to build early Wonders for non-Normal game speeds
AI civs that are close to Domination victory are more likely to declare war
AI close to domination population have a high priority for health buildings and techs
AI is less reluctant to raze cities that have its state religion if it doesn't have the shrine
AI uses espionage to destroy non-resource terrain improvements - such as Towns.
Increased likelihood of the AI stealing techs
On non-aggressive AI, the AI's are more aggressive early in the game.
AI trains more units early in the game
Revised AI bribe into war cost
AI does better job of bribing other AI's
AI spends less on Espionage.
AI trains spies with lower priority
AI better aware of Free Market / Environmentalism corporation impact
Exploring units now heal.
Fixed some issues which hampered or stalled AI early game expansion.
Tweaks to Governor, particularly "Emphasize Food"
Fixed an undefended cities issue
Slight tweak to the AI selection of HQ city when founding a corp
Governor fills the food bar better
Governor works hamlets over cottages.
Fixed bug where city governor would sometimes work sub-optimal tiles
Fixed some AI war preparation issues
Fixed AI problem of not training workers in extremely unhealthy city sites
AI postpones sneak attack plans after a forced peace treaty
Fixed AI scouting so that they don't get stuck going back and forth
AI always accepts liberated cities through diplomacy
Automated corporation spreading no longer tries to spread corporation where it cannot be spread
Automated workers assigned to connect the trade network no longer do other things.
AI attitude for voting for/against them in elections decays faster
Fixed an AI issue with amphibious invasions
Fixed AI seaborne corporation spreading bug
Fixed AI using citizens instead of better specialists
Fixed a bug in AI hurry production decision
AI now knows how to build a new palace to reduce colony maitenance.
AI no longer suicides Paratroopers into certain death by intercepting Fighters
Fixed AI gifting units to the wrong player upon empire split
Fixed AI tech purchasing in advanced start
Fixed a bug where AI proposed resolutions that it should never have been voting for
Added ability to override modular XML loading in mod ini file
Improved Espionage screen (by Almightix)
Added city zoom to event popup
Exposed CvCity::AI_AvoidGrowth() to Python
Added ability to save cities, improvements, and resources as nifs from in game
Added improved copper resource (for performance)
Skinned geometries can now be contoured (for performance)
Fixed silk LSystem batching (for performance)
Removed unnecessary facing direction visibility updates (for performance)
Performance fix for splitting empire
Reusing previous widget's render textures (to save memory)
Performance fix for unit blockade
Performance fix for alliance forming
Added vertical resizing to event log
Added Solver's events
Any launched Spaceships automatically arrive on Alpha Centauri when game is over and extended play is selected
Windowed mode gets rendering updates even when window is not active
Added movie quality dropdown in user options graphics tab
- If your movies crash or stutter, try lowering your movie quality level
Clearing stencil buffer whenever you we are clearing z-buffer (for performance)
Different unit artstyles can have different buttons
New button art for event plot indicator
iAirCombatLimit works with ranged combat as well
Quest info maintained after leaving and rejoining a multiplayer game
Fixed Ctrl-H out-of-sync in multiplayer
Fixed Advanced start out-of-sync in multiplayer
Ger obsoletes with Advanced Flight, like Barracks
Advanced start tech screen more localization-friendly
Overwriting and reloading a Worldbuilder save has the expected result
Fixed bug with some events not expiring when they should
In one-city-challenge games you no longer receive quests that are impossible to complete
If a anonymous game is about to be launched with duplicate leaders, players are informed of which leader is duplicate.
Loading multiplayer games after you have just changed your name has the name change in effect
Fixed advanced start tech screen update hack
Go-to cursor no longer remains when screens or popups appear
Pitboss - no more invalid map scripts in the dropdown list
Scenario forced options work in Pitboss
Pitboss custom game options that are not available for mods are greyed out
Enemy units in neutral territory can no longer occupy the same tile when war is declared
Enemy units can no longer occupy the same tile when an invisible unit is revealed
Updated Golden Age help text
Unrestricted leaders and advanced start checkboxes have no effect in scenarios. Those options should be specified by the map.
Fixed city screen building mouseover to correctly display commerce changes
Fixed Modern Engineer glow
Fixed Christian Monastery flickering
Can always gift a city to your vassal through the diplomacy screen if you can liberate that city.
Automated workers with orders not to destroy existing improvements no longer chop forest preserves on jungles
Can no longer end turn with SHIFT-ENTER without exiting from Advanced start
Civilization Flag button update
Trying to unload troops from East Indiaman to rival territory gives declare war popup
Fixed bug where air units could bump enemy units on friendly forts
Game will no longer fail to play music if a user selects a folder that contains no audio files
Fixed AI transport crash
Fixed bug where the Three Gorges Damn would give power unhealthiness to all cities
Fixed bug where new cities would not get power unhealthiness from the Three Gorges Dam
Fixed bug where cities with just hudro/nuclear plants would not get unhealthiness
No longer possible to have both MP and AI diplomacy open at the same time
Fixed bug where incorrect espionage points we displayed in the espionage screen for passive missions
Fixed bug where Hanging Gardens would sometimes not give you extra population in all cities
Paratroopers cannot jump on enemy cities, even if the cities are unoccupied.
Right-clicking on your own leader icon in the foreign advisor screen no longer closes the screen
Fixed bug where pop-rushing, drafting, revolts, etc actually had a shorter effect than intended by one turn.
Civilopedia unit categories screen gives relevant information for Air units
Fixed bug where you could get no result when trying to create a colony
Build Forest preserve hotkey is now Shift-F to avoid conflict with Fortify
Similarly, Sea Patrol mission: Ctrl-P
Fixed info screen rival import/export bug
Civilopedia text corrections
When a new empire is formed, plot ownership is updated for everyone where appropriate
Deafening Privateer plunder sounds no longer occur simultaneously at the beginning of your turn
Fixed bug in Foreign advisor tech panel
Fixed Crusade event
Removed description from event help text
Fixed bug that allowed AI to use engineers to rush buildings that it could not build
Landmark signs cleared on regenerate map
Camera zooms to new starting location on regenerate map
QuickLoad works as expected in Advanced start
Game resets espionage spending to zero when you no longer have contact with anyone
Fixed bug with number Apostolic palace candidates for residency
Fixed events that are supposed to expire in the Renaissance to expire with Astronomy.
Unrestricted leaders option works for Pitboss
Privateers no longer destroyed when a friendly ship enters its port.
Hall of fame screen shows finish year (not date)
Upon tile improvement, citizens no longer get assigned to new plots when governor is not automated.
Fixed bug where wrong menu music played after adjusting volume and after Credits screen
Build forest preserve worker action mouseover shows happiness effect
Fixed colony team bug
Can no longer bypass the maximum of 15 characters for renaming cities
Worldbuilder now saves player, civ, and city text keys instead of translated text
Fixed Worldbuilder multiplying building free specialists on save and reload
Fixed Paratroopers to not remain in the same selection group after dropping
Fixed multiplayer hot-join when player name has illegal characters
Stripping illegal characters from save, load, and player names
Fixed save file issue with illegal characters in player name
Main menu aspect ratio no longer stretches
Main menu graphics changes no longer require a restart
Fixed spaceship art completed by teammates not appearing in spaceship screen
City screen tooltips hidden on exit
Great wall surrounds culture borders only on same continent
Fixed Feature and Terrain unit attack mouseover, civilopedia, and combat text (for mods)
Fixed first strike combat animation for non-ranged units
Fixed citybuilder crash
Fixed some bonuses not showing in combination with Cottages, Hamlets, Towns, Villages, Windmills, Mines, and Forts
Fixed Brothers in Need event
L-system cleanup
Fixed bug where wrong menu music played after adjusting volume and after Credits screen
Build forest preserve worker action mouseover shows happiness effect
Fixed colony team bug
Flanking attack combat results no longer appear before battle animation is done
Fixed bug where the units killed were doubled in statistics screen
Fixed stack air combat
Fixed Statistics screen bug where last unit was not shown in the table
Completed quests no longer appear in the quest log
Hostile Takeover quest no longer triggers when you already satisfy its requirements
Vassals no longer have resources unavailable for trade
Spies cannot be discovered when inside a ship
Players no longer get messages about unmet civilizations forming colonies
Fixed Highlands map regeneration bug
Fixed bug with Great Library free scientists increasing on conquest
Fixed bug where non-combat units could capture empty cities
Fixed Holy Mountain reward not triggering after Steam Power
Fixed negative production turn estimate during anarchy
Rival Privateers count as enemy units for "show enemy moves" and "show friendly moves" options
Fixed Interstate event text bug
Fixed "join" action mouseover for Great People
Destroying a fort no longer leaves planes or ships on the plot
Can no longer paradrop into transport ships
Fixed Great Person type probabilities not adding up to 100%
Fixed Domestic Advisor cultural expansion turns estimation bug
Fixed bug where you could sometimes click to create a colony but nothing happened
No more Dawn of Man screen in Advanced Starts
Fixed Influenza event index out of range
Fix for incorrect unit supply cost
Fixed incorrect mouseover information for Maximum National Wonders in OCC
Fixed spaceship launch ability update bug
Fixed crash
Fixed multiple AI hangs
Fixed plot indicator crash bug
Added religion link to civilopedia units (missionaries)
Fixed bug with Apostolic Palace religious building hammer bonus
Fixed CustomAssets MP crash
Host is no longer the only player who can change the admin password (for Pitboss)
Fixed greed event text bug
Trying to airstrike one of your own cities does not result in a rebase
Advanced Start colored plots update on regenerate map
Spelling corrections
Can no longer generate infinite gold by adding and removing advanced start population
Fixed bug where you could build Military Academy without Military Science
Fixed bug where you could infiltrate your own city
Can't negotiate declaring war on a vassal. Must do so on master instead.
Fixed bug that was preventing paratroopers from attacking cities occupied only by air units
Fixed erroneous message about spaceship launch
Barbarians no longer shown as members of UN in Victory Screen
Fixed bug with AI barbarian/animal bonuses on Monarch
Academy 3x2 in L-system
Removed ugly glance tab from Foreign Advisor
Fixed line segments across globe wrap
Strategy layer Lines now save and load properly
Apostolic Palace can no longer vote to give human a second city in OCC
Fixed nukes nuking themselves to death crash
Fixed bug with trade route profit mouseover help
Fixed AI crash
Fixed Spaceship smoke animation in Globeview
Fixed disappearing citizens when you remove one in a large city
Fixed stuck mouseover help for right-click menus
Fixed globeview line drawing crash
Fixed Boreal Map Script so that buildings are buildable at the very top of that map
"Fixed" Levee graphics in Civilopedia - no longer rotates
Fixed amphibious city capture bug
Fixed crash on city liberation
Fixed grids in Globeview
Game no longer hangs when map script fails to find starting plots
Fixed Warlord graphic location for mechanized unit combat
Fixed unit-specific formations not being used
Fixed events zooming to the wrong plot on torroidal maps
Fixed Great Prophet fading on surrender
Fixed workboat froth fade on surrender
Fixed some event help text for unavailable event options
Fixed taskbar icon to have transparency
Fixed city screen production queue scrollbar being inaccessible
Fixed unit action queue scrollbar being inaccessible
Fixed movie corruption on alt-tab
Fixed Lincoln eyeshadow using low-res textures
Fixed roads graphics agreeing with game logic
City cycling disabled when viewing spaceship
Fixed several city capturing bugs relating to partisans
Fixed Wedding Feud event so that war is possible to be triggered, as intended
Minimap updates for Worldbuilder terrain changes
Opening another screen from the spaceship screen no longer results in a hidden interface
Fixed plot indicators for Saltpeter event
Fixed movie crash on shutdown
Fixed popup memory leak on shutdown
Fixed AI crash
Fixed spaceship resize on resolution change
No more messages about religion spreading into cities you cannot see
Fixed spurious line in terrain texture tiles
Clarified "Earth Day" event options
Fixed ping - now has a special message, sound, and a plot indicator
Cities with no production always ask for build orders once per turn
Possible fix for hill graphics not visible
Fixed plot indicator crash on load
Actual spaceship trip length agrees with XML
Fixing frozen tool tip help when zooming out to globe view
Fixed entity widget crash
Fixed leaderhead playing greetting animation every screen
Fixed worked land shadow not contouring to terrain
Added missing text for Ancient Olympics event expiration
Fixed min-spec leaderhead rendering issues
Fixed event text formatting bug
Fixed bug where city air unit limit could be bypassed using Carriers
Winery light fix
Fixed exploit of being able to use debug tools in multiplayer games
Fixed crash on multiplayer load
Fixed non-host reverting advanced start amount
Fixed Advanced Start Out-of-sync
Fixed city effects in Globeview
Red Cross does not rotate in Civilopedia to show missing back
Fixed AI asking you to declare war on his vassal
Fixed Seige Tower not appearing
Si el patch sale la semana que viene, podemos
1) jugar rápido la segunda ronda con la version 3.03 y postearla ya el sábado 22 de septiembre (dentro de una semana). Así comenzaríamos antes la tercera ronda pero ya con el nuevo. Adelantaríamos el final del PG de una semana, dejando como siempre 2 semanas para la tercera y la cuarta rondas.
2) jugar normalmente las dos semanas hasta el 30 de septiembre con la 3.03
Si el patch sale dentro de dos semanas, no cambiamos nada, salvo que la tercera ronda se jugará con el nuevo patch a partir del domingo 1 de octubre
Originally posted by astrologix
Propuesta rechazada !
Razón : los que se hayan fijado postear la ronda en los últimos días, por las razones que sean, y por cualquier motivo no estén leyendo este hilo y no puedan reaccionar a tiempo.
Civ4 Progressive Games ID: 0006 LA PAREJITA DE GOLPE - Premio Mejor Blog de Sevilla 2014.