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[PBEM] Europe Classic 4

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  • Turn to that place with whatsisname running it. You know the one....

    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • Originally posted by GeoModder
      The only thing where true mastery can't be hidden is in the gamescore.
      Nah, it's just the size of cultural borders at this stage, and since Dauphin has 2 religions...

      Turn transmitted to Cuzco.
      if you have a religion defined, you'll only get culture for that one...

      but still... it is pretty damn impressive how you guys are ahead
      - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
      - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


      • I don't understand how, my economic stats are crap, and my land is yet to be properly developed.
        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


        • Originally posted by sabrewolf
          if you have a religion defined, you'll only get culture for that one...
          Yeah, but if your religions are spread over different cities, your borders expand quicker in the beginning. And more territory means a better score.
          He who knows others is wise.
          He who knows himself is enlightened.
          -- Lao Tsu

          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


          • 0480bc to geo

            what i meant: he will get the culture for his first religion, but not for christianity... i agree on the second part with the score.
            however, i noticed in another game that when i poprushed, my score actually dipped. and when beating up an AI, his score will sink drastically. that leads me to the conclusion that the score is not an average like in civ3, but instead a "screenshot" of the moment. so higher score means better at that moment...

            anyhow, i just overtook gs, so i'm only 2nd last human player
            - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
            - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


            • Turn to Dauphin.
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • turn onto to sabrewolf. two turns beroe I am back to 2nd worst


                • can you resend this? it never arrived...
                  - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                  - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                  • thanks for the resend, gs, but that was the turn 480bc which you already sent me yesterday and i played and sent on

                    it should be something like 440bc..
                    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                    • Originally posted by GeoModder
                      Turn to Dauphin.
                      It was a shortlived gain.
                      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                      • Originally posted by sabrewolf
                        thanks for the resend, gs, but that was the turn 480bc which you already sent me yesterday and i played and sent on

                        it should be something like 440bc..
                        Apparently gs played and passed the turn 12hrs before I played it to him. The internet must be a time machine!

                        I only played the turn that Geo sent me last night just now.
                        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                        • Perhaps it was a tiny hint?
                          He who knows others is wise.
                          He who knows himself is enlightened.
                          -- Lao Tsu

                          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                          • sorry it mas my fault posting 12 hrs after I had my turn.


                            • that explains the confusion

                              0440bc to the LotR fan
                              - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                              - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                              • Onwards! ... And Sabre, you just wait till I put Isengard somewhere.
                                He who knows others is wise.
                                He who knows himself is enlightened.
                                -- Lao Tsu

                                SMAC(X) Marsscenario

