I've finally found time to set up the set-up thread...... 
Players so far :
Nugog's mate
Kiwallabok's mate
Game style will be a relaxed paced, no stressers if someone is busy with the mundane chores of real life, emphasis on diplomacy over churning out turns as quick as possible type affair....... That said it would be good to get 1-2 turns a week, so do we want to accept any more players???
Thoughts and proposed game settings please........

Players so far :

Nugog's mate
Kiwallabok's mate
Game style will be a relaxed paced, no stressers if someone is busy with the mundane chores of real life, emphasis on diplomacy over churning out turns as quick as possible type affair....... That said it would be good to get 1-2 turns a week, so do we want to accept any more players???
Thoughts and proposed game settings please........