Not if they are Quechuas. 
We are about to get construction, which will give us the much-needed catapults.
Also, if we were to attack, we'd need a bit of time to prepare. At the moment, you only have Quechuas, so Romans would roll over you with their Praetorians in no time flat.
Notice this new city in the south has four archers defending it. I would imagine core cities (like the one next to the iron) would be even more substantially protected. Greeks are even better protected still. At the moment, I don't think we can take on anybody. The only way we could wage war, I would imagine, is if we were to get Fred and Hattie on our side, and that can only happen, I think if she finally decides to switch to Hinduism (which I am going to help out by converting her final city to Hindu).

We are about to get construction, which will give us the much-needed catapults.
