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Jailbreak Part II

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  • Keygen
    I started a thread asking for a temporary replacement.

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  • Addled Platypus
    anyone want to find a sub for Lothar

    or retire his civ?

    I dont have time to sub full time

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  • LotharTheSwede
    Hey, Guys. You might want to find a temp for me, for now.

    I have sold my computer and moved to New York City.

    I wont be able to play my turns until I find an internet cafe that will let me install civ 4 or buy a new computer..


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  • Keygen
    Are you guys on vacation?

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  • Keygen

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  • Keygen
    How many turns has Lothar missed so far?

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  • Addled Platypus
    ok 4 days old

    played and sent to EPW

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  • Addled Platypus
    Onwards to Lothar as of Dec 17th

    shall I ?

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  • Andydog
    Great, so who has the turn?

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  • Keygen
    New thread.

    I added a couple statistics.

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  • Keygen
    started a topic Jailbreak Part II

    Jailbreak Part II


    <i>Summary:</i> 6 human & 3 AI players of noble/prince skill level, emphasis in diplomacy and roleplaying.
    <i>Date of creation:</i> May 2006
    <i>Patch:</i> v1.61
    <i>Play method:</i> PBEM


    <a href=";action=getinfo&amp;userid=4780"> Keygen</a> (<a href=";action=newmessage&amp;userid=47 80"></a>): Frederick (Phi/Cre) of Germany
    <a href="">Andydog</a> (<a href=""></a>): Isabella (Spi/Exp) of Spain
    <a href="">Cerberu sIV</a> (<a href=""></a>): Alexander (Phi/Agg) of Greece
    <a href="">Beta</a> (<a href=""></a>): Mansa Musa (Spi/Fin) of Mali
    <a href="">Earthwo rm</a> (<a href=""></a>): Kublai Khan (Agg/Cre) of Mongolia
    <a href=";action=getinfo&amp;userid=18025" >ricketyclick</a> (<a href=";action=newmessage&amp;userid=18 025"></a>): Julius Ceasar (Exp/Org) of Rome
    AI: Montezuma (Agg/Spi) of Aztec
    AI: Random
    AI: Random

    <i>Creator:</i> <a href=";action=getinfo&amp;userid=4780"> Keygen</a>
    <i>Moderator:</i> <a href="">Platypu s Rex</a> (<a href=""></a>)

    <i>Info:</i> Players are sorted according to their time zone. ricketyclik's and AI's civilization & leader were randomly selected.

    • Settings

      Map: Continents
      Size: Large
      Climate: Temperate
      Sea level: Medium
      Era: Ancient
      Difficulty: Noble
      Speed: Normal
    • Options

      All OFF (default)
    • Victories

      All ON (default)


    PBEM Rules (in the works)

    Statistics & History
    • Replacements: 3 in 261 days (January 25th, 2007).
      Greece: <a href="">Cerberu sIV</a> replaces <a href="">LotharT heSwede</a> on <a href="">Decembe r 30th, 2006</a> (Turn 52).
      &nbsp;&nbsp;Mali: <a href="">Beta</a> replaces <a href="">GeoModd er</a> on <a href="">January 25th, 2007</a> (Turn 59). <a href="">GeoModd er</a> replaces <a href="">EPW</a> on <a href="">January 12th, 2007</a> (Turn 52).
    • Eliminations: -
    • Turns: 57 turns in 261 days (January 25th, 2007).
    • Replacement rate: 1 every 87 days or 19 turns. 1,5 (1.5) players per civilization. 4 out of 6 original players left, 3 replacements in total (January 25th, 2007).
    • Elimination rate: -
    • Turn rate: 4,578 (4.578) days per turn (January 25th, 2007).

    <b><u>Related Threads</u></b>

    <a href="">Jailbreak</a>
    <a href="">[PBEM] Jailbreak: Setup & Recruitment</a>