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PBEM "October Story"

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  • Well, I haven't yet - if I had, I couldn't have opened the file, thus couldn't have deleted the pw. But Sebastian should try to update the game an then try to load the savefile, send it around, and when it comes to me again I reset the admin pw.


    • 335 sent to you, sir ralph. we are now officially patched


      • yippieh!


        • Originally posted by Claus
          Well, I haven't yet - if I had, I couldn't have opened the file, thus couldn't have deleted the pw. But Sebastian should try to update the game an then try to load the savefile, send it around, and when it comes to me again I reset the admin pw.
          You could have done it according to alexmans recommendations.

          1) open file, delete admin password, save file
          2) patch up
          3) load file, set new password, play and send

          335bc sent


          • 330 to Claus. Is it my imagination or does the game start more quickly?
            I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

            Mark Thomas


            • 330 sent to Sebastian.


              • turn sent to Sir ralph


                • 300bc sent


                  • 265 sent to Claus
                    I do not live in London, I live in South London. South London is different, a warm melting pot where everyone can become a bona fide South Londoner by virtue of two things. One: living in South London, and two: having no aspiration to live in the Cotswolds.

                    Mark Thomas


                    • 265 to sr


                      • A friend of mine and I played a Warlords match with the new patch yesterday (nobleman level). I found a bug: It's possible to start the same wonder in two or more of your cities if you start in the same turn. If however in one of the cities you change your mind and alter production to something else, it seems you can't build the wonder at all any more, for each city will "think" that the other city has already begun the project. It happened to me with Manhatten Project. Started it erronously in city A and B, then saw the mistake and changed production in city B; after which the wonder disappeared from city A also never to be seen again.

                        Apart from that, the AI has become quite funny sometimes. At one point I cancelled my trading agreements with Roosevelt and Elisabeth. While Elisabeth refused to talk to me only for a few turns, Roosevelt stayed completly pi**ed off until the end of the game - "We do not speak with terrorists".

                        Then, week AI factions seem to have become much more willing to offer themselves as vassels to a neutral side when cornered by a mighty enemy.

                        Next, it's not that easy any more to appease the AI with cheap tech presents. I guess if you're too strong, the mighty AI faction WILL get angry on you, even though they might not attack.

                        And finally, the game got lively at the end. With only one turn left to a long forseeable cultural victory of my friend, UN secretary general Brennus tried to score a diplomatic victory in the last turn - just like a human would do (and failing only for five votes). In the very last turn, most of the AI factions came crushing on you - obviously thinking: "What the heck, it's the last turn, let's have some fun and create havoc."

                        I thought I should tell you this ... I wonder if anyone of you has made similiar experiences.


                        • Interesting. I have not found time to play the game in singleplayer extensively yet, though i tried a monarch OCC and found it to have become quite a bit harder. They really are better at the economics now.

                          Oh, good thing you found that bug!


                          • [SIZE=1]
                            Oh, good thing you found that bug!
                            Actually, I would've preferred NOT finding the bug and having Manhattan Project on my hand. Maybe the game felt that I was up for no good ...


                            • 265bc sent


                              • Originally posted by Claus

                                Actually, I would've preferred NOT finding the bug and having Manhattan Project on my hand. Maybe the game felt that I was up for no good ...
                                Still better than it happening in a pbem. Btw, there's a bug thread over in the general forum...

