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[PBEM]Civ4 Succession Game #1: Rome

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  • 1856 A D

    Rome completes Globe Theatre

    Starts work on our first Destroyer

    RavennaNeapolis completes a Theatre

    Start a Courthhouse
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • 1856 A D (Continued)

      World Map
      Attached Files
      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • 1856 A D (Continued)

        Power Graph
        Attached Files
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • 1856 A D (Continued) Demographics
          Attached Files
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • 1856 A D (Continued)

            Top 5 Cities
            Attached Files
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • 1856 A D (Finalized)

              Our Sacred Save
              Attached Files
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • Downloaded. I'll play it after a good rest after all last night's partying.

                WinRar compressed file? Should still have the program somewhere on my portable. I normally use WinZip.
                He who knows others is wise.
                He who knows himself is enlightened.
                -- Lao Tsu

                SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                • Hey, happy new years fellas!

                  Great work Gramps

                  I wonder what that odd jump is in the graph for game score... seems every civ's score just jumped up at one point recently at the same time? strange


                  • Heh, this is more work then anticipated, will have to do it in 2 sessions.

                    A midterm rapport:

                    AD 1856-bis
                    Traded corn for 3 gold/turn with Catherine.
                    Moved some frigates around to cut back some black tiles near our seaborders.
                    Ravenna starts a Courthouse (was on Wealth for some reason).
                    Decreased the culture slider to 10% and the lab slider gets manipulated as necessary for finishing research in the shortest amount of time.

                    AD 1858
                    Gandhi offers Hit Musicals for Spices. I counteroffer Spices for 13 gold/turn (all his available little cash money) and he agrees. No need to have more happy faces around, there're already plenty. He's a cautious little fellow nevertheless.
                    Rifling finishes, I start Constitution for beeline to Corporation --> Assemblyline or perhaps Democracy.
                    Spotted an Aztec fleet north of Jaiput, 2 galleons loaded with grenadiers, cavalry and catapults, escorted by 2 frigates. Likely targets are Tours or Ravenna. Moving units to those cities, especially Ravenna that is undefended (?).
                    Tours starts a harbor.
                    Paris starts a rifleman.
                    I let the Great Merchant start on some journey for a profitable exchange. Will take some turns.

                    Monty declares war, incursion force spotted next to Ravenna with the Aztec fleet on retreat.
                    Cathy wants to trade Liberalism for Divine Right + 40 gold. I refuse, don't see the benefit of that tech atm, especially with so many other civs having it and the Versailles likely under construction by some of them.
                    Upgraded a frigate (named Gramphos ) to our first destroyer, ready to intercept the retreating Aztec fleet.
                    Marseille starts a Workboat
                    Rheims starts a Rabbi
                    Pisae starts a Rifleman
                    Ravenna under siege, an in the nick of time arrived and upgraded cavalry prevented capture. Reinforcements from Pisae and Antium arrive as well, and get upgraded to more cavalry and one machinegun. Cannon attack on the Monty stack. Lost the cannon but it damaged 5 units in the stack.

                    Aztec attempt at capturing Ravenna. Repelled thanks to the machinegun. Mop up afterwards of the dispersing and pillaging Aztec troops. No further losses on our side but a plantation and a hamlet or workshop (IIRC) must be repaired.
                    An accidental frigate-to-frigate battle leaves us with the 1808 ready for promotion. Moving the frigate Veii to protect the 1808.
                    Marseille starts a Cannon (replacement for the loss).
                    Orleans starts a Bank.

                    Constitution finished, Corporation starts.
                    Upgraded galey to a transport (Henceforward known as the Julius. I know, I'm a spentdrift ).
                    The Gramphos starts its vengeance on the cowardly retreating Aztec. the last frigate in the stack is sunk and the destroyer can be upgraded next turn.
                    Lyons starts a Bank.
                    Antium starts a Machinegun.

                    Pliny finishes his greatest work, The Most Cultured Civilizations of the World. We seem to rank second, but of course this guy is a heathen Hindu thus biassed as you can see for yourself.

                    Cumae starts a Hindu Temple (getting close to its happiness limit).
                    Rheims starts another Rabbi.
                    Rome starts a Machinegun.
                    Pisae starts on the Ironworks (20 turns). I've let the city start growing again as well (gleaned the Merchant in it).
                    Paris starts a Machinegun.
                    Gramphos continues to strafe the Aztec fleet. Upgraded it with the +1 visibility promotion. Other naval units take defensive positions on our fisheries or patrol area's outside our cultural seaborders.
                    REVOLUTION! Teh People demand Representation, but our Great Leader manages to smuggle Vassalage in the new government. Some benefit noticeable in our gold income.

                    An annoyed Alex storms in, and expresses his displeasure with our open borders. Despite that, he's quite willing to pay 11 gold/turn for some Spices we happen to have in abundance. Seems he doesn't like Representation.
                    Cyrus comes next willing to exchange Corporation for Liberalism + 40 gold. Unfortunately that technology is researched next turn so I refuse. I then offer some surplus Silk for which he gladly pays 11 gold/turn.
                    We're getting rich here. He leaves pleased with our cunning diplomacy.
                    The last visible Aztec galleon destroyed by the Gramphos and scouts that tropical isle NE of our territory. Looks like Alex has started to settle it. The destroyer Caesar Augustus intercepts an Aztec caravel near Rome.
                    Intermezzo, our workers are progressing nicely in constructing a coastal railroad and in general railing mines/forests. Some cities are already connected now. I've sent most of the newly build land units to the Russian border. Don't know if any of the other players had invasion plans or so. In any case, Cathy has machineguns as well now so that could cost us quite an amount of units if we're to invade her.
                    Hindu missionaries are getting quite abundant in the Republic (coming from Gandhi), will benefit us as some of the larger cities are hitting their happiness limit if we put Representation aside later.

                    Right, the rest is for most likely tomorrow, with the save as well.
                    Sorry for the lack of screenshots, they didn't save in the games screenshot folder for some reason. Especially the furious Monty was good.
                    He who knows others is wise.
                    He who knows himself is enlightened.
                    -- Lao Tsu

                    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                    • what I do is hit prt scr then alt-tab to shrink game down and then paste the screen shot into PSP7 or I guess you could use MS Paint

                      then save as a JPEG or another acceptable file extension

                      Looking forward to your continued sucvcess & efforts Geomodder
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • Thanks Gramphos.
                        Thing is it takes ages on my computer to alt tab around with anything bigger then a standard map, so I prefer to avoid that. Will have to do it anyway in 5 turns.
                        He who knows others is wise.
                        He who knows himself is enlightened.
                        -- Lao Tsu

                        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                        • Yeah it kinda sucks that you can't take screen shots of the diplomacy screens (whenever dealing with foreign leader).

                          Great job on dealing with those invaders, GeoModder!


                          • Continued...

                            Thanks Darkside.

                            AD 1870
                            Tokugawa enters the Senate and demands Education. Still furious but also slightly bewildered he leaves it overwhelmed by Senator Cicero's eloquent conversation with only an agreement for Clam in his pocket. He gives us his whooping yearly income in return, which, after exchange rates are taken into account is 8 gold. Let's hope he enjoys his oysters.
                            Constitution is finished, Assembly Line is now in the pipeline.
                            Gandhi completes Hollywood.
                            Hinduism spreads in Rome.
                            Could promote the destroyer Augustus Caesar with an extra visibility. The maps on board its warprize (that Aztec caravel) must have had some value.

                            AD 1872
                            Cumae completes a Hindu Temple, starts on a worker.
                            Marseille completes a Cannon, starts on a Hindu Temple.
                            Our Great Merchant doesn't had much succes in either Russia or India for a Trade Mission (only 1100). He continues to Persepolis in search for better profit.

                            AD 1874
                            Antium finishes Machinegun, starts another one.
                            Tours finishes a Harbor, starts Theatre.
                            Rheims finishes a Rabbi and starts another one.
                            Traded Liberalism for 40 gold + Divine Right with Cathy. She's quite unhappy about our tradings with Gandhi, but is soon enough winking again to our emissary. (decreased to Pleased)
                            Mentioning Gandhi, browsed a bit around and he must be as advanced as Rocketry, I see SAM infantry and Artillery in some of his cities.
                            The destroyer Gramphos has reached Aztec territorial waters, sinks another frigate and starts "fishing". Some damage on the anti-air guns.

                            AD 1876
                            Trade mission established in Persepolis. We reap 1300 gold from it increasing our bankaccount to about 1700 gold.
                            Chartres finishes a University, starts a forge.
                            Paris finishes Machinegun, starts a Rabbi.
                            Cumae finishes the worker, starts creating Wealth. In 2 turns our 7th bank is finished and the city could start on Wall Street then. (1880)
                            He who knows others is wise.
                            He who knows himself is enlightened.
                            -- Lao Tsu

                            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                            • Top Five Cities.
                              He who knows others is wise.
                              He who knows himself is enlightened.
                              -- Lao Tsu

                              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                              • The Power Graph.
                                He who knows others is wise.
                                He who knows himself is enlightened.
                                -- Lao Tsu

                                SMAC(X) Marsscenario

