Just take the turn. Thought it was Grandpa's turn but he had enough time.
No announcement yet.
[PBEM]Civ4 Succession Game #1: Rome
1900 -
- China demanded 160 gold- Haha!
- Ghandi asks to trade his Pigs for our Oil. I noticed Ghandi had Uranium for trade so I wanted to see if he'd throw that in as well and he accepted- looks like we don't have Uranium in our empire.
- Ravenna builds court, starts of forge
1902 -
- Market completed in Orleans, works on factory
- Rome finishes first factory, starts on coal plant
1904 -
- Paris completes it's factory, starts on coal plant
1906 -
- Cumae finishes factory, switches over to coal plant
- Marseilles completes factory and starts on coal plant
1908 -
- Our scientists discover Physics! (Now that explains why we didn't have uranium - oh wait... NO uranium deposits in our empire! Good thing I got it now from Ghandi) Next up is Electricity
- Rome starts on The Pentagon project
1910 -
- Rheims builds market, begins a factory
- Lyons finishes Forbidden Palace, goes on to factory
- Paris finishes coal plant, builds cannon
1912 -
- I sign a Defensive Pact with Russia
- Cumae finishes coal plant, since Cumae is currently the richest city I start building Wall Street here to maximize our income potential
- Chartes builds forge, works on factory
- I notice in our culture war with Russia up north we're starting to win! We got another tile near Chartes and I think next we might get Pigs resource!
1914 -
- Antium builds infantry - works on coal plant
- Marseilles builds coal plant and starts building wealth (lookinh to build up cash to hurry The Pentagon production)
- Neopolis builds bank, starts observatory
- And in International News, the Greeks declare war on Japan!
1916 -
- Edo is captured by Greek invaders!
1918 -
- Electricty discovered! Next up is Industrialism
- Ghandi completes The Pentagon
- We trade Electricty to Russia in return for Artillery plus gold
My turn.
1920- 100 turns left to play
- 366 gold from the abandonned Pentagon Project received
- Upgrading frigates with at least one promotion to destroyers
- Starting a number of jails
- Sacrified a township next to Antium to lay a farm chain to Ravenna
- Some specialist changes to emphasize and balance Great Persons with slow(er) growth
1921- Bank started in Tours
Infantry finish in Rome, starting a Jail
Grocer started in Orleans - Signed a defensive pact with Cyrus (it annoys) Alex of course
1922- Gandhi completes the UN in Bangalore (near the Russian border)
- Marseille and Paris finish their jail, both start on artillery
1923- Togukawa barges in and demands us to stop trading with the evil Greek, we sent him walking.
- Elections for Secretary-General of the UN, we have 200 votes which we of course use on ourself. The other candidate is Gandhi.
- Rome finishes its Jail, starts Infantry
1924- Elections are stalled, too many leaders abstain but we were in the running position with backing of Catherine. Cyrus supported Gandhi as you can see in the attachment.
- All promoted frigates are now upgraded to destroyers. They start patrolling the sea between our empire and India, and the immediate area between our north-eastern shore towards the Aztec.
- Antium finishes Jail, starts wealth for a turn
Lyons finishes factory, starts market - Pulled back some troops with 2 promotions from the Russian-Indian border to upgrade them. Just enough cash for them + a few more units spread throughout our territory.
Originally posted by GeoModder
Just take the turn. Thought it was Grandpa's turn but he had enough time.
I just dont dare contaminate a succession game, sorry, been trying to figure it out without losing them and also having to reinstall
GrampsHi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
Good to see you still care for the game. Hope you have things sorted out soon.
If I stay up long enough, I'll play the next 5 turns tonight and post tomorrow.
1925- Industrialism discovered, starting on Plastic in an attempt to catch the 3gorge(ou)s.
- 3 aluminium resources discovered within our borders, already mined one on the same turn.
- Rome finishes Infantry, starts on Marine.
Neapolis finishes Observatory, starts on University.
Orléans finishes Groces, starts on Coal Plant.
Marseilles finishes Artillery, starts on Tank.
Antium starts on a Tank.
1926- Great Merchant born in Antium, I ship it off in the Julius on a trade mission.
- Paris finishes Artillery, starts on an Observatory.
Ravenna finishes Forge... now, what did I start again there?
1927- SG-elections again, Gandhi gets desperate.
- Pisae finishes Ironworks, starts on a Factory.
Rome trains a Marine, starts on a Battleship. - Julius returns to Tours, and the merchant onboard disembarks and heads to Russia. Overlooked at first our border agreements with China.
- Our Cavalry and some Knights check out the Indian cities. Most of it's army seems upgraded, with choppers, infantry, artillery and fighters being the most modern units. Not too many units but if we ever want to invade them, a multiple front attack will be necessary. An Amphibious attack on the southernmost Indian coastal city seems doable linked with a coastal bombardment of its defenses.
1928- Elections fail again, no quorum. It doesn't look like the UN will play a role in this game, unless we become good friends with alot of people.
- Marseille trains a Tank, starts a Battleship.
Chartres finishes a Factory, starts an Observatory.
Antium finishes a Tank, starts on a Marine.
1929- Alex enters Parliament and requests our assistance in crushing the Japanese. I accept, time to get some experience on more of our army, perhaps lose some of the obselete units and to get a staging ground for a third frontline on the Indians if it comes to that. I also offer fish for 1 gold (a matter of improving our relations).
I contact Cathy for perhaps restoring our defensive agreement, but alas. I trade banana's instead. - Gandhi has completed the Apollo Program.
- Cumae finishes a Jail, starts on a Transport.
Lyons finishes a Market, starts on an Observatory. - Discovered the Japanese city of Tokyo with our deployed cavalry/knights on the Japanese border, and spotted a Japanese frigate on the ice south of our coast. The destroyer Augustus Caesar is in pursuit. And our expedition army is on its way to Tokyo, is about a third through Indian territory now.
Demographics at 1929:
I put some markers on the worldmap for the Japanese situation. Further more, in 2 turns the Great Merchant will disembark in Persia. Typical trade mission income was 1300 gold in Russia again. Perhaps that the Greek capital offers more. Worth a try. The general strategy I started with Plastics was to research it, start the 3gorges dam in Rome and rush it as soon as we have the cash for it (trade mission+saving cash). This will double our production output linked with all the existing Coal Plants and gives us a chance outproducing India in a war.
Turn to the next one! (Modo44?)
- Industrialism discovered, starting on Plastic in an attempt to catch the 3gorge(ou)s.
Mmmmm... ok.
I think we are in for a world war, with all other civs (starting with India) on the receiving end. Again, I might not be able to actually start it. But I will make sure plenty of material (i.e. units) is ready for the successor...
By the way, it makes no sense to go for the Three Gorges Dam if you already have many Coal Plants (which we do). You see, you can not sell those polluters in CIV, so you would be stuck with an expensive (even if cool looking) piece of concrete.
1929 AD:- Added Tanks to most big cities' queues. Ok, this might not be subtle, but I find razing a couple cities is the easiest way to stop an AI from winning. Tanks happen to be a good tool. I can make at least ten during my reign.
- Switched some cities to growth, to utilize the food surpulus. This reduced the number of specialists considerably.
- Rushed the Factory in Pisae. This is our Ironworks + West Point city. It should be making as many units as possible, not slowly completing infrastructure.
- After half an hour I finally find the (previous) main force. Great, we are at war with Japan for no good reason. Ok, I will take Tokyo. It will be a good staging point against India.
- By the way, Catherine still finds it possible to ally with us against India. Is that not nice of her?
1930 AD:- Catherine sells us Copper for Aluminum.
- Upgraded two Grenadiers to Infantry.
- Destroyed two Japanese Grenadiers, lost one Cavalry. 2 turns for the hammer (main force) to arrive at Tokyo.
1931 AD:- The Japanese destroy one Kinght of ours.
- Elections called, nobody elected.
- One Japanese Frigate sunk in return.
- Last ships produced. It is mostly Tanks now.
- Units arrive at Tokyo. It will fall next turn.
- I "even out" some cities' food boxes. Meaning, all numbers divide by 2 now, so no weird surpuluses happen.
1932 AD:- Plastics researched, starting Flight. We enter the Modern Era.
- Research off. At this point, I will upgrade all units (5 grand to do that, excluding ships, so about 4 turns with no research). This is faster than building all the stuff we will need against India...
- Buddhism spread to Cumae. This will keep the rioter there from, you know, rioting.
- Trade mission to Persepolis yields 1500 Gold. Some units upgraded.
- Tokyo falls, no Roman losses. More units upgraded.
- I sell Spices to the Aztecs for 11 gpt.
- Units move towards Cuman (south-east of Tokyo). Free target practice.
- I notice a Mech Inf in Jaipur (Indian). This is going to be fun...
1934 AD:- Some Japanese Frigates sunk.
- Most units are upgraded now. "Only" 2 grand of Praetorian upgrades, and a few Cannons and Greanadiers left...
The picture below shows our southern training area. You can see units moving towards the shooting range at Cuman...Seriously. Kung freaking fu.
Hey, I already rushed the Ironworks. It must be affordable before rushing, you know.
1935 AD:- 4 Tanks built this turn, and a Marine. The northern army begins to look "useful".
1936 AD:- We win a vote for UN Secretary General.
- Cuman captured, no Roman losses, two new Workers.
- Most units are upgraded now, switching research back on.
- Tokugawa will not talk about peace. How stupid is that, I ask you?
1937 AD:- War Weariness forces 10% Luxury spending. Oh well, we can actually use some additional culture...
1938 AD:- Moving units into position to attack India.
1939 AD:- For Democracy, Greece gives us 610 Gold and stops trading with India.
- Two ships upgraded to Destroyers.
- Peace with Japan achieved (they lost at least one city to Greece). Some cash, a map for us, and less War Weariness.
I have left units at the Indian border. Quite a lot of units, I should add. But beware, they have Mech Infs, so it will not be easy to break through at first. Oh, and I made more than 10 Tanks.
Rome, 1939 AD:Seriously. Kung freaking fu.
- 4 Tanks built this turn, and a Marine. The northern army begins to look "useful".