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[PBEM]Civ4 Succession Game #1: Rome

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  • 300 BC: Writing Discovered. Research Begins on Monarchy.

    Oh Nos! The Pyramids have been built in a faraway land.

    Praetorian attacks Barbarian town, and wins after losing 2/3 of health.

    Upgraded Warrior in Rome to Axeman, perhaps to speed up capturing the Barbarian town.

    275 B.C. Received approx 205 gold for not building the Pyramids in Rome. Started construction on a Lighthouse to maximize on the sea tiles.

    Upgraded Praetorian to City Raider 2. Went on the attack and easily destroyed an archer. Minimal losses.

    Started building a road to Barbarian city, anticipating its fall.

    250 B.C. Praetorian dies in the attempt to capture the Barbarian city. Send in Warrior hordes, and they do take it, but auto-pillage (what happened there ) 22 gold received.

    225 B.C. Not much, delegated work to workers.

    200 B.C. Lighthouse done in Rome. Settler begun. Monastary complete in Antium. Work on a Missionary begins.

    175 B.C. Pretty dull. Saw a French Guy. He was like "Alo Monsieur. I was like "Vini Vidi *SMACK* HAHAHAH. Then he surrendered. (Please note, the resume of this turn might be exagerated GREATLY)

    150 B.C. Napoleon comes at me waving his surrender flag and begs me to visit his country in an Open Borders agreement. I decide the French Women must be examined, and accept.

    125 B.C. Barracks in Cumae and Archer in Neapolis. Started Granaries in each. Rome looked hungry.

    100 B.C. Jewish Missionary built. He's sent on his way to Paris.

    75 B.C. Settler finished in Rome. Sent to a site just NW of where the Barbarian City was.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


    • Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • Heeeeeres the Save!
        Attached Files
        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


        • Great turn! But I see that we are now running at a -7...

          Ah...back to 100% on science. Okay, that explains it.


          • I like spending
            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


            • Ninot, I left a work boat next to Cumae sleeping on the fish or crabs or whatever was there waiting for the town's borders to expand... did you notice that? I can't tell from the screen shot if nets are setup or not...

              Good round !

              Who wants to go next?

              edit: shame about the Pyramids... I've yet to be able to get the Pyramids in any of my games before the AI does... the AI really jumps on that one doesn't it?


              • Hmmm, oops.
                Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                • Okay...I guess I'll take a stab at it then...


                  • 75 : After surveying the land, I am thinking about moving our settler more to the northeast coastline. I think that this spot would be a good place. Not only is it located on a hilltop, but it gives us access to the sea and after expansion, will take advantage of the corn to the east. It will also effectively block access to our inner cities.

                    What do you think?

                    It is where the warrior is standing now...


                    • Keep in mind that when you are ruler you do not have to seek permission to change a building site, but if you are seeking advice...

                      I would put the city one square east of the barbarian ruins. We would have silk 2 to the south and a fair number of workable squares. We would not have to worry about the cultural squeeze of Paris limiting our city area but if we decide to close our borders we can defend our empire from that ond city.

                      What you do is, of course, your decision, but that is my thinking.

                      Good luck!


                      • Yeah...I was just looking for advice there. thanks. Turns to follow shortly...


                        • 50 bc : Changed our civics to take advantage of Organized Religion and the bonuses it gives us.

                          25 bc : Moved worker to farm the corn on the northern shore

                          1 ad : Antium finished it's Grainary...Started on Parthenon
                          Built Pisae with the Settler, started work on an Obelisk there and our Jewish Missionary brought our Faith to Paris.

                          25 ad : Found another source of Iron near Cumae! Built a Cottage north of Rome

                          50 ad : Alexander converted to Hinduism...nothing much else happened...


                          • 75 AD : Cumae finished another Work Boat to get the fish and then started on the Great lighthouse.

                            100 ad : Moved Archers into Pizae. Started work on Jewish Monestary in Rome

                            125 ad : Not much happened. Grass grew and that kind of stuff...

                            150 ad : Researched Math and continued on for Currency.

                            175 ad: Cumae got a little upset about the small fact they did not have any protection in their city so I sent 2 warriors south from Pizae to them.

                            200 ad : Started on walls for Pizae (ya never know with Napoleon) and a Missionary to send to Neapolis in case Judism doesn't spread there on it's own soon. Our scout found another barbarian city...

                            That should do it for this round I think...


                            • Here is what we look like now and the save...

                              Attached Files


                              • Excellent work! We're looking good!

                                A note to future governors: I am worried about the apparently fanatic growth taking place to the north. I mean, I have no trouble with a healthy society and all that but really, these lesser tribes must learn thier place!

