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[PBEM]Civ4 Succession Game #1: Rome

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  • #91

    your reign shall not be forgotten
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • #92
      Oops! I just noticed a challenge for the next governor. We are currently running a 1 gold per turn deficit. This stems from the fact that Antium is sufficiently far from its capital to incur such a cost.

      We currently have 18 gold so it is not a problem that needs an immediate resolution, but sooner is better than later I suppose.

      Sorry I did not see this while I still held the reigns.


      • #93
        Originally posted by John-SJ
        Oops! I just noticed a challenge for the next governor. We are currently running a 1 gold per turn deficit. This stems from the fact that Antium is sufficiently far from its capital to incur such a cost.

        We currently have 18 gold so it is not a problem that needs an immediate resolution, but sooner is better than later I suppose.

        Sorry I did not see this while I still held the reigns.
        ouch! yeah I did not notice that either!

        great moves John, our empire is growing quite well!

        If only we had the fortune of such rich, fertile lands as the French... ah well look on the bright side: tough men are born in tough places!


        • #94
          so who has the turn now folks
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #95
            Dang, was hoping by now I'd be able to get another turn at this game! Comon people let's get playing!!


            • #96
              Originally posted by TheDarkside
              Dang, was hoping by now I'd be able to get another turn at this game! Comon people let's get playing!!
              Im with ya

              but we gotta wait fer permission first
              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #97
                Well, if nobody else is going to play it, go ahead GT ... waiting a day is enough I thought we had more players, but perhaps they're engrossed in SP
                <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                • #98
                  Hello. After reading everyone's exploits here over the past few years, I decided to throw my hat in the ring and give one of y'alls games a try. If no one has any objections, may I be so bold and request the next turn? This would be my first attempt at this so, be gentle.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Cado
                    Hello. After reading everyone's exploits here over the past few years, I decided to throw my hat in the ring and give one of y'alls games a try. If no one has any objections, may I be so bold and request the next turn? This would be my first attempt at this so, be gentle.
                    No objections from me! I'd be GREATEFUL for someone to continue this game- our empire is getting stale just sitting around idle!!


                    • 1560 : Barracks completed in Rome. Set about training another Warrior for defence of Rome. Our intrepid scout after learning of their brothers in arms fates, decide to hug the southern coastline of the unexplored Northern region. I set the research rate down a notch to 90% to stop temporarily our losing of coin.

                      1520 : Scout keeps hugging coast line, stubbs toe on rock and mumbles something incoherent under their breath.

                      1480 : Our second warrior for the defence of Rome is completed and thanks to the training he recived from our new barracks, is stronger than the other warriors. (Combat I) Seeing he was just out of training, he decided to stay in Rome and visit the nightlife there. (Fortified) Went ahead and started another Warrior.

                      1440 : Scouts still on the move. Nothing to report at this time.

                      1400 : Archery is discovered. Went ahead and started the research on Bronze Working. Antium finished working on their Obelisk and set upon working on a new worker. Speaking of workers, our original group finished work on their farm and moved to the hills to mine for gold. Our scouts are still...scouting.

                      1360 : Our third warrior was completed in Rome and after taking in account of our surroundings, was given the Woodsman I promotion. Moved him in range of our worker near Rome for protection in case those Bears show up again.

                      Our scouts have made contact with another target, uh, civilization. The Indians located to the southwest of the French.


                      • Ooh the Indians! It's funny - every game I've played so far I've been starting next to India!

                        good stuff so far, perhaps we can think about a third city now? We'll probably have to keep the tax slider at 10% though to pay for it... how much are we making now?


                        • We are making only 2 gold a turn right now...and have begun training another Settler in Rome for our 3rd city

                          1320 : Our scout is currently following the northern border of the Indian empire just to see how far it goes...

                          1240 : Our scout reports sighting of Barbarians to the North of thier location. Suggest running away to the South. They agreed. Our first workers completed their gold mine in the hills east of Rome. Started work on a road to connect our 2 cities.

                          1200 : Our scouts seem to have lost thier pursuers and continue on along the northern border of the Indians headed west.

                          1160 : More exploration by our scout and we find another civilization. I think they call themselves the Japanese. work in completed on the road through the gold hills.

                          I think this ends my time so I shall pass it on to the next one...
                          Attached Files


                          • any chance of some pics Cado

                            cant wait to get my copy and play a turn of this but alas Amazon say the 4th so i got to wait
                            A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                            • Great work Cado! How are the other civs doing on expansion? Did France settle something closer to us by that river (which would in effect block us from the rest of the continent) or did they settler to the more fertile north?

                              edit: in the future we may want to consider moving our palace to Antium, since it is a more central location and would be more efficient with maintenance as we settle the rest of our part of the continent...


                              • Unfortunatly, I am unable to post any pics. Files too large...sorry. Hopefully, I can get an editing program for the future. Any suggestions?

                                The French seem to be staying to themselves and have not moved south...yet.

                                The Indians are expanding to their west and have two cities as well...

                                Only met a warrior of the Japanese...did not sight their border.

