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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 15 - June 2013]

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  • #46
    Know that I, Sultan Arsalan, have sent out a final declaration of war against Rome in the year 1300 AD.

    All my peaceful approaches have been met with scorn, hatred and ridicule. It is they who must be put to the sword, for their offences against me, my tribe, my faith and to the whole civilized world. I have not my father's skill with swords, but my troops are the most experienced in all of Persia. They know what must be done, and it will be done.

    Rome will be no more.

    Peace be upon you.
    -Sultan Arsalan


    • #47
      Persia we will join you in your war against the Romans! May their so called tribe be wiped from the face of the earth!

      Surely Persia will not be turned back and forced to retreat from the gates of enemy cities as the Nether appear to have in their ill fated invasion of Viking lands.


      • #48
        Qin read the dispatch from his advisor in Persia. Persia was getting ready to go to war with Rome. He was duty bound to do the same. He ordered all available units to march to the Persian borders to assemble in preparation for the Roman Crusade.


        • #49
          Netherlands Kingdom does not see any way we can turn away the people of Paris who have joined us of their own free will. We told Holy Roma this would happen long ago as Paris has been overwhelmed with Dutch immigrants for many years. Giving Paris to Holy Roma will disrupt the cultural claim on lands around our capital. We will lose our iron, our marble, cottages, and our culture on the seafood near the Capital. The price paid to Netherlands by Holy Roma was reparations for the wrongfully killed Netherlands soldiers, not for the city of Paris. We told you then that we would not accept any payment for Paris because there was no amount that could pay for the city.

          To England we say only that this is the pot calling the kettle black, as your so-called invasion force that was supposed to defeat Vikings has yet to materialize. Perhaps they are still cowering in fear over at Upsala, still afraid to attempt to capture Nidaros? And calling our manuvers ill-fated is foolish, as Netherlands has not yet lost a battle to Vikings. Our mighty soldiers have defeated scores and scores of Vikings in the open field. Only the ones hiding in Nidaros are safe, for now.

          Soon our most celebrated historians will release grand tales of the operations in Viking lands.
          "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


          • #50
            Arteshban Ilderim of the Jinn reported to Arsalan in his tent;

            Farms emptied, mines abandoned, the roads empty between sea and a hillfort besieged by a bolt company. Too few to attack but enough to keep them from reinforcing the city. Scouts relay a frenzy of activity from the other side of the city, following the constant barrage against the solid walls surrounding Aedis Yehudim, capitol of Rome.

            Across the river, barges filled with workers under guard make their way to the secluded mines and farms out of easy reach. Dangerous crossings with few good fords and fewer barges to hold men gave Romans a nasty ability to stay well stocked on provisions. Two companies were to cross the river in the night and disrupt all attempts to supply the city from the other side with sudden attacks before daybreak. Dangerous but neccessary. Likely they would fall to a man but the risk was worth the gain of denying food and other supplies to the besieged.

            Rigid tent-lines and random guard patrols throughout the camp kept the men alert, provisions from the main fleet of ships were uninterrupted on the eastern waterfront. Rome was landlocked with their meager fleet under siege in the northern settlement five days north by the reserve fleet under Arteshban Al-Badr. Now the real test of mettle would commence as the lay of the land favoured Rome.

            When asked his opinion, the Arteshban said simply;
            "It will be like all battles my Sultan; too bloody, too lengthy and too costly."
            In a thoughtful mood, he recieved messengers bringing news from England, China and the Ottoman Empire. The declaration of war against Rome by England and China was very well recieved, and return messengers thanking for the support and welcoming them to the battlefield were sent within the hour.

            From the Ottomans came word that the Russians were no longer a nation or tribe to be counted among the living. A large number of Muslim faithful were on the way to join Persia after being given a chance to redeem themselves. This gesture was of likeness to the agreement between Persia and Holy Roma to give those of true faith, who had endured poor quarter among barbarians, the possibility to make a home where they wanted to. A reply was sent promising that for the gesture of good will and friendship displayed by Ottoman forces, any Roman who wished to leave for Ottoman lands after the war would be free to do so.


            • #51
              Catalunya is in disarray after the Gran Duquessa was removed from power by Generalissima Ines and the Catalunyan army who returned to Valencia after conducting the successful military operation in Africa against Rome. Catalina has been placed in house arrest in her chambers within the Royal Palace of Valencia, while the day to day leadership of Catalunya is now being handled by Generalissima Ines and the military.
              La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


              • #52
                The Nether continue to spout the twisted version of reality the seem to so fervently believe. Far more concerning are the rumors of a coup in Spain.


                • #53
                  Arteshban Ilderim reports:

                  Bactra believers sent across the river have found and destroyed several farms and pastures. Part of the company guard a large quantity of food back to our camp. Just before dawn, a large force of praetorian reinforcements from the southern hills were ambushed and utterly destroyed, discovering siege equipment carried in their supplywagons. Getting this back to camp will bolster our attack against their walls, adding insult to injury when we use their own weapons against them.

                  The fleet is spread out to ward off any attempts to gather food from the fishing grounds outside the city. Having already sunk several galleys attempting to reach the city. They are now truly under siege from all four sides, and nothing can enter the city without our notice. A good start my Sultan.


                  • #54
                    Called to the tents of Arsalan from overseeing the bombardment, Ilderim stepped inside and made a graceful bow. Noting the silence he looked up to see his leader pacing the middle ground between reclining seats and the table decked with scrolls and other parchment. A fresh message lying on top of the sandmap, partly flattening the southern wall and scattering wooden pieces representing defenders and the besieging fleet. Waiting long moments, he contemplated making a cough to announce himself politely when he was bidden to rise, his obeisance acknowledged.

                    Standing with feet firmly planted and hands resting on the pommels of his two swords, it was a strange line of inquiry that was set before him. Knowledge of the Spanish military leaders, tactical differences between the men and women, who was ambitious, who saw value in gold and who saw value in men, who could be trusted, who was their best, who was their worst, how did their army percieve them? Answering to the best of his ability, sending for veteran soldiers and scouts that had dealings with the Spanish army, many hours were spent gathering the extensive merit, experience and ability of one Generalissima Ines.


                    • #55
                      The siege of Nidaros and the reign of King Karl by Netherlands Kingdom Royal Historian

                      After the war with England, which was mostly a Naval war where Netherlands suffered heavy losses and lose almost the entire fleet, and evil Minister Selashen was thrown from power.

                      The new King of Netherlands, King Karl is crowned, and he set to work to repair the damage done to the economy of the country by Selashen's foolish policies. He reinstates slavery and replenishes the ranks that have been depleted by barbarian wars. He sells off the colonies that are not profitable and a burden to the Kingdom.

                      This gains favor with the Celtic barbarians and is a necessary evil, because Netherlands Kingdom is depending on their seafood for trade. Also the Celtia navy and Army has grown powerful under Brennus II, and Netherlands is in position to anger them. There is another enemy that is closer and must be defeated.

                      The Viking Norsemen to the North violated Netherlands trust long ago by founding Tonesberg just across the Baltic sea, right on the Netherlands border. This act has gone unpunished for millennia, but no longer. The King leads a force into the North, across the sea to the gates of Nidaros, through the frost-bitten mountains. The plan is to trick the Viking barbarian lord, Ragnar II to rally his forces to the Capital and then quickly capture the eastern Viking city, Upsala. Once Nidaros is cut off from their only source of metal the siege will be much easier.

                      This is actually the plan first thought of by Selashen, and put into motion by the capture of the Viking city Haibathu, shortly after Barbarian Lord Ragnar II took over. However, after taking heavy casualties taking the Viking city, Selashen became mired in a culture war with the English Queen and lost focus, eventually losing too many forces fighting barbarians and founding New World colonies leaving not enough to finish off the Vikings. Even once more volunteers were trained to fight the Vikings at last, Selashen changed his mind and attacked the old enemy France instead, as a misguided attempt to join the Holy crusade called for by the Holy Roman Pope.

                      Then the final blow came with the English surprise Naval attack simultaneous with the Holy Roma surprise attack at Paris. In one blow, the Army and Navy of Netherlands Kingdom was decimated. This was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Long hidden in the shadows, Karl, emerges to take his rightful place. He is last known descendant of the line of Christofoor and his son Christiaan and grandchildren Christiansen and Kirsten.

                      King Karl temporarily suspends the Caste system and puts back in place the ancient slavery system and rebuilds the Netherlands Navy. When England Navy sees this, they retreat to hide in their harbors and stop threatening the Netherlands coast and fisheries. With the seas once again clear and safe, Netherlands can resume the plan to attack the Vikings, and to do it, Netherlands has developed under the guidance of King Karl, powerful new weapons.

                      First, King Karl sends in the Sons of Johannes to asses the defenses. From their reports he realize that there can be no siege of such a powerful Capital, walled city without the Catapults. So he orders Netherlands scientist to discover this technology. Then, he knows that to execute the surprise attack on Upsala he will need a new kind of soldier, one that is fast as a chariot but even more powerful. Netherlands has heard legends of the Greek Knights, but the technology needed to craft such armor is far away. Something is needed now. So King Karl ingeniously combines the skill of his Archers with the horses from his charioteers and develops the Horse Archer.

                      Now he has the speed and the siege engines, but he needs something else. Power, to smash the Viking lines and strike terror in their hearts. Everyone fears the legendary Greek Knights, but as said before, this technology is far away. But wise King Karl imports a strange fearsome beast from the faraway jungles of Africa, from deep in the one of the few regions in the world where Netherlanders have not set foot. This gigantic beast is called "Elephant" and King Karl has an idea that these animals can be trained to be fierce war-mounts. And thus, the world comes to know the War Elephant.

                      Now the Kingdom of Netherlands is ready to sack the Viking cities at last, but suddenly, the greedy English decide to try to capture Viking cities to hold for ransom. Elizabeth hopes to ransom the Viking cities to entice Netherlands to abandon the new world so that greedy England can have it all. This is ridiculous of course, and Netherlands continues with the invasion plan, but now there is a race to Upsala, and England wins. Still the brave Netherlands army crosses the mountains and lays siege to Nidaros, bringing the walls of the mighty city down after a long bombardment. Any and all Viking soldies that attempt to flee or to retake Upsala are cut down as soon as they leave the city by the Netherlands swords or trampled by the mighty elephants. The SoJ are busy too, hijacking all trade caravans and merchants attempting to move within the city, sending gold to feed and pay for the Army expedition.

                      But soon, wise King Karl realizes that this is not enough, this siege is costing too much money, and the English have already taken Upsala. It is time to bring the men home and devise another plan. Netherlands can not afford the mistakes of Selashen and overextend the economy again. And then a surprise! Inspired by the end of the War and the wisdom of wise King Karl, the heavily Dutch Paris renounces Holy Roman rule and claims membership under the Netherlands Kingdom, their true liberators from the yoke of France. A convention between Netherlands and Holy Roma is immediately convened, and terms are agreed for the peaceful transition of Paris to Netherlands Kingdom.

                      Statues of King Karl are erected all over Netherlands Kingdom in honor of this glorious achievement. Paris, long the bane of Netherlands, has finally been subdued under Netherlands control!
                      "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                      • #56
                        While Gran Duquessa Catalina is still placed in house arrest in the Royal Palace of Valencia, the Generalissima Ines has declared war on Portugal to free Catalunya of the Portuguese yoke, and to reclaim the honour of the Ducal House of Catalunya. The Generalissima is personally leading the siege of Lisbon.

                        La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                        • #57
                          Sultan Arsalan has this message sent to all tribes:

                          I hereby declare war against Portugal, giving unyielding support to Generalissima Ines and Spain in their time of strife. Let it be said that I know Spain has suffered grave insults from Ricardo of Portugal, to which Catalina has followed THEIR faith and turned the other cheek -only to suffer even more insults, too vile to speak of in this public message!- and the war that now rages on between them is in my eyes a just cause for the actions of Generalissima Ines on behalf of Spain as a whole.

                          It is hoped that Spain returns to a peaceful reign for a thousand years afterwards, should Portugal choose the wiser course to end this war. After all, Portugal is still counted a civilized nation, a tribe that has stood for thousands of years to this day. But the actions of Ricardo is cause for concern, and I hear rumours of dealings with barbarian tribes, akin to what the King of Nether has sullied his nation with these past years. Waging war on the one hand and giving away settlements freely -with advanced weapons and knowledge therein- with the other. What does this mean to a civilized nation and the neighbours around? I shall say no more, and let you consider this on your own.

                          Peace be upon you.

                          -Sultan Arsalan
                          Last edited by Persia (DoB); July 12, 2013, 22:33.


                          • #58
                            Greece has joined their Spanish brothers against the Portuguese sickness. We can not allow this falling to decay kingdom to ever threaten our Christian Spanish brothers. We will protect and aid the Spanish in whatever way they ask us to.


                            • #59
                              To the Holy Romans, we ask you if you can return the Greek city that has just joined your kindom illegally, we can not have some local extremist decide the faith of the city.

                              We thank you in advance,


