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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 10 - January 2013]

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  • #46
    War and Peace

    The incompetent and untrustworthy German Leadership has been expelled.

    Allemanni the 1st Successor to the nation of Alèmania greets General Ivan, representative to Czar Konstantin Simonovich, on bended knee.
    "Great general, let us discuss terms for peace."

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    "Rise, Allemanni the 1st, let us discuss this as men, as equals. I have a table and chairs prepared along with food from my homeland and wine found in stashes in cellars of the more influential of your tradesmen. Please, sit. With the recent warm welcome by your people I would be disrespectful to not offer you courtesy in return."

    Allemanni goes to the table where a place is made opposite General Ivan. Wine served and food set on platters beside each of them. A large space on the table between the men is taken up by a large parchment in the dual writings of both Alèmanian and Russian handwriting. It stands unfinished, with Scriveners ready to add terms as the men talk.
    "I have given the terms before, and will repeat them so as to avoid misunderstanding and clear the path to a Peaceful resolution."

    Ivan motions to the writing:
    "Here is written that for the offence against Russia, Alèmania will give up Frankfurt settlement, either in whole or by abandonment, to Russia proper."

    Allemanni the 1st frowns, as Ivan continues:
    "However, as the people of Alèmania were both courageous, valiant and ultimately friendly after their leadership dispersed, my Czar has given me leave to discuss reparations to your people. As the conflict began we were after blood and reactions, but our reception was tempered by the actions and friendly nature of those we believed to be nigh-barbaric in their temperament and silence. We have wounded you, and taken hold of one of your largest cities thus giving way to farmers from Caroli Magni to boldly grip the lands that were in contest between you and them."

    Eyes widen in Allemanni's face as the General speaks:
    "We still demand Frankfurt, but for the measure of error, and our apparent miscommunication, Russia is prepared to release your people from Frankfurt without bloodshed."

    Ivan takes a sip of the cup, waiting for Allemanni the 1st to respond.


    • #47
      War and Peace

      The graciousness of the General and of the offer that was on the table was not overlooked by Allemanni the 1st Successor. The terms were none the less very hard to swallow, but he was more furious at his predecessor and his bumbling of relations with his neighbours than with the actual terms themselves. The terms were fair, altruistic even.
      "General Ivan, I accept these most gracious terms of the Rus Empire. Your treatment of the Alèmanian people will live on in history as a true showing of grace and honour. This will not be forgotten."

      The Scriveners went to work at a signal from General Ivan.
      "My Czar was ever curious about the way your people behaved themselves. By the teachings of Allah we look for a good deed to erase a bad one. I believe we may come to be friends once more. Thus our terms have been softened, and an opportunity presents itself."

      The two scriveners neared completion, one for each language, deftly twirling their writing twigs dipped in ink.
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      "By signing this, you will proclaim DoMyWill and agree to the Czar's terms of immidiate peace. Copies will be sent to every tribe so they know what we have done. After Frankfurt is delivered, the city of Munich will be returned to your rule. But one thing, before you sign; Will you abandon Frankfurt to be destroyed, or hand it to us? There is a difference, and not a small one at that."

      Ivan looked upon Allemanni and waited upon his answer.
      "General Ivan. You will find that the city has been turned over to your Czar already. Frankfurt can be claimed by your empire at any time and in fact before these negotiations even began. We understood your terms from your past declaration and knew it was the only, and conveniently, the right thing to do. The past behaviour of the German Empire can only be described as an embarrassment to its people. I can assure you that the Alèmannian Empire will rule with grace."

      And with that Alemanni the 1st Successor leaned over the DoMyWill Proclamation, signed it, stood up to shake the hand of General Ivan, took one step back and gave a quarter bow with his hands firmly at his sides to show his respect. General Ivan signs with a flowing movement of his hand, grabs the hand of Allemanni in a firm grip, steps back and salutes, fist over heart, and formally ends the Peace talks by saying:

      "May this incite a reign of perpetual peace between our lands."


      • #48
        Qin received the next petitioner this evening with disinterest. It becomes tedious at best to hear of anotherman’s complaint about his neighbour over and over 200 times. This illusion that he cares about his people,rather than where his next blood meal was coming from, was a chore. He granted ruling and favors as his advisors recommended but he had no interest.

        After 6 hours he called for the emptying of the palace chamber. The remaining 50 or so people protested. They were quickly herded awayby Qin’s Guard. Qin retreated to his dungeon under the palace and fed to his content. Children were the best. Their blood was free of the poisons of age. Itwas pure and clean. He had to be careful though – if he took too much they expired or became a monster too hideous to kill except by staking and burning. Finally after two hours, his thirst was satisfied. Only one young innocent had not lived. The translucent white body was quickly tossed into the pottery kilns.

        Qin the Eternal Emperor had not been out during the day in 100 years. He spent nearly all his hours inside the palace during the night and resting during the day in the dungeon,in a lightless room. The sunlight pierced his very soul with pain. It was hard to describe the agony of a thousand pins being rotated into hisskull.

        At select times he was given food in front of his citizens. Today it was boiled dog with roasted milkweed covered with a rice pilaf. It was to satisfy the rumors that he was not human. His palace cooks were so happy when they saw him eat but it was a sham. It was all he could do not to vomit immediately but he kept it down for an hour before he took the medicine that purged the normal sustenance from his body.

        He vomited and shat for an hour in waves of nausea. When finally empty he was famished. He wanted to tilt anyone’s head to expose their jugular and suck their life blood. He controlled himself and waited for the moment to retreat to below the palace. His confidents and most trusted advisors had a ready supply of orphans and slaves. The recent plague in the quarry lands had caused many of his workers to fall victim. He sent his Guard to protect the orphaned villagers of Tibet while they travelled to Beijing. It was only a cover.

        Each day Qin heard the news from afar, that gradually came closer. The barbarian hordes were tamed except on the seas. The settlers sent in trust to Aiko for a journey to the far lands to the south were reported to be slaughtered at the hands of pirates. The barbarian city of Tartar had fallen to the steadily encroaching Ottomans. Their armies had taken what he had failed to do. The silent Persians in the south had erected close to his borders. They said they meant peace but he wondered if his silent neighbour was up to more devious plans. The Arabs had settled Australia stopping any possibility of expansion. To his north Qin ordered the settlement of Outpost Charlie to claim the rich fields of stone to quarry. Now He had more rocks than he knew what to do with. If only it was money he thought. He had no money for his wise guys. They complained bitterly to the point that he ordered his chief scientist to be hung upside down until his blood was too heavy for his heart to pump. In thenight Qin had silently drained him. Noone had complained since. It still worried Qin though. He had all his available workers in the countryside erecting cottages to encourage trade. Had it not been for the spread of Islam from Arabia his people would be more rebellious but for the first time in many years his citizens were happy and proliferating. If only he could expand his country’s borders to support them.

        Far to the west Qin heard about revolts and executions of leaders of France, Germany and even the Ottomons. He knew well that he needed to keep his people happy.

        Qin wondered how his wife Aiko was. He had not heard been with her in a longtime. He had started to think that her true allegiance was to Ainu and the Japanese long dead. It was time for his Japanese neighbor to appoint a new leader so his eternal partner could return to him.
        Last edited by China (DoB); January 27, 2013, 13:17.


        • #49
          Far to the North of Japanese territory, in the hills above the river village of Kawamura, workers toil under guard. In the midst of road construction the workers recieve orders to gather at the camps and take up arms. No sooner do they reach their camps before the terrible yell of the barbarian horde is heard: "EGHE SKIHK ELIH FHOR BAN NAAAAH!"

          The loyal axes of Nishikyo - honor bonded to Aiko herself - take up a defensive line with shields. Many fall in the first attack, but the barbarian have no discipline or training - with Kenshi Bloodfist at the front they charge down the hill to have at the barbarians! Fierce fighting erupts as the archers retreat to let a band of club-wielding warriors to the front! In mere minutes, Aiko's Axes have the warriors in a desperate retreat, cutting them down to the last man. From the top of the hill they hear an unmistakable noise - the whistle of more arrows! - desperate men throw themselves to the ground to cover behind dead men, others form up in twos and threes providing better cover, but the hail of arrows cut down their numbers greatly. Kenshi breaks off an arrow jutting out from his left thigh. "AXES! For the honor of AIKO!" he screams and his men follow suit: "FOR AIKO!" "FOR AIKO!" "FOR AIKO!"

          They charge uphill to face their foes, blood demanding blood, and they come upon the top of the hill only to see their foes running down to the forest-filled valley below. "COWARDS!" Kenshi yells and leap forward in pursuit! His men being tired yet disciplined, willing to follow into the jaws of death itself, make him desperate to finish the fight swiftly. Knowing full well that retreating will have them at the mercy of the archers, and no barbarian was ever known to possess mercy.

          They run down to the mouth of the valley and laughter arises in front of them. On both flanks they see archers stepping out from behind cover, and in front of them is the most grim sight of all: fresh barbarian axemen, grinning wickedly and shouting insults. Kenshi halts his men. The shouting of the enemy lessens.

          For a moment.. a deadly silence hangs in the air.

          Kenshi turns his head slightly, speaking to his men: "Ryu, take your men right. Kasuga, take your men left. The rest of you, with me. FOR AIKO! FOR AIKO! FOR AIKO!" and they charge into the sharp metal teeth of the barbarian beast as one man, bent on destroying their foe or die trying!

          Rushing their foe head-on, Kenshi can hear the screams of his men taken down by arrows, but his focus is on the man in front of him. A brute standing a full head higher than Kenshi with black eyes and a bristling beard, hefting a double-edged battleaxe. He tears into him and with a burst of speed sidesteps the incoming blow and digs deep into the knee of his opponent, whose scream is abruptly cut off as Kenshi chops off his head, dodging a second attacker to shoulder-slam a third, forcing the third man to fall and take two other men with him, their weapons entangled. On the return motion Kenshi ducks down instinctively and on bended knee brings his axe around in a sweeping motion halted only by the belly of his second opponent. Around him he can hear his brothers in arms go down one by one with cries of "AIKO!" and he knows the battle is lost as he becomes surrounded by six men.

          As he slowly turns, one eye on the reflection of his iron axe, his ears pick up another sound, the sound of horses! "God, no. They can't have horses" he thinks, and sure enough, the faces of his opponents betray uncertainty. One of them looking over his shoulder, another changing his stance, making a half-step backwards. Cries from behind them cause a momentary gap in their ring, and Kenshi moves like a snake between them, shoulderslamming one and beheading another, running towards the yells and thundering noise of horses, no, chariots! Peacekeepers! Yes! The Peacekeepers are finally here! He runs toward the battle and joins the fray, making short work of the remaining foes, joined by several of his best men. He grabs a torch and signals the Peacekeepers to join him and his men.

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          The battle is over, but the butcher's bill was high this time. Too high. It was no mistake now, the barbarians were on the move. Messages are sent to the villages and cities, to China and the Ottomans:

          "Defend, defend, defend. The barbarians are back."
          -recorded in the library of Nishikyo, 380 AD, in the year of laughing monkeys.
          Last edited by Japan (DoB); January 27, 2013, 18:07.


          • #50
            The city of Munich was renamed Konstantinople by unanimous calls from the citizens after it was returned to Alèmania. The newly formed Konstantinople Beschützer company replaced the numerous Russian troops leaving the city and soon after they left, the city prepared for the coming winter with surplus grain coming from the fields around Volgaria. At the same time, Frankfurt was ordered by decree of the Czar to be renamed Ivansburg after General Ivan's successful campaign against Alèmania.

            When news of the rebuilding of Konstantinople became common knowledge, many men volunteered to aid the Alèmanian city. What came to be known as the Three Thousand Faithful were soon within reach of the farms around Konstantinople, and they began working at once. Tilling new fields and rebuilding farmsteads to house new families of farmers for years to come.

            A sadness gripped the workers however, across hills, plains and mountains where tears fell like rain after Czar Konstantin Simonovich, known as the Implacable Altruist, was pronounced dead from old age.

            The Czar is dead.
            The Czar is dead.
            The Czar is dead.

            His son Anton Konstantinovich was not yet old enough to ascend to the throne, and his mother Katarina Konstantinskaia thus became the first interim Czarina of the Rus Empire.

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            Long live the Czarina!
            Long live the Czarina!
            Long live the Czarina!
            Last edited by Russia (DoB); February 3, 2013, 15:33. Reason: corrected cityname


            • #51
              Reports from the new world were positive. NewFoundLand was set to grow at a rapid pace due to the abundance of deer and other game, and further to the south, Spanish immigrants from York had founded Nuevo York on lands that, once improved, would rival its namesake--the commercial and production hub of York. As expected, barbarian raiders had approached and attacked, but their warriors armed with crude cudgels and clubs were no match for the battle hardened veteran English axemen wielding deadly iron blades.


              • #52
                She lounges on the river bank close by her favourite pleasure cabin, listening to the slow sussuration of waves when Kenshi, recently promoted to Personal Honor Guard, walks up beside her, settling down with his legs half-crossed.

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                "Any news from Byzantium and France?"

                "No, Empress."

                "It has been too long. Prepare messengers to deliver these words."

                A message is delivered to every tribe capable of reading, and to those unable to read the following message is spoken:

                Her Highness, Protector of Japan, Guardian of the East, Wife of Eternal Emperor Qin, speaks these words:

                I respect the faith of other tribes, especially after the great plague that ushered in a new age for my people. I follow my people in the faith of Christ, and pray for God to aid my people should I ever disappear from my place as Empress, protector and guide to their actions. Know that my eyes are not shut tight against mundane matters opposed to the radiant glory of God. I am well aware of human nature, more so when considering the barbarian horde whose grudge rival only that of a certain tribe with a numerous line of addle-brained, inbred kings.

                Especially to the tribes of France, Byzantium and Persia do I give these words - even with the opposition and neglect in the past - I am still capable of putting aside differences and begin the careful first steps of negotiation to build new steps of trust between us.

                I want to give aid if you wish to accept it. This is a hard lesson I learned from the plague. Those closest can disappear if not for the care, love and cooperation of those around them. Many of you have already established good relations with Japan, and this message is for all to hear; I cherish all of humankind and seek a strong friendship and unbreakable bonds of trust to be continually constructed for all time.

                To the Queen of England and her people do I reach out with congratulations on the settlement of the New World, along with supportive statements to the Spanish and Celts who appear to cooperate with you in this grand journey. To the King and Queen of Nether I bow my head in respect for your hard work and success in the establishment of good relations with France. To the Czarina of Russia do I send heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your husband and leader, as well as congratulations on reaching a good accord with Germany. To Rome I give thanks for the continued presence of my people in the quarters provided since the Chasers of Sunset passed through your lands.

                To Greece I make remarks of wonder upon the news of your Great Library, I wish to visit this remarkable construction when the road to the west becomes safer. Porto is in our prayers after they had broken relations with France, and I wish to know on behalf of my people if your holy site is still safe. To Caroli Magni do I express surprise and interest upon the news of your defences being bolstered to the degree that none now have any hope of taking your cities unless prepared to suffer losses of a tenfold nature. To China I will travel shortly after news reach me of new villages constructed with many marketplaces and trade improvements. To Persia goes awe and respect on the news of your extended network of 14 cities across the known world. Arabia is welcomed to our southern shores and there is great interest in good relations with your tribe. Ottomans have our thanks for being a great shield to our friends in the west and a friend in many forms ever since you left the age of silence in which Byzantium still resides.

                May your days be plentiful and filled with good fortune.
                -recorded in the library of Osaka, 390 AD, the year of strong oxen.
                Last edited by Japan (DoB); January 29, 2013, 10:31.


                • #53
                  The year 410 AD marks the beginning of a glorious time for the Rus Empire. After many years of learning from the very best of teachers, Anton Konstantinovich is ready to ascend the throne in the Grand Czar Palace of Moscow, thus claiming his place as rightful leader of Russia.

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                  Long live the Czar!
                  Long live the Czar!
                  Long live the Czar!

                  He begins his reign with a message sent out to all neighbouring tribes - Byzantium, Holy Roman, Ottoman, Norse and Alemannia:

                  Peace upon your lands, noble leader.

                  I look forward to many years of good relations with all of you. To complete a bond of trust between our lands, I offer positions on my council of advisors to those of you who would like to honour me with your words of wisdom. I will keep these positions open for the next ten years, after which I will conclude that you are happy with our relations as they are. Peace be upon you.

                  Czar Anton Konstantinovich of the Rus Empire.


                  • #54
                    The Viking fleet sailed along the tundra coast they had arrived at. The forests were cold, the earth infertile. Jokingly the sailors called it "The Wineland", due to the rumors of rich warm lands beyond the frozen wastes. Regardless of such issues, they had found new lands, following the path that the English had sailed only months earlier. And though for now the coast was inhospitable, as they sailed southwards along the coast, a warmer wind seemed to greet them. The magic of Hardrada had worked, and that gave the men faith.

                    The Vikings had sailed to the edge of the waters of Ice Island and regathered the entire fleet. The dissenting captains had been called back with orders to join the funeral of the late King, Ragnar. The entire fleet was gathered in the night, the moon was a drunken full fool grinning at them and the north star sparkled clearer than ever. Then, as was Viking tradition, the dead King was laid to rest in a longboat with all his wordly goods, his axe in his hands, his helmet on his head, his chest covered in chainmail, and his fingers wore silver and gold rings gained through clever trades or cunning raids. The King's corpse lay on a pile of dry wood and straw. In the boat a live lamb lay tied, along with two kegs of ale and mead.

                    Prince Hardrada personally pushed the boat from the rail of the longship, and it slid slowly north and east with the current. Then Hardrada gave the signal and the drums - dull, deep, began beating, slow sweep, hollow heaving. Hardrada then turned to his men and said aloud in the cold starbright night on the waves.

                    Originally posted by Hardrada
                    Tonight I will call upon the ancient runes, upon the traditions and magic that are the deepest secrets. I call upon the god of Odin to bless our voyage, to let his 8-legged steed when it comes to gather my father to the kingdom of the warriors, to draw his boat through a path in the unpassable ice. Yet our gods do not give freely, and so we will pay the price. To Odin we give, a warrior King, died in battle and all his riches, sent to Valhalla on a stair of fire in the desolate icy waters of the north! Furthermore I give to Odin the betrayal of two good friendships! - here he held up the open borders agreements written between the Viking people and the Nether and the Celts and tied them to an arrow. I give also an eye! -he then proceeded to press the arrow into his own eye until the barbs had disappeared into the white. With gritted teeth and blood pouring, coloring his beard red, he yanked the arrow out, pulling his eyeball from its socket. He screamingly announced: HEAR ME ODIN! TAKE OUR SACRIFICE, LEAD US TO RICH WARM LANDS AND OPEN PASTURES!
                    He then gave the arrow to a bowman on the ship, who set the papers to fire, then drew his bow and let the burning arrow draw an arc of light across the blackened sky. Moments later the late King's last ship began to burn, slowly, smoke rising skywards. As it did, an eerie green light began to form in the heavens, and a cold wind picked up. The small boat began drifting westwards, against the current, and many who were there swear they heard the hoofs of two horses approaching, though no horses were there. The order was given and the fleet began sailing after the beacon of fire. For many hours in the dark, the floating pyre could be seen on the horizon, in the north, then west, then south. The Viking fleet followed it with trepidation. Then suddenly, as the lights of the night were becoming overshadowed by the rising sun, the small burning boat was lost. Then a lookout shouted, I see the light! But it is in the east and there are many of them! As the day grew stronger, the Vikings could see that the lights belonged to a tiny settlement on freezing soil. Hardrada looked at it then told the ships to sail west. They had passed the English outpost of the ice. They had crossed the icy waters, the new world lay in their path.


                    • #55
                      Work resumes on the plains between Kawamura and Nishikyo. Farms are built and rice paddies tended while half the workforce go about the continued construction of the great Katsumi Road through these untended lands. On the hills above the workers, warriors with stone clubs and the elite Bloodfist company of axes kept an eye on the surrounding area. There is peace upon the lands after Peacekeeper forces kept the barbarians running north at speed. They were expected to return in the morning, and as the evening drew to a close, everyone was happy with a good day's work well done.

                      After darkness fell, the screams began..


                      • #56
                        King Louis XXXII the Benevolent is dead. Long live King Louis XXXIII.

                        The Oracle had predicted a great many successes to King Louis XXXII's reign, but the Oracle's erratic predictions came true only in the most damaging way possible.

                        While King Louis XXXII's high priest advisors made a deal usurping the King's political power, his true followers soon pointed out that the Oracle only sought peace with the English so their borders would be secure to allow them to finish the construction of the Shwedagon Paya. In so doing a schism was created between those hailing the war efforts, and those wishing to construct the finest of wonders to glorify God.

                        The reclusive King had managed to alienate most of his people when they asked for guidance and more food, only to have inferior wine dropped on their heads from the Palace walls. It was said that he spoke the words "Let them drink wine!" and it became a common phrase in the households of France. For no apparent reason other than sensing that the King's support with the people were weak, his son hatched a plan to assassinate the King, making it out to be an overlooked Spy in their midst.

                        The plot failed but the King died in the confusion, and his son was set on the Golden throne to be hailed as King Louis XXXIII!

                        The expected English invasion had still not materialized as the English were in hiding after the last war and were focusing more on leaving the old world and travel to the new. This suited France well, since more espionage was uncovered and enlisting was quadrupled for many years to seek out those who would not look the King straight in the eye and admit to the horrible number of men spying on his land. Lists were given out to any who wanted to seek out foreign spies and deal harshly with them, but only if they were dealt with harshly. Several men died in the course of this investigation, making the King out to be the most adamant in his pursuits and he came to be called King Louis XXXIII the Omniscient.

                        The great merchant Zhang Qian was born in Paris and led a life of wonder seeking out the ways and wonders of other tribes. Many requested his services but his ways were ever to travel on, and so far none have given him an offer that he could not refuse.

                        The Greek had seen fit to boldly ask for the services of Zhang Qian, but with the recent betrayal and broken promises, it was extremely doubtful that he would do so much as sneeze upon a Greek merchant, never mind actually try to bargain with one. A plain message was sent to the Greek authority, and with the following silence the Greeks had near sealed their fate as a tribe that France would never trust again. The King did hope that once a new leader was known to rule them a renewed attempt at negotiations could occur, but few believed this to ever be possible.

                        King Louis XXXIII holds on to the reign of France with a firm grip and numerous eyes in a world where change was predicted by the Oracle on a daily basis, causing much confusion for the people trying to keep up with the frequent edicts made by the King on the Oracle's behest.


                        • #57

                          The Sub-Chieftain looked down from the hill. The plains were still void of any life.

                          But he knew he had not pushed his men through a long, sleepless night in vain. The report of barbarian activity would be accurate. The source was reliable. "They" would arrive shortly.

                          He looked down the long row of chariots to his right. He gave the order to stand-down and rest. His horses and men would be ready when the time arrived.

                          He would not fail the Empire, or the Empire's friends.
                          Last edited by Ottomans (DoB); February 4, 2013, 20:09.


                          • #58
                            After many years of peace following the war against Alemania, Anton dies in his bedchamber surrounded by his close family.

                            The Czar is dead.
                            The Czar is dead.
                            The Czar is dead.

                            Yakov Antonovich takes over as Czar after the passing of his father.

                            Click image for larger version

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                            Long live the Czar!
                            Long live the Czar!
                            Long live the Czar!

